Layman System

Chapter 2078: new device

How could I know this kind of advanced thing, so he answered dumbly.

"What you are talking about is too high-end, it is not something I can relate to, I feel that you should look for it, and I can't find anything in this area."

After hearing this sentence, Zhou Dong's expression was somewhat condensed. If everything is left to be done by himself, it may take more than ten years to complete.

There are still some who expect the system to give themselves some answers, after all, this guy knows everything.

Said with a requesting expression.

"Don't sell me off. I know what you are like best. Tell me how you look for it. Can you help me be precise? No matter what you ask, I will I promised you."

The system suddenly felt a little helpless. What does this have to do with your own weight requirements? Besides, I am not that kind of person, speaking in a boring manner.

"It's not that I don't want to help you, it's that I really can't do anything. If I can help you, I will try my best. I also want you to complete the task earlier, don't you?"

Zhou Dong felt cold after hearing this. The system couldn't help him, so who else could help him? It's really a headache.

Seeing Zhou Dong's situation, the system quickly added.

"In fact, I really can't do this thing, because this kind of thing can't be accurate to its source. You also heard from their family just now. This range is very large. How can I be an outsider so accurate? Is it accurate? Isn't it?"

Zhou Dong felt that there was no hope anymore, and the whole person fell dejected, not knowing where to start.

The system saw that Zhou Dong's mood had been so depressed, so it said silently.

"Although I can't find the source, I have an instrument that you can use."

Zhou Dong immediately became energetic. I didn't know what the instrument he was talking about, so he asked some expectations.

"You told me earlier, why don't you use this instrument? As long as it can help me find the source of the magnetic field, I will try it."

Seeing Zhou Dong's straightforwardness, the system did not haunt him, so he took out the instrument that could search for the magnetic field.

Zhou Dong glanced at it, and he needed so many vulgar points. He had to think about it. The system saw that Zhou Dong was still hesitating and didn't know whether to take this thing.

Said promptly.

"If you don't buy it for him again, I will withdraw it. It's always displayed here. It's not like that. Think about whether to buy or not. The only way for you is this. I missed it. But no more."

When Zhou Dong heard this, he felt that if he didn't buy it, it would be quite a headache, after all, the source was not found.

He gritted his teeth and bought this instrument back cruelly.

In fact, Zhou Dong also fully understood the purpose of the system, just wanting to exchange all of his vulgar points.

I have already felt thoroughly about the system, but there is nothing I can do if I know this.

After all, this kind of thing must be used, if it is not exchanged, it will affect the subsequent progress.

So after a comprehensive consideration, it is more appropriate.

But the reason for occupying the most in this is that he has no way, and if there is a little way, it will not be so severely controlled by him.

Since there is no alternative, it can only be mortgaged with common points.

The system is very happy now. After all, he has scored a lot of points, just when Zhou Dong is planning to take out his instruments.

The system suddenly yelled.

"You are too careless. Just take it out like this. People don't doubt you anymore. Let me quickly."

Zhou Dong was shocked as soon as he heard it. I don't know what the situation is, why is it so fierce? But as soon as I heard the following words, I understood.

Silently put the exploration instrument there, looked at the system strangely and asked.

"Then what can I do if I don't take it out, I can't use it here either."

The system considered it for a while, and felt that this was indeed something worth studying. Zhou Dong's sign-in system was still thinking about it anxiously.

"Big brother, can you stop thinking about it and think of a way for me now. I'm in a hurry. You said let us delay here for such a long time. Would you please go?"

The system answered helplessly after hearing it.

"It should be like this, then you can only put it in your brain, and when you find it, I will remind you, do you think this works?"

In fact, Zhou Dong didn't believe what the system said. It was because some instruments were put into his brain, would it affect him to a certain extent, and he didn't know whether the measurement was accurate.

Said worriedly.

"Is it a bit too risky for you to do this? I have never done anything like this before. What if he grows in my head? And what can I do if it’s inaccurate in my brain, then Wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

The system feels that Zhou Dong is also quite ridiculous, and now he still suspects that he can say it, that is, there is no problem.

Answered silently.

"You don't even believe me now. What do you say about these things? I have done it many times before. Don't worry, there will be no problems. I will observe you in real time. If there is some trouble, I'll inform you right away, what do you think?"

Zhou Dong didn't look at the system as if he lied to himself and nodded in agreement.

Soon Zhou Dong's brain had the function of a detector, and Zhou Dong's whole body began to function, and he kept walking around.

Hong Long suddenly looked up and found that Zou Dong did not know where he was. He was a little worried, afraid that he might be in danger.

I quickly searched around, only to find that he didn't know what to look down at? There is something strange.

Quicken his pace and walked over to Zhou Dong to see how he dripped? Is there any way to find the magnetic field?

As soon as the red dragon walked over, he asked?

"Brother, I just saw that you were looking for something from a distance. Have you found a way? Tell me quickly."

Zhou Dong was taken aback by Hong Long's words. I don't know when this guy came, and there was no sound from the aisle.

Replied disgustingly.

"You really frightened me. There was no sound even when I walked, and I didn't find a good way. I'm not still trying to see if I can find any information through my eyes."

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