Layman System

Chapter 2113: Reasons for investigating the Beilong family

When Zhou Dong called over there, this lucky one and none missed the person over there.

When Zhong Shiqi received Zhou Dong's call, he was a little surprised! He actually got through on the phone, and he took the initiative to call him, and he said hello to him.

"I'm asking you to come out for a drink with the two of us." Zhou Dong said that no one had been drinking with him for a long time.

When he heard this, Zhong Shiqi didn't doubt that he had him, and directly agreed to accompany him out to eat and drink.

He didn't expect him to ask him about the Beilong family, so he stupidly followed him to the place he had agreed to eat. When he arrived, he had already been there for a long time.

When he saw Zhou Dong, he smiled: "Sorry, I'm late."

Zhou Dong didn't care if he came late, and said directly: "It's okay, I haven't been here for long."

"I want to ask you something, it's about the magnetic field, can I ask you some questions!" Zhong Shiqi vowed to break the casserole and asked the end.

Unexpectedly, he actually brought his own question to ask him, but he didn't expect Zhong Shiqi to ask him about the magnetic field.

He asked him about the magnetic field for a long time, but he also wanted to answer him. After thinking about it, Zhou Dong asked the system, and the system said that he did not know about the magnetic field.

Zhou Dong had no choice but to ask: "Zhong Shiqi, what on earth do you want to know, you may as well say straight, I will tell you what I can tell you."

Zhong Shiqi thought for a while, he felt that he should tell him his story.

Unexpectedly, before he could speak, Zhou Dong asked: "I heard that you have been investigating the Beilong family. I don't know if the results of the investigation have come."

If he finds any results from the investigation, he doesn't need to be so frowning.

"You also know that I'm investigating the Beilong family, you've investigated me." Zhong Shiqi asked directly.

Haven't both of them investigated each other?

However, Zhou Dong said that he knew it by accident, and he wanted to know why he was investigating the Beilong family.

"To talk about this, I have to talk to you well." Zhong Shiqi's chat box was opened by Zhou Dong.

It turned out that Zhong Shiqi’s mother belonged to the Beilong family, but because of a magnetic field problem, she separated from the Beilong family and later married Zhong Shiqi’s father and had children.

But before she died, she still hoped that she could return to the Beilong family.

He told Zhou Dong what he knew. It turned out that his mother still had such a relationship with the Beilong family. No wonder he had been investigating the Beilong family.

But the Beilong family is not that good at investigating, even if he wanted to investigate, he didn't find the desired result, let alone Zhong Shiqi.

Zhou Dong asked him: "You want to know so much why you don't go directly to the Beilong family to ask, and you have to investigate. The back of the Beilong family cannot be underestimated."

Of course he knew how powerful the Beilong family was, so he felt that he would definitely not be able to enter the Beilong family.

That's why he thought of going into the Beilong family by investigating the Beilong family.

What he meant was to help his mother fulfill his wish. He couldn't watch her leave like this.

So he said that he must find someone from the Beilong family, so that he can help his mother fulfill her wish.

"You said so much, because you can't find the Beilong family, right! Why don't you just ask me directly." Zhou Dong hesitated when he said this sentence.

When he heard him hesitate, he wanted to ask him at first, but at that time he was not sure whether he knew about the Beilong family.

Later he learned that Zhou Dong was also investigating the Beilong family, but even so, Zhou Dong still didn't believe him. After all, he was caught by himself, and he would definitely want to make excuses.

If he lied to him, he should be able to imagine the consequences.

"I know people from the Beilong family. If I can, I hope I can help you inquire about the Beilong family." He promised very happy.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dong actually agreed to help him investigate the Beilong family, and said that he knew people from the Beilong family, but the result of his investigation was that he was also investigating about the Beilong family!

Why is it more and more beyond his expectations? If he knows people from the Beilong family, he still investigates what he wants to do about the Beilong family!

He couldn't figure it out, but since he promised to help himself, he told him the rest of the matter, and he thought about it and decided to tell him the matter without reservation.

"The people of the North Dragon family cannot enter the ancestral hall unless they make a huge mistake. My mother doesn't want to be like those who are very sinful, so he asked me to help him find the North Dragon family. I have been helping him find , I haven't given up until now." He sighed when he said this.

He didn’t know that Beilong family affairs were so difficult to investigate, but now that Zhou Dong helped him, he said to him: "If you really helped me, I will be grateful for you, and my mother will also Thank you for your."

"I just agreed to help you inquire about the result. The result is not necessarily! You don't have to be so anxious to thank me." In fact, he is not sure about the result of investigating this matter.

After the two came out of the restaurant, Zhou Dong wanted to send Zhong Shiqi to him. He said that he still had something to do, so he wouldn't be on the same road with him. Zhou Dong thought about it and thought it was fine.

The two of them sitting in the same car seemed a little embarrassed.

He took out his mobile phone, it was getting late, and Song Ziqi had a habit of going to bed at seven o'clock in the evening. He called at this time, and he might not answer it. It's better to ask Zhong Shiqi early tomorrow morning.

If Zhong Shiqi lied to him, then he would never let him go.

At night, I didn't expect that it was Zhou Dong who Song Ziqi first contacted. She asked Zhou Dong why he was investigating the Beilong family. She would tell him what he wanted to know.

When he heard this, he suddenly thought of a suitable reason, which could help him block the incident and also know if Zhong Shiqi was lying to himself.

In short, he couldn't let him know that he was the Beilong family who was investigating because of Song Aolong.

"I want to know if your Beilong family recognizes such a person. His name is Zhong Shiqi. His mother said it is related to your Beilong family. He has been investigating things about your Beilong family, but nothing has been achieved. I just agreed. I need to help him to investigate." These words really helped him cover the investigation of the Beilong family to him.

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