Layman System

Chapter 2077: Open magnetic field

Seeing the little girl so well-behaved, Zhou Dong touched her head silently and said.

"These things that are not problematic are covered by Uncle. I will definitely come to see you when I have time. You have to be obedient at home and never run out alone. That would be too dangerous."

The little girl smiled and then there was nothing to say.

Zhou Dong continued to look at Song Aolong with strange eyes, because he didn't know what way this guy was going to give himself an approximate position.

Of course Song Aolong could understand Zhou Dong's eyes and explained to him.

"Don't worry, what I say is like splashing water. My elders will take you with you. After all, I have never been to such a place, so I don't know where it is."

After hearing this, Zhou Dong nodded and waited quietly. After a long time, all the elders of their Beilong family walked in.

Zhou Dong was stunned on the spot, and he didn't know what was going on there, he looked at Song Aolong in doubt.

Song Aolong looked at Zhou Dong's expression and silently explained.

"Actually, you don’t need to be particularly surprised, because this is the tradition of our family. If you enter the magnetic field, you must have all the equipment present. Otherwise, if something happens, no one can afford the responsibility. of."

Zhou Dong also thought about it seriously at the same time, feeling that it was indeed such a thing, if something really happened, there might be no chance of salvation.

It is still good to have these old people following, after all, they have experienced a lot of ups and downs.

The elders of the Beilong family walked up to Zhou Dong and looked at the young man up and down, because they couldn't just say that an ordinary person was brought into the magnetic field.

Zhou Dong had a strange look in the eyes of these old people. I don't know what happened. How could they come to visit themselves one by one like animals?

Song Aolong was a little worried, Zhou Dong couldn't bear this kind of thing, so he hurriedly explained in his ear.

"Don’t get me wrong about this. After all, my family still pays more attention to the magnetic field. They can’t just take a person in. You must check your identity and then look at you. Is it a reliable one."

Zhou Dong instantly felt that the Beilong family was doing things very carefully, and there was actually such a saying, since they want to execute it, let's cooperate.

Standing there with a particularly well-behaved appearance, soon, the old people nodded and said in recognition of Zhou Dong.

"Okay, since there is nothing wrong, let's go in quickly, we haven't been here for a long time, and I don't know if we can remember it, anyway, we can only give you a rough position."

That was what Zhou Dong was waiting for. They couldn't give anything else they wanted. They still need to do everything by themselves.

For the sake of the little girl's safety, the little girl was returned to their Beilong family.

The moment Song Aolong received his daughter, he was instantly happy. After all, he is the only child in the family, and there is such a daughter down here. If he doesn't love him, who else will he love?

Soon, Zhou Dong and the others were taken to a particularly empty place by these elders. Zhou Dong looked at this place and it didn't seem like there was a magnetic field here.

Suspiciously, he walked up to a senior and asked.

"Senior, it doesn't look like a place with a magnetic field. Did you bring us wrong?"

I saw the old man shook his head and said.

"Our ancestors have lived here for generations. How could we remember the wrong place? This is the magnetic field we have been observing. I must kindly remind you that there are many taboos here. If you touch any taboo, I am afraid you will Nothing has gone out."

Zhou Dong also thought about these issues before coming. After all, this place is not a place where you can enter casually, so if you enter, you must be careful, but don’t make any mistakes, you can’t afford it. of.

Listening to that elder's words very carefully, because there are too many taboos, the group of elders dare not stay here for a long time.

All the instructions given to Zhou Dong were passed, and then everyone evacuated here.

Zhou Dong and Hong Long couldn't help feeling a little chill when they stood in such an empty place.

Hong Long walked to Zhou Dong with some worry and asked.

"Aren't these people kidding us? How come this place looks like a place with a magnetic field? We won't be fooled by them, right."

Zhou Dong also felt this at first, but the more he walked inside, the more he found that it was not like that. If they deliberately teased them, the old seniors would not follow.

It's fine to find a group of people who don't understand and bring them here. Why do they want to personally, and I have told them many times just now.

Once everything is verified, it feels like it's not a lie.

Zhou Dong said, shaking his head.

"I don't think the expressions of their group of people are like lying to us, I think there should be a magnetic field here."

Hong Long still didn't think so. Originally, in his impression, he felt that the magnetic field was high-tech, but he didn't expect it to be such an empty and wilderness place.

And this kind of thing is inaccessible or invisible by oneself, which is a bit uncomfortable. Where should this start? The brain is blank.

Zhou Dong saw something wrong with Red Dragon's expression, knew what he was thinking, and silently explained.

"Did you not hear what they said just now? A long time ago, their ancestors had sealed this magnetic field, so it is normal for you to not see it. If you can see, then something is going on. Isn't it? So these things should come slowly, let's find out the position of the magnetic field first."

There was no other way in Red Dragon's mind. This was also the first step, so he nodded and agreed.

Soon everyone started to split up and it was really difficult to find something in such an empty place.

Seeing that Zhou Dong searched so aimlessly, there was no result, so he might as well enter the system to check.

After thinking about this, I went directly to the system and said to the system.

"System, now it's your turn to play. Help me find out where the magnetic field is. I'm a little bit confused now."

The system is instantly blocked.

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