Layman System

Chapter 2088: Perceived superpower

Song Aolong heard that this was indeed the case, and slowly nodded and agreed, and his emotions became stable with the incident.

Zhou Dong saw that the two of them didn't know what they were whispering, and was a little strange, so he shouted directly at them.

"What are you doing? Why can't we hear anything?"

The little girl heard Zhou Dong's voice and slowly turned her head and spoke.

"Actually, it's not a particularly big thing. I have already seen that you seem to have some kind of superpower for magnetic fields, and this superpower is still extraordinary. Tell us to see if it is what we imagined."

Zhou Dong was stunned for a while, and he did not expect that the little girl would see that he had superpowers on magnetic fields.

These things must not be told to them truthfully, so he shook his head and said in denial.

"Why don't I understand what you are saying, what is super power? I don't think I have any super power in the workplace. Do you think it is wrong? Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

The little girl answered with a smile while walking.

"Do you think I'm so good to lie like everyone else? Stop pretending, tell all your circumstances, you can tell from your eyes that you are not an ordinary person."

Zhou Dong felt that this little girl was bluffing herself, she just wanted to know how she could feel so accurate, so of course she would not believe what he said, and continued to shook her head and replied negatively.

"You still don't want to say this. I feel that these words you said are what I don't want to hear. Quickly tell me what superpower you have, why can you feel the change of the magnetic field so accurately?"

Zhou Dong continued to look surprised. In any case, he couldn't tell him the truth, so he planned to continue to pretend.

The little girl had seen his thoughts and spoke directly and seriously.

"I forgot to tell you. I am a quick-witted person. If you grind again, I'm afraid I will be rude to you."

Zhou Dong stared at the little girl, feeling as if he was stupid, how could he beat himself with his body.

If you let others see it, you think you're bullying a child, and he speaks with a joking expression.

"Forget it, you don't want to rectify these useless things, I'm afraid I can't get on with you."

Song Aolong was unhappy when he heard Zhou Dong's inferior remarks, and shouted.

"Now you haven't figured out who you are talking to. With you, we can give it to you in minutes and die here, you know?"

The little girl was so excited to see Song Aolong, she couldn't treat a useful person like this.

He said with a particularly angry expression.

"I haven't spoken yet. What are you talking about here? Can you say it after I'm finished? Don't disturb my thoughts."

Song Aolong didn't expect the little girl to turn herself back. This is really too uncomfortable, but people have more power, so they can only obey his orders, silently stand aside, and shut her mouth.

When the little girl saw Song Aolong no longer speaking, she turned her head to look at Zhou Dong and said.

"Okay, it's already the result of this, don't struggle anymore, I can feel a different kind of mortal power in you."

Zhou Dong felt that this matter could not be kept secret, so she acquiesced. The little girl saw that Zhou Dong's emotions disappeared, and she probably guessed it by herself.

Continue to speak proudly.

"Well, did I get it right, but this is the first time I have seen someone like you, why do you have such a superpower?"

Zhou Dong didn't know how to explain these things, and continued to stand silently without speaking.

Hong Long felt that Zhou Dong was too embarrassed now. If he didn't come forward to rescue him in time, he might be standing here dead.

Directly trembled and talked to the little girl.

"You don't need to be curious about these things. See if you have seen the people I brought, each of them has special skills. In our department, they are the special department."

There are some little girls who can't believe what they are hearing, so many people are equipped with special skills, isn't their organization very powerful?

Speaking curiously inside.

"Your department is quite interesting, so what special skills each of them possesses? I have some expectations and want to see what's going on."

Hong Long didn't expect this little girl to be so curious. If he let his group of people come in and show it again, he might not be able to finish it tomorrow.

Explained patiently.

"After doing these things, I still have a chance to let them show you. If you show them to you now, I'm afraid you won't be able to finish them tomorrow."

The little girl had already said so when she saw the red dragon, she couldn't ask too much, after all, they were not under their control.

But after listening to these words, it feels pretty good. After all, the bad faith he has recently received is too much. If there is no good news, it may cause his whole spirit to become depressed.

I was finally relieved in my heart.

On the contrary, Zhou Dong has not been able to get over it at this time, because he saw Luo Huo's body, lying there so lonely, this is a bad feeling in his heart.

If it wasn't for himself, he wouldn't have become like this. Why didn't he come to him in the first place?

He had already calmed down just now, but when he saw the corpse again, his heart must have been ups and downs.

Zhou Dong had never cried before. This time, his tears fell down unconvincingly, and the whole person was close to collapse.

Maybe he will still think of these things in his future life, until then he will always regret it, which will make the inner pressure too much.

At this moment, Zhou Dong suddenly remembered something, remembering that Wang Xinxin had to promise him to take care of Luohun before.

If you let him know that Luoxun has passed away, then his heart will be as devastating as his own.

When the time comes, all the pressure will come to me. How can I face him? The thinking of the brain can no longer keep up.

Anyway, Zhou Dong's current situation is extremely bad, that is, a stupid person is there, not thinking about anything, like a walking dead.

Zhou Dong continued thinking for a while, and said silently in his heart.

"Brother, I am sorry for you."

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