Layman System

Chapter 2104: worry

Song Ziqi was very upset when she saw them treating herself like this, and could not say anything, so she could only leave angrily.

Song Ziqi understands that in the face of these people, no matter how much it is said, it will be futile and will not achieve the purpose you want. However, everyone's thinking is different, and their position is different, and they cannot completely distinguish right from wrong. Come.

Seeing Song Ziqi left unhappily, Song Aolong felt even more unhappy. Song Ziqi was inexplicably wronged, and his heart was the first to be unhappy. No matter what Song Ziqi did, he thought it was right and supported it all.

"You will be more polite to Ziqi from now on. Anyway, you are also the Patriarch of our Beilong Family." Song Aolong said to Zhou Dong.

"These women are troublesome. They are talking about them. In fact, there is no big deal." Zhou Dong said indifferently.

Zhou Dong is now busy with unlocking, and he has no time to take care of other things. In this way, he would dismiss Song Aolong’s attitude at all. There is no time for other things now. If the lock cannot be opened, Will affect many things later.

The magnetic field is chaotic now, and at this moment, there is a magnetic field of red light. This is a very good opportunity. If the lock is opened now, it will be of great significance to them.

Maybe things will turn around. I have been expecting this moment for too long, and Zhou Dong is also very nervous.

Seeing Zhou Dong's attitude, Song Aolong was very angry, but it was not easy to attack, so he could only endure it. He also knew that it is very important now. If he does something for no reason, it is likely to cause other people's dissatisfaction. When the time comes, the gain will not be worth the loss. .

So now, I can only choose to be patient, put this matter in my heart for the time being, and look for opportunities to talk about it later, and I am very dissatisfied with Zhou Dong's attitude.

And I can only bury this kind of dissatisfaction deeply in my heart, unable to bear it, this feeling is very awkward, but Song Aolong is not an ordinary person, and he can take it away freely.

At this moment, the master of unlocking suddenly stopped sweating profusely.

"How? Is it opened?" Zhou Dong hurriedly walked over and asked emotionally. What he didn't expect was that the locksmith shook his head helplessly.

From the looks of it, he knew that it was not what he imagined, and he was shocked, and wanted to know what happened.

"What the **** is going on? Say it quickly!" Zhou Dong was a little anxious when he saw the embarrassment of unlocking. Although he knew that this matter was difficult to do, he was already fully prepared.

But they brought in this so-called master with full confidence. They didn't expect that it would still be such a result, which disappointed Zhou Dong, but there was no other way. This was the only way so far.

"This lock is too complicated, I have never encountered it before." The unlocker said with a little frustration.

"What should I do? It means that there is no hope at all?" Zhou Dong asked quickly.

"That's not the case, but it may take a few days. I need to study it, because I have never opened such a lock." The unlocker said embarrassedly.

Hearing this, Zhou Dong knew that there was still a glimmer of hope, after all, he was a master of unlocking, and the others had no choice.

But when I heard it, it took several days, and I was still very anxious. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time!

"Can't you just think of a way faster?" Zhou Dong still asked without giving up. The unlocker still shook his head disappointed. Zhou Dong's heart was cold and cold. It can be seen that the unlocker is really doing it with all his heart. Sweating profusely.

I am helpless to face this kind of super complex lock, so I will face this ending, but it is not without hope. The unlocker said that it will take a certain amount of time.

If you find someone else to come, it will be even more impossible.

The only hope now lies in the master of unlocking. Although the time has been delayed a little, he can only wait patiently. Zhou Dong also expressed his helplessness.

After a short break, the master unlockers began to devote themselves to the intense work, hoping for new breakthroughs. Master unlockers like them are also very challenging. The more complex the lock, the more they can arouse their desire to challenge.

Faced with such a complicated lock, I will not give up easily, but choose to continue to challenge.

Seeing the performance of the unlocking master, Zhou Dong was embarrassed. Anything else, it was obvious that they had done their best, and it would be of no use to talk about it. It would even disrupt the unlocking master's thinking, which would be a waste of help.

Therefore, Zhou Dong didn't say anything anymore. He stepped aside and continued to watch, but he was faintly worried, for fear of missing this best opportunity.

It is now predicted that the magnetic field will be full of red light, which is the best time. If it is missed like this, it is a pity. The master unlocker is still working hard. Zhou Dong walks around, feeling restless.

So he went to other places and asked the system.

"Is there any other way now? I need to open this lock quickly, or I will miss this red light time." Zhou Dong asked anxiously.

Of course, the system knows everything. The system has already sensed the problems Zhou Dong is currently facing.

"It's actually very easy to open this lock, but there is a mechanism next to it, and it can be opened with a light press." The system prompts.

When Zhou Dong heard this, he immediately became energetic. Hearing this reminder from the system, he thought that the lock could be opened soon, so he was extremely happy. Before he was happy for long, the system immediately reminded him. Dong's heart is not at ease.

"This mechanism is not easy to find. You must understand the structure inside. We have no way to tell you specifically." The system continued.

In other words, even this master of unlocking might not be able to find out where the mechanism is, and Zhou Dong is even more troublesome. He doesn't know anything about this kind of lock, let alone find any mechanism.

So now it seems that all hopes can only be pinned on the master unlocker. Zhou Dong wants to go over immediately and tell the master unlocker about this situation. In this way, I believe there will be a new breakthrough in things. It has become much easier.

"Think about what to say, don't reveal your identity." The system automatically reminded.

Zhou Dong was shocked. Because he was too excited, he almost ignored these things, things that no master unlocking master could do, he reminded him in the past, and it seemed a bit unreasonable.

Maybe it will arouse others' suspicion, what should we do to be more secure? After much deliberation, I didn't think of a better way. Time is waiting for no one. Zhou Dong felt that he couldn't hesitate anymore. Let's open the lock first!

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