Layman System

Chapter 2105: incredible

Zhou Dong hesitated, knowing that this matter would arouse others' suspicion, but time waited for no one, if he hesitated any longer, he would miss this best opportunity.

The system is also constantly reminding him that now the magnetic field is full of red light, which is really unbelievable. Such an excellent opportunity is not easy to meet, so I can’t hesitate any longer. As for other things, let’s talk about it later. !

Along the way, too many people have questioned, and they don't care about another master unlocker. Thinking of this, Zhou Dong strode over and told the master unlocker about the problem prompted by the system.

"There is a mechanism in this kind of lock, you can look for it carefully." Zhou Dong prompted a master unlocker.

The master unlocker who was studying the lock carefully, suddenly heard Zhou Dong's reminder, and was stunned. The movement of his hand couldn't help stopping, staring at Zhou Dong with wide eyes.

"How did you know?" The unlocker couldn't help asking Zhou Dong.

"I have seen this kind of lock before. It seems to be like this. You should look for it first." Zhou Dong hurriedly made up a reason and wanted to fool it.

"Then you come look for it and see if you can find that mechanism." The master unlocker heard this and quickly asked Zhou Dong to come over and help find it.

Zhou Dong was dumbfounded now. How could he open any locks? He just made up a reason casually. It was always easy to walk on a real road, but difficult to walk on a false road. Zhou Dong was really asked.

People are right. Since you have seen this kind of lock before, and you know there is a mechanism inside, of course you want to take a look.

The master unlocker didn't mean anything else, just wanted to see it. That's it. Zhou Dong wanted to find an excuse to stop him, but he didn't expect to mess it up.

It’s no wonder that others have not thought thoroughly, so this situation can happen. However, Zhou Dong is a flexible-headed person, and of course he will not be caught in a difficult situation. Faced with questions and invitations from master unlockers, Zhou Dong calmly treat.

"That was a long time ago. I saw other people do that too, but I think it's a bit similar. You can try it." Zhou Dong is so witty that he will never show off.

Hearing what Zhou Dong said, the master unlocker no longer said anything. Knowing that Zhou Dong is a powerful person, he should not be able to say anything. Since he said so, there is a certain truth. Maybe he has actually seen this kind of similar. Lock.

In this way, I no longer doubt anything. Follow this line of thinking and continue to study the lock in front of me. If you rely solely on the master of unlocking, it is estimated that it will take several days.

Now after listening to Zhou Dong’s words, the master unlocker has changed his research thinking and started to look for the mechanism on the lock, and investigate one by one. I don’t know what kind of lock is designed by an expert. It is so complicated in structure and even unlocks. The heads of the masters are big, and they can't see the way.

This is the first time I have seen such a complicated structure. Fortunately, the masters of unlocking are more challenging and are unwilling to give up easily. However, Zhou Dong and the others are anxious and will not wait too long, so they asked the system. After the prompt, their thinking changed. .

Facing Zhou Dong's reminder, not only the master unlocker expressed shock, but also the people present. However, those who are more familiar with Zhou Dong know that this person is indeed powerful and omnipotent.

They have witnessed too many of Zhou Dong’s magical functions, and they are not surprised. In this way, the mind of the master unlocker has completely changed, hoping to make a breakthrough at this point. Suddenly, the expression of the master unlocker suddenly changed. Very solemn.

"Perhaps this should be the mechanism." The unlocker said to himself, as he said, pressing the mechanism, a magical scene happened!

Sure enough, this mechanism was found by a master unlocker, and as soon as it was pressed, all the locks were opened.

"Yeah, great, it's finally opened." Zhou Dong shouted excitedly.

Their efforts were not in vain, and finally opened the lock so that they can enter the magnetic field and everything is much easier.

"Sure enough, I was a master of unlocking, and I found that mechanism in no time." Zhou Dong was very excited and did not forget to praise the master of unlocking.

"You are the best, you know that there is a mechanism in it, so I followed this line of thinking and opened the lock so quickly." The unlocker said, all he said was the truth, and it was Zhou Dong's credit.

If you don’t follow this line of thinking, I really don’t know how to study the year of the monkey, especially this kind of lock with mechanism, except to find the mechanism, don’t even want to open it. Fortunately, Zhou Dong’s reminder will not let myself do it in vain. Things.

The master unlocker, I am very grateful to Zhou Dong. Although he is doing things for Zhou Dong, he has also gained insight. The master unlocker is also very happy.

They were extremely happy. Such a complicated matter was solved so quickly. In addition to being happy, the unlocker was extremely shocked. Zhou Dong's abilities were amazing.

Master unlockers have gone through so many things and have seen too many locks with complex structures. It is the first time that they have encountered such a lock with mechanism, and they are basically helpless.

What they didn't expect was that the solution was solved so quickly under Zhou Dong's reminder. The unlocker looked at Zhou Dong with admiration.

I saw that Hong Long was so polite to him and the master unlocker still didn't understand it. Now that the master unlocker had a big turn for Zhou Dong's impression after passing through this incident.

For many puzzles before, now it is suddenly clear. The eyes of the master unlocker are full of admiration. He feels that the image of this person is very tall. No wonder so many people are polite to him. These are all reasons. of.

Really powerful characters are not arrogant and domineering, but wisdom from the inside out. Just like Zhou Dong in front of him, he is a person who integrates wisdom and inner self. Such a person will only understand if he has more contact. His real power.

"You are a very good locksmith, thanks to you today." Zhou Dong interrupted the pensive locksmith.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do, and I should thank you more." The lock opener also said politely. In addition to the wisdom shown in Zhou Dong, the lock opener also discovered that he was imaginative.

Although they are so awesome and omnipotent, they are so comfortable to deal with people and things. Today's trip was not in vain, and I learned a lot.

It is a fortunate thing to re-acquainted with such a powerful character.

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