Layman System

Chapter 2139: Blood stains are fake

Pushing open the door, it turned out to be empty! Zhou Dong's first thought was that they transferred the address! Then where did they go, where should they start looking!

A lot of problems hit, Zhou Dong was too anxious and could only ask the system to help.

"You help, please, help locate Li Li's position, and the rest, I'll do it myself." Zhou Dong was scared by the system. Every time a critical juncture, the system would go wrong, which made Zhou Dong a headache. .

Fortunately, in the end, the system worked. I hope that the system can help him this time. Zhou Dong simply used a begging tone. Now the system will not lose face.

"Congratulations to the host, for acquiring a new mission to rescue Li Li! The completion of the mission will unlock new abilities, are you looking forward to it? Look forward to action and rescue Li Li! Time is limited! Li Li is in danger, and the mission fails."

At this time, the system would cause Zhou Dong to vomit blood and die on the spot. He whispered for help. He didn't expect the system to give him such a shot.

"I feel that your system is not here to help me, but to harm me. Li Li can be in danger at any time, okay? Then this task will fail at any time, and it is possible in the next second. How do you let me complete it?"

Zhou Dong really wanted to shoot the system, but the system was invisible and couldn't be photographed.

There was no other way but to rely on the system. I couldn't think of it in turn, which made Zhou Dong feel depressed and angry.

"Relax, if Li Li is killed, the mission will automatically fail. So when the mission fails, it means that Li Li was killed. You have to hurry up."

The system is also no way. In order not to worry, he can only release new tasks and change the topic, but Zhou Dong doesn't know the system's thoughts, otherwise he will really be vomiting blood.

It seemed that this was the only way to go. Zhou Dong kept looking for clues in the room and found that it had been cleaned up and nothing was left.

"Huh? There are blood stains?" When I approached and took a closer look, there was really a trace of blood that hadn't been cleaned up in a corner.

Zhou Dong looked at the blood with a complicated expression, his face getting more and more ugly, and then shouted at the system: "Didn't you say that if Li Li is killed, the mission will automatically fail!"

"Then why the task is still in progress, why is there blood stains here? I found out now that your system is really useless at all, and can't help at all!"

Zhou Dong was worried at first, but now that he saw the blood stains, he concluded that Li Li was killed. Adding to the words the system told him just now, he became angry after thinking about it.

After such a long time, Li Li has fallen into the hands of those gangsters, what good results can there be.

Li Li has a natural beauty, few women can match it, and a man can't stand it. What's more, the group of non-human beasts must have done Li Li in a hurry.

Looking at the bloodstain again, it is estimated that Li Li was injured when she resisted. Zhou Dong kept replenishing the picture, thinking about what happened at that time, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the development of the matter was like this.

"Oh! Blame me for incompetence! All blame me!" Zhou Dong punched the floor, no matter if it hurts or not, his heart hurts even more.

I had a good impression of Li Li before, but now she has been ruined, she has not been able to protect herself, and the pain in her heart is like this now.

When I first got the system, I thought I was invincible, and I was always arrogant in the bad guys, but now Li Li is killed, but I can do nothing.

Distraught, two lines of tears flowed down, Zhou Dong knelt on the ground, looking at the blood stains, constantly repenting, why he was not strong enough, why he couldn't protect the people around him.

He didn't know where Li Li was now. Thinking of this, Zhou Dong almost fainted in pain. He hadn't insisted on hearing the sound of the system, and wanted to hear if the system had a way.

"Don't do this, it's not Li Li's bloodstain. Since the mission hasn't failed, Li Li is definitely not in danger." The system said firmly, it believed in its own ability and made no mistakes.

As long as the mission target does not encounter any damage, the mission will not stop. Now that the mission is proceeding smoothly, it shows that Li Li is still safe, but the system is not sure how long this kind of safety can last.

"But... Li Li is so good-looking, can the group of beasts let her go? After such a long interval, she must have been killed." Zhou Dong said in despair, he couldn't believe that the beast would not do to Li Li. Something.

"You think, just because Li Li looks good, they want to change to a better place to enjoy it to the utmost. It's boring to watch it here." In fact, the system doesn't know why, so he made up a reason to make Zhou Dong feel relieved.

"Yeah! The mission is still going on, then Li Li should be fine. Their group of beasts must go back to the high-end hotel, so that no one will prevent them from doing things that are not as good as beasts." Zhou Dong, who had figured it out, immediately regained his spirit. Said that he still had a chance to rescue Li Li.

He didn't have time to think about completing the task to unlock the ability. Now all his energy is on rescuing Li Li, not wanting her to be harmed.

He stood up, walked a few steps, stopped again, and said entangledly: "Then what's the matter with this blood? And where will they catch Li Li?"

"This blood stain may belong to other women. They caught a lot of women. Don't worry, Li Li is fine. Let's go to the nearest hotel nearby." The system comforted Zhou Dong and cheered him up.

The comfort effect of the system was pretty good. Zhou Dong immediately ran to the door, muttering: "Wait for me, don't make any danger! Even if something really happens, don't think about it. I promised to support you for the rest of my life."

At this moment, Zhou Dong suddenly felt a sharp pain in his forehead, as if hitting a wall.

"Oh! What's the situation!" Zhou Dong stepped back a few steps, looking puzzled. Where did the wall come from? It was installed in the door? But I opened the door by myself! It’s impossible to hit the wall right after going out?

I shook my head a few times to make myself awake, see the situation clearly, and found that I did not hit the door, but someone!

The person in front of him seemed to be hit by himself very badly. Just now, I was too anxious. I just wanted to find Li Li quickly, but I didn't expect to hit him.

He also took a few steps back, and the man fell directly to the ground. It is no wonder that his body is so weak. Looking at his clothes and looking at the broom and garbage shovel in his hand, he knows that this man is a cleaner.

Zhou Dong touched his forehead. It hurts. You don’t need to think about it. I don’t need to think about it. Although I was a little embarrassed, I bumped into someone, but time was not waiting. Zhou Dong bowed to apologize, and then wanted to run away. Up.

The sky is big and the land is big, saving Li Li the most. I'll talk about it later. It's a big deal to invite him to dinner, anyway, I didn't mean it.

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