Layman System

Chapter 2099: problem lies in

Zhou Dong just likes to deal with such a minded person, because it can give him a feeling that he is not particularly tired.

If it is the kind of stupid harp, it would be too uncomfortable, no matter how many times he emphasized it, he would not understand it.

Song Ziqi saw Zhou Dong not talking anymore, so she could only ask silently.

"Now things have basically been settled, when do you plan to start work? I need an accurate time. I will prepare well at that time, but I can't make it too sudden."

Zhou Dong hadn't decided on this time yet, so he didn't know how to tell him. When Song Ziqi saw Zhou Dong, there seemed to be something wrong, so she asked.

"What's the matter, haven't you decided on the time yet? You should consider all these things. Hurry up and tell me that I have plenty of time to prepare."

In fact, Zhou Dong wanted to tell him especially, but the system was always ambiguous when it said these things, and didn't tell when.

Song Ziqi continued to watch Zhou Dong waiting for his answer, but something that made him angry happened. No matter how he waited, he didn't speak.

So Song Ziqi was a little anxious and looked at Zhou Dong and said.

"Could you hurry up and tell me these things, you are too boring, you said you came to me to discuss market issues, and the results were discussed? Don’t forget, I’ll help you. Those people have settled it down, and you can give me some sincerity."

The reason Song Ziqi said this was because he didn't feel too much. This was a reaction he didn't want to tell him. As the head of the family who guards the magnetic field, how could he not have the right to know?

So facing him like this, there will be some anger.

When Zhou Dong saw that Song Ziqi was about to collapse, he quickly found an excuse to say.

"Don't worry, it may be because I didn't do a good job in the previous period, so I'll go back and ask my friend quickly, and wait until I've figured out everything, then I will discuss with you."

Before Song Ziqi agreed, Zhou Dong ran out, leaving Song Ziqi alone, not knowing what to say.

Zhou Dong had already gone out at this time, and stood there with a sigh, feeling that this little girl was too difficult to deal with.

I don't know what's wrong with me. When I saw this little girl, I felt a little flustered in my heart. I had never had it before.

Zhou Dong shook his head helplessly, not understanding his current thoughts.

As soon as Zhou Dong returned to the room, he saw Red Dragon. They had sat at the door and waited for themselves, and they all had very curious eyes.

Presumably, he guessed that he had gone to Song Ziqi to discuss the magnetic field early in the morning. When Hong Long saw Zhou Dong coming back, he hurried forward to greet him.

"How's it going? What's the situation now?"

Zhou Dong answered after hearing it.

"Everything is going smoothly so far. Those people who harassed us have been persuaded by Song Ziqi to go back. They will never harass us again."

As soon as Honglong heard this, it was a good thing, and he was happy on the spot.

"This is a good thing. This is the best news I have heard so far. Now I can solve a problem."

Now that there is no problem with this matter, let's talk about one of his concerns this morning.

"Last night I learned that you are going to help them solve the magnetic field. I haven't fallen asleep all night. I suddenly felt that what Han Bing said was reasonable. This matter must be discussed in a long-term, but it can't be sloppy. ."

Zhou Dong didn't quite understand Hong Long's sudden thoughts. He was quite supportive last night. Why didn't he disagree after sleeping all night?

Replied with disgust.

"What's wrong with you lately? It seems to me that it has become mother-in-law. Don't worry. Although this matter is still dangerous, I am sure enough. If I don't even have this certainty, I dare Take this task?"

Zhou Dong also understood Hong Long's mind, he had to say that before he could agree to do it himself.

At the same time, Hong Long was also confused by Zhou Dong's words, standing there with a dazed expression.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Han Bing immediately stood up and asked.

"Since you are sure, then you might as well tell us, let us who are worried about you also know what your assurance is."

Zhou Dong was also conquered by this group of people. If they didn't say it, they would keep asking, which would delay their efforts to do the magnetic field.

So he nodded slowly and answered.

"In fact, the current solution is relatively simple. It is to wait for the magnetic field to release all the red light, and we can push it back in one fell swoop."

Han Bing did not understand what Zhou Dong said, and looked at Red Dragon with a dazed expression. Originally, he thought that Red Dragon would know about these things, but he didn't expect that Red Dragon would also be dazed.

Zhou Dong saw that there was something wrong with the expressions of the two of them. He probably didn't understand it, so he could only explain it to them again.

"As soon as I guessed, you didn’t understand it. Let me explain it to you. I found out that the magnetic field will have a cycle through some data. When it reaches a cycle, all the red light will be released, so He is our opportunity at this stage. We must shut all the red light back into the magnetic field at this time, and this matter will be resolved."

Han Bing couldn't believe it, because he felt it was too risky to do so. The last time the red light had not all formed so much power.

If this were to let him release all of it, I am afraid that everyone around him would be affected, so it would be too moneyless to do it this way. He was the first to stand up and object.

"You think about this thing too simple, if the red light is so easy to deal with, the muddy will not take your life in vain, so I feel that you still don't take this risk, just be honest Just listen to us, don't do it anymore."

Through the words of the two of them, Red Dragon also discovered that this matter was too risky, and replied in agreement with Han Bing's statement.

"When I hear this, it feels really too dangerous. All the red light comes out. We all know in our hearts how powerful it will be, so you should not take this risk."

Zhou Dong was convinced by these people.

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