Layman System

Chapter 2146: Lesson learnt

What Zhou Dong said just now has completely annoyed these gangsters. If he really does something here, no matter who wins, it will not be good for him in the end.

The owner of the barber shop hurriedly stepped forward to help Zhou Dong round the game: "Don't be angry with everyone, this little brother is from a foreign city at first sight. If you don't understand the matter, let him go and it will be over."

To say that those little gangsters don't care about the barber shop owner at all. It seems that no one in the local area has never known the name Wenshan Group. These little gangsters obviously cannot accept it.

These little gangsters kicked the boss straight away: "Stop being nosy here, I'm going to give this kid a nice look today."

Could this be unreasonable at first glance, and even throw the boss directly to the ground, and the boss would never step forward anymore.

When Zhou Dong saw this scene, he was instantly enraged. He didn't expect these people to dare to attack people so boldly and honestly. Is the local law and order so bad?

"Don't you want me to know who the Wenshan Group is? Okay, okay, you will know who I am from today. Remember my name. My name is Zhou Dong. Don't find the wrong person when you take revenge. "I didn't say anything nonsense with these people, and kicked the bastard's waist directly.

This little **** obviously didn't expect that, although Zhou Dong didn't look so good, he had some real abilities and kicked their brother into the air at once.

But in this way, how can they tolerate this? After all, there are still many people watching. If their face is lost in this way, then this work will not continue in the future.

"So courageous, today we people are going to show you a good-looking look." These **** stared at themselves and suffocated, and began to glared at Zhou Dong.

With that said, let them look at the person who was kicked by Zhou Dong just now, and now he fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Some of them knew Zhou Dong's ability and some were afraid to move forward.

They were all hired by others, and they couldn't let themselves lose face in front of Zhou Dong, otherwise these citizens would definitely not convince themselves in the future.

"What are you doing here stupidly? Hurry up. If you are run away by this kid today, you won't be able to explain it to your employer in the future." A **** said.

The most important thing is that they have no place to save their face.

So these citizens all began to attack Zhou Dong. Zhou Dong didn't put these people in his eyes at all. This was the most powerful, but there was one man who was more powerful, but Zhou Dong didn't pay attention to this little thing. Here, using a Qiao Jin, they all hit the ground.

These people were exhausted and panting, Zhou Dong was standing by the side, not even panting.

These people stood up very quickly. Zhou Dong was still merciful this time, and did not directly attack their fate. It is estimated that they might not be able to get up for several days.

The important thing is that Zhou Dong thought just now that if he beats these people down and can't get up, these people will have no way to go. They have to find a way to lift these people away, and it will be a problem again. thing.

"We want you to know how good I am now. If you know, look for it quickly. Don't delay the boss doing business here." Zhou Dong said.

The people around were a little confused when they saw this scene. They had never seen these gangsters suffer such a loss after all these years.

The gangsters didn't dare to add it rashly after seeing that Zhou Dong was so powerful, but they didn't retreat either. Instead, they looked at Zhou Dong carefully.

"Boy, you have to pay for what you have done. We are members of the Wenshan Group. Do you know what the consequences will be for you like this?" The gangsters couldn't beat Zhou Dong, so they began to threaten.

Zhou Dong didn't put this Wenshan Group in it. Now Zhou Dong and Ben don't know what this place is for, so I'm afraid of them.

"No matter what you are doing, it's best to leave me as soon as possible, or else I want you to look good. By the way, remember what my name is?" Zhou Dong said coldly.

This is also full of curiosity for this Wenshan Group, what kind of place it is that can grow so many gangsters, it really makes Zhou Dong a little surprised.

"Aren't you like Zhou Dong, we know so." The gangsters said they would continue to attack Zhou Dong.

Originally, these gangsters could not beat Zhou Dong, but they were unwilling to give up. They even surrounded Zhou Dong around Zhou Dong. Those gangsters standing behind the cyst took the lead in making money, preparing to take advantage of Zhou Dong’s surprise. , Knock him directly to the ground.

As long as Zhou Dong is knocked down, other things will be easy to handle. Besides, with so many of them, are they afraid of not beating one person?

Zhou Dong had guessed their thoughts a long time ago, and had been careful to watch out for it. Now that they finally did this, he smiled slightly and was somewhat defensive.

"You don't think you can defeat me as long as you can sneak attack, you are too naive, it depends on your current ability, if you want to defeat me, go back and rebuild it." Zhou Dong said.

Those little gangsters didn't expect Zhou Dong to be so strong. He attacked from behind, and Zhou Dong didn't even succeed in the attack. At that time, some didn't know what to do.

Originally, these little gangsters wanted to return first, so that they had time to think about it, but Zhou Dong did not allow them to do so.

Zhou Dong was not a vegetarian originally. Today, I was insulted by these gangsters just now. Zhou Dong had already planned to give it up, but some gangsters couldn’t do it, so Zhou Dong didn’t want to watch the process and gave them one directly. Ruthless.

Although it wouldn't take their lives or make them disabled, Zhou Dong directly attacked their right arm. In this case, it would take at least ten days to raise this arm.

If they continue to bully people like this within these ten days, they will easily be defeated by others.

These obviously did not expect Zhou Dong to have reached this level. It seems that Zhou Dong and them are not at the same level, so they did not continue to fight Zhou Dong, but looked at Zhou Dong angrily.

Zhou Dong ignored them, these people had to leave in despair, and stay here again, they had no other way.

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