Layman System

Chapter 2138: Break free

Why at this time he suddenly couldn't help him any more, could it be that his so-called help was to help him wake up? When he thought of this, he felt quite uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to help you, then you will understand." When the system finished saying this, Zhou Dong almost wanted to curse.

He had no idea what he meant by not being able to figure out what he meant, he had been locked here for a long time.

If he is not released, he himself will be mad. He looked at the system and said, "If you can't help it, I have to figure it out by myself. Can a living person still be able to suffocate the urine."

When he finished saying this, he closed his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes when he remembered something.

"Open the system store." Zhou Weiran thought that he could change things in the system store. It would be different if there is a system. Otherwise, he would be stuck here without a system, so he really couldn't get out.

Upon hearing the command, the system turned on the system obediently, without saying anything, Zhou Dong also entered the system store smoothly, but suddenly a string of words popped up.

"The system store is being updated..."

"I...what is this?"

Zhou Dong's jaw was almost falling. At such a critical moment, with such a critical update, the foul language was about to burst.

"This... I told you, it's useless for you to wake up." The system explained embarrassingly, it can't help it, the system store is automatically updated, and it can't stop it.

"No, you are the system. You can't even control the updated things. How do you feel that you deliberately acted against me? How many times have you pitted me? I can't count them."

Zhou Dong was holding his forehead with a very headache. What happened, there was nothing around, and there was no hope for life-saving straw.

"My ability is limited. Don't treat me as a omnipotent. Although I also want to be omnipotent. My strength is not allowed. There is no way." The system said helplessly. Its strength is already very strong. Although it has pitted Zhou Dong a lot, it is absolutely Help more.

Zhou Dong didn't blame the system too much, so he could only admit his fate, and blame the villains for taking Li Li away and tying himself to this place.

It doesn't matter, even if there is no system, with your own wisdom, you will be able to escape here.

Zhou Dong tried his best to calm herself down. Li Li may be in danger at any time now. If she is defiled, even if she doesn't commit suicide, she will leave a huge shadow in the future. I am afraid to think about it.

The more I thought about it, the less calm Zhou Dong became. He kept rubbing his hand against the wall, hoping to break the rope on his hand.

After a while, it was found that there was no progress and Zhou Dong was about to collapse. How could this be good?

I always thought I was smart, but when it was a critical time, I couldn't think of anything, my mind was blank, even if I calm down, I can't think of a way.

The other party did a great job and considered very thoughtful. Nothing was left in order to prevent Zhou Dong from escaping. The house is also very strong. If you use a tool to break the wall, you can break it, but you can push it out with your hands and feet. Not coming.

They are all concrete walls, but they are not so thick. They want to go out as hard as they can. They plan to trap themselves here.

"What to do?" Zhou Dong kept walking back and forth on the spot, muttering: "What to do."

The system was also very anxious, but it was helpless. There were always problems that he could not solve by himself. These all needed Zhou Dong to solve by himself, and there was really no way to help.

"How long will it take to update the system store?" Zhou Dong asked coldly, he didn't have much time.

"It's estimated that there is still half an hour." The system replied quickly, and it felt Zhou Dong was really angry.

"No, it's been too long." An anxious Zhou Dong kicked the wall, but he didn't move at all. Zhou Dong was puzzled that he could kick others with one kick before, and kicking a wall would give a move!

Thinking of this, Zhou Dong's eyes suddenly lit up, "Yes! I have general skills!"

During this period of time, I haven't used the general skills, and I almost forgot. I also blame myself for being too anxious. I didn't expect this thing to always rely on the system store to save myself.

Thinking of hope, Zhou Dong recovered a little, and quickly gathered his strength, recalling the mentality of the generals' skills.

Use it to condense the breath and strength in the dantian, and then the dantian will transfer the power to the tied part.

"Open!" There was a roar, and then a cracking sound sounded. Zhou Dong knew that it was the sound of a rope breaking. He succeeded.

Looking down confidently, he almost fainted.

"Why did it break in one place!" The body was **** in several places. It was very strong, and now only one place is broken, and there are still four places.

In desperation, Zhou Dong once again cohesively said, in his heart he greeted the ancestors of the eighteenth generation of the person who tied him, is he **** so strong, has he regarded himself as a wild beast?

I thought I would be very handsome to smash the ropes. It seems that the plot is different from the novel. Reality is always reality.

"Open!" There was another roar. This time, Zhou Dong tried his best and finally broke away all the ropes. This problem has been solved, and there is another problem that is very difficult.

Zhou Dong looked at the locked door and was about to break out, when the sound of the system came out.

"Your strength has been used up, you'd better rest for a while and then come back, haste is not enough."

A systematic and rational analysis said that although Zhou Dong has military commander skills, it also requires a lot of physical strength. He was locked here and did not eat anything. It took so much physical strength to break the ropes. He still wants to break the door. If you can waste your energy, you have to rest in the end, but the time will be longer.

Knowing that Zhou Dong was worried that Li Li was like this, but when he encountered problems, he needed to be calm to think of a solution. In a panic, his mind would only be blank, and in the end he could do nothing.

Zhou Dong understood the meaning of the system and lay on the cold floor, restoring his strength.

The coldness of the floor penetrated from behind Zhou Dong, and Zhou Dong was exuding an icy chill.

He had already made a secret decision in his heart, and those who took Li Li had to pay a double price!

The recovery was almost complete, Zhou Dong could gather his strength and use military commander skills to break the door smoothly. The system was surprised. This time he broke the door so easily.

"Congratulations to the host, you have upgraded your general skills!" The system hurriedly announced the good news, hoping that Zhou Dong could ease his anxiety a little bit.

Sure enough, Zhou Dong was a little excited when he heard it, but the most anxious thing right now was to find Li Li. What happened to Li Li really couldn't forgive himself.

I hurried back to the place where Li Li was. The speed was very fast. I soon returned. I opened the door and prepared to teach the villains and save Li Li. As a result, Zhou Dong was in a daze when he saw the situation inside.

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