Layman System

Chapter 2076: Magnetic field position

As soon as the people around Zhou Dong saw this scene, they became nervous and quickly surrounded Zhou Dong. After all, this was the task the Red Dragon gave them before they came in.

Zhou Dong asked strangely about Song Aolong's sudden approach.

"Could it be that this is how your entire family meets guests?"

Song Aolong fully understood that Zhou Dong might have misunderstood his meaning and quickly explained it.

"You may have some misunderstanding what I mean. It's not that I don't want you to enter the magnetic field. In fact, this magnetic field was sealed by our lead singer a long time ago. No one of us knows where it is now."

Not knowing what the situation was, Hong Long suddenly walked in and happened to hear what Song Aolong was saying.

Suddenly he became furious and said loudly.

"Didn't you make it clear that you are playing with us? We came in and wasted such a long time, and actually told us that you don't know where the magnetic field is. You don't know, who knows it?"

Zhou Dong was stunned by Red Dragon’s words. What was the situation? How did he come in. He looked at Red Dragon strangely. Red Dragon saw Zhou Dong’s expression and knew what he was wondering. Talking.

"It's not a matter of considering these things now. Let's go out later. I'll tell you again. Let's get to the magnetic field."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong nodded his head, turned his head and looked at Song Aolong, wondering what was going on.

The little girl also realized at this time that things were not as fun as he thought, because he had never seen his father so helpless.

Some feared hiding behind Zhou Dong's legs, secretly watching what happened.

Song Aolong looked at Honglong with anxious eyes, and said helplessly.

"I really don't intend to play with you. I also want to sit down and talk to you about these things. After all, my daughter is still in your hands. I can't make fun of my daughter's safety."

Zhou Dong really thought about it, and it felt like this was indeed the case, no matter how long he had a sense of mission, he couldn't make fun of his own flesh and blood.

Nodded to express understanding.

"I can understand your mood now, but we really have to enter the magnetic field. If we don't enter, we will encounter a lot of trouble, so can you think of the approximate location of the magnetic field?"

Song Aolong was really helpless about this, Zhou Dong said nervously when he saw his expression.

"Patriarch Song, it's already some time now, you still have to grind here, we are really going to leave in a while, and no matter what you call us, we will not look back."

Song Aolong glanced at Zhou Dong and said to the tall and thin man.

"Okay, there is nothing for the two of you here. Let me go out. I will talk to them about the next thing. Remember, when we are discussing things, no one is allowed in. No one is allowed to approach."

After listening, the tall and thin two nodded immediately, then turned and left. Zhou Dong looked at Song Aolong strangely and said.

"Can we stop reorganizing these useless ones, and quickly tell us where he is, give us a rough position, and we can find it ourselves."

At this time, the little girl also understood what was going on, and quickly told her father.

"Dad, you see the uncles have said so, so please help them."

Song Aolong was speechless when he heard what his daughter was saying. He really didn't know if his daughter was his own flesh and blood, so he still wanted to help outsiders.

Finally, I thought for a while, and felt that if I didn't do this thing, I'm afraid my daughter would not return to my hands so easily.

He shook his head and said.

"This matter is not my sole responsibility. I will go back and discuss it with our elders. What do you think?"

Zhou Dong felt that this was the only solution, so he nodded and agreed. Song Aolong saw that he had left here directly, leaving them alone in the entire large conference room.

Then Zhou Dong looked at Honglong strangely and asked.

"Big brother, how did you get in here? I was shocked by your sudden words just now, and I didn't understand what was going on."

Red Dragon smiled triumphantly and explained it.

"You don't understand, right? In fact, there is a very good craftsman in your department. He can pinch the statue like a real person. I think you have been in for so long, so I am a little worried. , So just come in and see what's going on."

Zhou Dong was a little surprised at what Red Dragon said, why he hadn't noticed it before. This person was really hidden.

In this way, they waited for a long time before Song Aolong came back.

Zhou Dong asked as soon as he saw Song Aolong coming back.

"How is it? What did your family say?"

Song Aolong answered Zhou Dong's question with a simple smile.

"I just went back and briefly discussed with my elders. I feel that you can enter and you can give you an approximate position, because we also know that there is a problem with the magnetic field, and the problem is quite serious. Our duty is to guard this place. There is no solution for us, so at present we can only rely on you to help us solve it."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong smiled triumphantly, then turned to look at Hong Long and said.

"Brother, this matter is finally about to be solved, it is not easy for us!"

Hong Long was also more pleased, feeling that thanks to Zhou Dong this time, if he brought this group of people here, he would have no idea what to do.

Song Aolong saw that Zhou Dong and the others had obtained what they wanted, and then it was time for him to state his conditions.

"Okay, since I've done this for you, how about my thing, can I return my daughter?"

After hearing this, Zhou Dong nodded immediately. Of course, there is no problem with these things. What use is it for a father who doesn't eat her daughter to want her daughter?

Slowly squatted down and looked at the little girl.

"Okay, you should hurry back to your father's side. After staying with your uncle for so long, there are some reluctances everywhere, but you can rest assured that if the uncle has time, he will come back to see you. You haven't Take me to see your room."

The little girl also nodded her head very well and answered.

"Good uncle, you must remember that if you promise me, you must come and see me often in the future!"

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