Layman System

Chapter 2147: reason

Similarly, before leaving, the yellow-haired gangsters couldn't help but let go of their cruel words, "Don't wait, you brat, don't think this is over."

Although these few of them are not Zhou Dong's opponents, they can't lose even if they lose face.

Zhou Dong suddenly felt a little funny when he saw them running away, but he didn't take what they said into his eyes.

Are there few people Zhou Dong offends? Naturally, there are many, and there are already so many anyway, how could it be so bad.

Because these gangsters had been driven away by him, rewards appeared in the system. After receiving those rewards, Zhou Dong's mood improved a lot, and he returned to the barber shop.

After these yellow-haired **** in the barber shop, there is no one.

At this time, the boss was sitting there, frustrated, holding scissors in his hand.

There are still some broken hairs on the ground, left by other guests before he cut them.

Zhou Dong didn't notice his strangeness, but found a place to sit down. He sat on the chair and looked at the barber shop owner.

"Boss, quickly cut my hair. I have a date tonight!" Zhou Dong said with a bright eye, and the whole mood improved a lot.

Zhou Dong had already thought about it. After he finished cutting his hair here, Zhou Dong planned to take Li Li and two of them to have a good meal.

With that said, Zhou Dong can basically imagine the romantic scene at that time.

Thinking about it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rose up, his face was very happy.

He quickly pulled back his thoughts, and he found that the boss was still sitting there, motionless, as if he hadn't heard him.

Zhou Dong turned his head to look at the boss, "Boss, what are you thinking about? I want to cut my hair."

Zhou Dong felt very strange that those yellow-haired gangsters had already left, and they didn't make trouble anymore. Why did he still look like this.

The owner of the barber shop raised his head, glanced at him, and soon sighed heavily.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Dong noticed that something was wrong with him, so he sat up from his chair and asked him while standing beside him.

"No, just because of those things, I am no longer in the mood to cut someone else's hair here." The boss said that, and put aside the tools inside.

Zhou Dong frowned, somewhat puzzled.

"Didn't those gangsters have learned their lesson? Boss, you can continue to be here in the future." Zhou Dong said to him.

Even though I said those gangsters when I left, I wouldn't just let it go, Zhou Dong didn't believe that they would dare to come here again.

"Actually, there is one thing I should tell you." At this point, the boss's sight was also placed on him.

"The reason these gangsters come here to make trouble for us is because there is a gangster inside who has fallen in love with my sister."

The boss said, this day was still a while ago. The time my sister came here accidentally, but didn't want to be discovered by the **** who came here to cut her hair.

The **** said that he should make his sister his girlfriend, but how could the barber shop owner agree to such a thing.

When Zhou Dong heard him say that, the complexion of the whole person became worse. At first he thought that those people were just deliberately asking for trouble. He didn't expect that there was such a reason in it. No wonder, those gangsters. I said I would come here again, I'm afraid that I won't let these people go so easily.

"Then did you agree?" Zhou Dong asked while sitting beside him.

"How could we agree? My sister denied it without even thinking about it. How could she be mixed up with someone." The barber shop owner said, his whole body was so impeccable that he was obviously affected by this incident. I've been distressed for a while.

"If you don't agree, then call the police. Can the police still not control these people?" Zhou Dong felt a little incredulous.

It's impossible that those little gangsters are not even afraid of the police, in this broad daylight.

Under his sight, the owner of the barber shop shook his head.

"It's useless. Those **** often come after they have been here for a while. He has been here today. I don't know how many times." The boss said, sighed, "If it weren't for your being here today, I don’t know how to face it anymore."

The barber shop owner looked at his shop, he had been living in this place for a long time, and he had feelings.

If it wasn't for those gangsters, he would continue to open the barbershop at home, that is, because the gangsters made his business in the barbershop worse and worse.

Originally, their barber shop had the best business in this neighborhood, but when there were frequent customers, those gangsters came to the barber shop to intimidate those customers, but the barber shop owner couldn’t do anything, just Can bear it again and again.

The barbershop was still messy, obviously it was just destroyed by those people.

"Don't you think about fighting back?" Zhou Dong looked at him, to put it bluntly, those gangsters were nothing more than bullying and fearful of hardship.

"It's useless, I have found someone in these two days, and I am going to sell this shop, and then I will go elsewhere."

As the boss said, this is considered a bad idea. If he doesn't move away, he will be harassed by all the gangsters here.

After Zhou Dong heard him say these things, he did not agree that he wanted to move.

If he just gave in blindly, those gangsters would only make an inch of it, and it would not be enough.

"Thank you for today's matter. I think this kind of thing must happen. I should move quickly in these two days. Then they will find trouble again, and it will be difficult for me to deal with it alone."

The boss continued to talk there. Originally, the store was not very big, just enough to accommodate a few people.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize, this matter is not your fault in the first place." Zhou Dong is also a reasonable person and will not wrong him.

In addition, this shopkeeper was originally a victim, and he has no reason to blame him.

"These things should also have an impact on you, presumably those gangsters will also trouble you." The boss said, this is what he doesn't worry about the least.

Zhou Dong didn't take this matter to heart, he just shook his head to show that he didn't care.

After all, those bullies are not his opponents.

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