Layman System

Chapter 2100: Embarrassing discussion

This is the best way to solve this problem at the moment. If you don't even have the courage to try, then how can you help?

But there is something in his heart that can't let go, the little girl, after all, it is really embarrassing to leave him here to bear so many things.

Zhou Dong thought for a while, feeling that he had to get all his emotions to the best, and then they would think they had to do it, and they would no longer be persuasive.

So Zhou Dong thought about it seriously in his heart, and said silently.

"You still don't persuade me anymore. My attitude has been decided, so no matter what you say, I won't regret it. If you are really good for me, just stay here honestly and don't go anywhere. ."

Han Bing expressed helplessness to Zhou Dong's answer. Since he couldn't persuade him anymore, he would ask about other things to see if he was fully prepared.

After all, he often goes out to do tasks, so it is more important to look at this aspect of preparation.

"Okay, if this is the case, then we won't try to persuade you anymore. Tell us, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Zhou Dong was embarrassed in an instant, because he has not set a time yet, how could he execute it? Said embarrassingly.

"Let me tell you, now I have an idea, but I haven't decided the time yet. I need to see which time period is better. After all, it's hard to see all the red light."

Han Bing was also shocked by what Zhou Dong said. This guy hasn't even set the time, so he will start execution right here?

Suddenly something made him feel strange, Zhou Dong said to him with disgust.

"You are too casual, and now there is no set time. How can you do this? So just do what we said, don't go."

Zhou Dong couldn't understand this group of people, would he say this? Said impatiently.

"My attitude has been so clear just now, so don't persuade me anymore. Although I have not set the time yet, I feel that it is going to be fast."

Red Dragon and Han Bing felt like they were walking around. It was too casual to do so. They were speechless for a while, and they never thought that this guy would fight unprepared battles.

Before that, he had never discovered that Zhou Dong was such a person.

When Zhou Dong saw the expressions of the two, he knew everything and continued to explain to them.

"You don't need to be particularly surprised about this. In fact, my heart is now particularly chaotic, so I need a lot of time to make adjustments."

Hong Long was quite agreeable to the adjustment, but how could he feel relieved when he went like this, and said with a worried expression on his face.

"It's not that I don't disagree with you. You said that you didn't have any preparations at all, and then you went. Didn't you just die in vain? You see if this will work, I'll go with you, more or less there is still a carer on the way People."

Zhou Dong didn't even think about it. He shook his head and refused, because he felt that Red Dragon was the person with the most responsibility. If he disappeared in this incident, what would Wang Chanchan do? The entire sky organization will also be in a state of no leader.

After a comprehensive consideration, it was concluded that this matter was not acceptable, and he immediately answered the red dragon.

"Forget it, I'll go alone. You see so many responsibilities on your back, how could I throw you into the sea?"

After hearing this, Hong Long understood it, knowing that even if he pulled ten cows now, he wouldn't shake Zhou Dong's body.

Since the inside can't help him, let's get him some preparations outside, Zhou Dong asked.

"Otherwise, let's call an emergency meeting quickly, tell everyone what they think, and see which one you can use."

Zhou Dong felt that what the Red Dragon said was more reasonable. After all, everyone was collecting firewood and the flames were high. If one person came up with an idea, it would be enough for himself.

He began to nod and agreed. Hong Long glanced at him. Time is running out, so hurry up. After all, it's better to discuss this kind of thing earlier, and leave Zhou Dong plenty of time to prepare.

Then, the big guys discussed the matter together.

At this time, Song Ziqi was too boring in the room. She was going to Zhou Dong to see what he was doing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw everyone in this room. He threw it at the door, glanced at the big guy, and discovered that they were checking information on the computer.

Some were speechless, and then everyone present heard the sound of opening the door and looked over at once, only to find that it was Song Ziqi.

Zhou Dong stood up first and looked at Song Ziqi and asked.

"Why are you here? We haven't discussed it yet. I guess it will take a while."

After listening to these words, Song Ziqi asked Zhou Dong as she walked.

"Don’t tell me this now. I see you check the information on the computer. I think something is unreliable. How to say this magnetic field is more mysterious. If you can find the information on the computer, then I How can you help me?"

Zhou Dong also thought about it seriously, and felt that this was indeed the case. If the computer could find it, everyone would understand the magnetic field at first.

At the same time, I felt my own silly feeling, maybe because I was too anxious, I was eager to get this thing.

When everyone heard what Song Ziqi said, they also had a serious expression. They felt that it was indeed such a thing. After checking on this computer for a long time, they did not give a good result.

The only thing that can see the result is to tell them that this magnetic field has always been led by the Beilong family, and the rest are their mysterious conjectures about the magnetic field.

Song Ziqi saw that Zhou Dong was already at a loss for words, so she continued.

"Fortunately, I am willing to visit you today. Otherwise, I don't know you are so stupid, and you have to look up these information on the computer."

Zhou Dong also expressed special helplessness at this point. He didn't want to be like this. This was not to solve their Beilong family's problem earlier.

That's why I was so busy to search for information on the computer. Now that Song Ziqi has refuted herself, what can he do?

Song Ziqi asked with a curious expression.

"Okay, I understand all these things about you, can you catch some of the key points and tell me, do you have any better information to tell me now."

Not to mention, after Song Ziqi heard this, she really thought of it seriously.

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