Layman System

Chapter 2114: being doubted

Because many people have discovered Zhou Dong's existence, this matter is no longer his alone.

Song Ziqi stood up and changed the subject, "What do you mean by so many people, do you not believe him or not believe me?"

Now it is no longer a question of whether they believe it or not, but they believe what they saw with their own eyes.

Seeing those people who didn't listen to their explanations, Song Ziqi felt very uncomfortable. At this time, she couldn't protect herself and caused them to be wronged. Now what can she do to make those people not doubt Zhou Dong!

She thought that she had to show the majesty of her own home, she couldn't keep watching Zhou Dong and the others being wronged.

Those people didn't want to listen to their explanations at all, and directly pushed the matter on them.

"You said, did you kill the elders? If you admit it now, you can still suffer less. Otherwise, don't blame us for being unsympathetic." Those people kept talking. Looking at Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong told those people not to be impulsive, after all, killing the elders was not what they saw with their own eyes.

He was still defending himself, this matter had nothing to do with him, but no one of those people seemed to listen to him at all, their eyes were only focused on the cause of death of the elders.

Seeing that these people were all pointing their fingers at Zhou Dong, even more people were forcing Zhou Dong to admit that they killed the elders and surrounded Zhou Dong and others.

When the incident happened, Song Ziqi had been communicating with them, but these people couldn't listen to her at all.

They thought that Zhou Dong and others killed the elders, and this determination is difficult to completely wipe out from their cognition, even Song Ziqi's words at the moment seemed particularly useless to them.

Hong Long winked at Zhou Dong, hoping that he would deny it, otherwise they would all have to follow along.

So many people here simply can't solve this matter, and the anger is hard to suppress.

These people will not let them believe them, and he is determined to win the magnetic field.

"Sorry, I didn’t expect so many things after turning on the magnetic field. I didn’t turn on the magnetic field on purpose. I hope you can forgive me. These people died because of my wilful behavior. I don’t ask you to forgive me. But you must listen to me explain this matter.” Zhou Dong is still trying to solve this matter at this moment.

Zhou Dong's meaning was obvious. He didn't turn on the magnetic field on purpose. He didn't say whether the elders were killed by him.

However, his inexplicable apology was very useful to those people, and felt that it was their fault.

Because of his apology, everyone couldn't forgive him this time, and they all felt that he had a problem.

Those people discussed it, and Zhou Dong heard the noise and couldn't hear what they were talking about.

However, after seeing the ferocious eyes of those people, Song Ziqi felt that this matter was a bit bad. These people were planning to do something against Zhou Dong.

He couldn't let these people act on Zhou Dong, he had to stop this from happening.

Sure enough, those people were about to hit Zhou Dong with their fists. The strength of those people was extremely brave, and it would definitely hurt to be hit on them.

If these people all beat Zhou Dong, Zhou Dong would definitely be beaten to death by them.

Everyone hurriedly stopped those who wanted to do something against Zhou Dong, hoping that they could calm down and think about it, and don't worry about the cause of death of the elders.

They were already dead when they came. How can they explain that he accidentally turned on the magnetic field, and then those people died, and they didn't intentionally kill the elders. These people indiscriminately thought that he killed them intentionally. For these people, they don't even look at where this is.

Even if he wanted to kill people, he didn’t see if Song Ziqi could do it. Those people thought Song Ziqi was blinded by him. When they heard these words, Song Ziqi didn’t know what to say. These people thought they were right. .

No matter what they do is wrong, they have always been like this.

Song Ziqi stood in front of the crowd, and when those people saw Song Ziqi actually stand up for Zhou Dong, their expressions suddenly turned bad.

Those people said: "The Patriarch just doesn't care about the safety of the elders."

It's not that he doesn't care about the safety of those elders, she wants them to calm down, no one wants such a thing to happen, but what can they do now that it has happened?

He explained to those people: "Can you guarantee that there will be no accidents when you do things? When you do something wrong, I forgive you too."

Those people are still obsessed with the death of the elders, and feel that what the Patriarch said and the things at the moment are not worth mentioning, after all, there are so many lives.

As the Patriarch, she just watched her elders die in front of her one by one.

She looked at the crowd and said, "I have decided on this matter. No matter what you say, I tell you that he can turn on the magnetic field. Do you have a way to turn on the magnetic field?"

Turning on the magnetic field will sacrifice more people. If they turned on the magnetic field today and sacrificed the elders, how would they explain this to her family?

She looked at the crowd and asked, "Can you guarantee that you will have no accidents in your life? I cannot allow you to do anything to him, and he is the only one who can solve the magnetic field problem. If you have any You can tell me things, but you can't do anything to him, otherwise you will not recognize me as the Patriarch."

She even moved out the place where she lived, hoping that these people would not dare to be disrespectful to Zhou Dong, and she also hoped that they could stop for a while.

Hong Long was scared to death just now, and if so many people did it, it was obvious that they weren't their opponents at all.

However, Song Ziqi has already spoken at this meeting, and those people shouldn't be able to continue working on them!

If I knew that the title of Patriarch is so useful, I should have taken it out just now, which would save them from wasting their tongues with them for so long.

After those people heard Song Ziqi's words, they were all stunned. They didn't expect that she could actually fight them for a man.

It is not that people like them are unwilling to let them go, but that Zhou Dong must give them an explanation for the death of those elders.

Not just because Song Ziqi is the head of the family, nor because Song Ziqi's maintenance.

They were not so generous, and looked at them as if they were proud of the Patriarch's protection, they looked at Zhou Dong very proud, they naturally had to make him suffer.

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