Layman System

Chapter 2087: The girl's true identity

Zhou Dong also had some surprises about this incident, and he never thought that the whole incident would evolve into this state.

Song Aolong was still sitting slumped on the ground now, as if he was stupid, without his own thoughts.

When Zhou Dong saw that they were all like this, he felt that he should not stay here anymore. If he stays any longer, it will have a greater impact on them, what can he do?

After all, most of the bones in it were their family members, quietly squatting in front of the little girl and said.

"It's not the time to ask this, you go back quickly, when we go back, I will talk to you well."

I saw the little girl watching Zhou Dong answer with some doubts.

"Is this the reason why there is a problem with the magnetic field?"

Zhou Dong was taken aback in an instant. He didn't expect that little girls also knew about magnetic fields. Could it be that their family would cultivate this spirit since they were young?

No wonder the group of people rushed in desperately when they saw the danger, and finally found the reason, Zhou Dong continued to pet him and touched his head.

"These things are not something you should ask, you listen to your uncle, go back quickly, don't stay here, it is too dangerous here, if it becomes chaotic for a while, we are not able to protect you ."

The corners of the little girl's mouth rose slightly, and she didn't speak. At this moment, Song Aolong suddenly opened his mouth to explain.

"Do you know who you are talking to? My Patriarch is just a cover. He is the real Patriarch of our Beilong Family."

When Zhou Dong heard these words, some people couldn't believe their ears. How could this be possible? This is completely unreasonable. How can such a small child be the head of the family?

Asked with an incredible face.

"Okay, don't lie to me. How can such a small child be the boss of your family? What's wrong with you now? You're insane."

Song Aolong saw that Zhou Dong didn't believe much in what he said, so he got up and walked over to him, talking as he walked.

"What I said is true. He is the boss of our Beilong family, and I am not his father. All our things are covering for him, and the tasks we have to complete are also He posted it."

Zhou Dong's expression on Song Aolong didn't seem to be fake, he looked at the little girl in surprise, but now the little girl's expression did not change, and she stood there quietly.

Song Aolong continued to talk to Zhou Dong.

"Don't look at his young age, but he is already in his 30s. In order to prevent other families from suspicion, we hid his identity and let me pretend to be the boss of the North Dragon family. He was the instructor behind the scenes. "

Zhou Dong was already getting anxious. He never thought that the little girl's acting skills were so good that he thought he was a child when he first saw him.

He didn't expect that all his things were pretending, and now there are some regrets saying so much to him.

Zhou Dong looked at the little girl with a look of confusion, because he wanted to get the little girl's personal confession, but the little girl did not intend to explain anything, just stood quietly.

When Song Aolong saw the little girl, he quickly went to her and explained it.

"In fact, he was an ordinary person before, but it became like this because of an event. Don't be surprised if you see him like this, because his body can feel the power of the magnetic field."

The more Zhou Dong listened, the more confused he became. I don't know what the situation was. He always felt that this matter was full of deception, and the things inside were all he could not believe. How could this be possible?

Song Aolong continued.

"At this time, I don't need to lie to you anymore. What I said is true. You can understand it after you slowly experience it."

Zhou Dong asked curiously.

"You just said that he can feel the power of the magnetic field, so how could he become so small, and there is no difference from ordinary children?"

After Song Aolong listened, he continued to explain.

"It's because he felt the power of the magnetic field five years ago, so it will be like this. Five years have passed, and nothing has changed in him."

Zhou Dong still didn't understand this matter very well, feeling that the whole thing was like a joke.

He shook his head incredible and said.

"How is it possible? I feel that the whole thing is like a joke. This kind of thing will never happen. Don't deceive me anymore. Just say what you want."

Song Aolong was so old that he couldn't explain it clearly to him. It was really a headache. Looking at him, he had to say something practical.

"Look, I haven't seen the elders of our family. They have been studying this matter for a long time, but there has never been any result. Moreover, our Patriarch is the only person who can feel the concrete changes in the magnetic field. Just like seeing the red light, you all possess superpowers."

Zhou Dong began to believe the whole thing slowly, because what Song Aolong said was so realistic that he had no choice but to believe it.

Song Aolong continued to speak.

"Then this thing was made like this by you, and he can't change back anymore. This is a good thing you did. The reason why I protect our elders so right is because I want him to become normal again. people."

After Zhou Dong heard these words, he felt even more guilty, because the whole thing was caused by himself. If the little girl can't change back now, what should he do?

The more Song Aolong thought about this, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help it. He raised his hand and was about to hit Zhou Dong.

Just when her hand was raised, the little girl suddenly spoke to Song Aolong.

"Stop it, don't you have enough trouble?"

Song Aolong looked at the little girl with an incredible face and felt that he did nothing wrong with this thing. His family was made like this. Isn't he the culprit?

Asked without understanding.

"What are you planning to do? Isn't it because of them that the whole family is destroyed? I kill him now, I don't understand me."

The little girl sighed and answered.

"Forget it, the whole thing is due to our negligence, maybe he has his own reasoning, there is no other good way at the moment, you can only see if he can have a special ability to magnetic fields. , If so, don't we just follow the flow?"

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