Layman System

Chapter 2179: survey

On the other hand, Li Li was upset about Song Juyu’s affairs, thinking that he first tried to commit a crime when he was in a French restaurant, and then actually pretended to be hurt to lie to herself that he was avenged by Yu Xie because of him. Own opinion.

The emotions in his heart also surfaced on his face, an extremely delicate face, with two crescent eyebrows compacted together, and the look of boredom was constantly revealed from his eyes.

Zhou Dong suddenly felt amused when he saw the person in front of him, he walked over and touched Li Li's head and said, "Okay, it's okay, it's not worth the trouble."

Li Li also leaned on Zhou Dong's arms and said: "I am so mad, if he hadn't saved me, I really want to cut him off to eliminate the anger in my heart."

Zhou Dong looked at the annoying person in his arms, and immediately reached out his hand and rubbed her head and said, "Well, we are not angry. It is not worth it to be angry with this kind of person."

Li Li looked up at Zhou Dong and said distressed: "I'm not angry, but this kind of person really disgusts me. What I hate most in my life is this kind of decent person."

Zhou Dong hurriedly coaxed: "It's okay, we'll just give him some time to thank him, so that he won't be entangled like this anymore."

After hearing this, Li Li still felt irritated and said to Zhou Dong: "What if he continues to pester us?"

Zhou Dong gave her a relieved look and said: "Don't worry, if she continues to struggle, we will no longer care about his identity as a lifesaver, just warn him directly."

I saw Li Li sighed and said, "Hey, this kind of person is really annoying. Even if he is my savior, I don't know how to treat him."

Zhou Dong had to hug her even more tightly with his arms and said, "Well, your worries are unnecessary. Since he is such a human-faced and beast-hearted person, then we only need to repay his life-saving grace. , He can't keep holding this thing to blackmail us."

Li Li had no choice but to say, "Well, we will invite him out for a meal in a while."

Zhou Dong looked at Li Li in his arms, knowing that Song Juyu had spotted Li Li's softheartedness, so he did this behavior again and again, because Song Juyu knew that even if the matter was revealed, Li Li would be softhearted. Care about it, but if things succeed, you will win Li Li's favor, and you won't suffer in any way.

Li Li raised her head and looked at Zhou Dong with a guilty expression on her face. "I'm sorry, I seem to have caused you a lot of trouble."

Zhou Dongzai rubbed her head tenderly and said, "Is there anything else you and me need to say is troublesome?

Your business is my business. "Listening to Zhou Dong's warm words, a warm current surged in Li Li's heart, looked at the man in front of him with a pair of eyes, and then asked: "Then what are you going to do with this matter?" "

Zhou Dong replied: "Well, a lot of things have happened in the past few days, and you have been tired a lot. Just go to rest obediently and leave the rest to me."

Seeing this, Li Li didn't have much to say, but the worried look on his face remained undiminished, and Zhou Dong immediately hugged Li Li.

"Ah!" Faced with the sudden situation, Li Li exclaimed on the spot, his hands hooked Zhou Dong's neck subconsciously, Zhou Dong hugged Li Li and walked toward the room, gently laying her on the bed, and then Kneeling down to help her take off her shoes, slowly picked up the quilt and helped her cover it.

Then he said to Li Li: "Okay, you can get a good night's sleep, I am here." Even after turning off the light, he touched the door and walked to the living room.

Zhou Dong leaned on the sofa casually, thinking about Song Juyu's affairs. He only knew that Song Juyu was a young man, and he didn't understand anything else.

If you want to deal with this matter, you must first clarify Song Juyu's background, but who is better to find out. It is not convenient for those people before Tiangong to contact them by themselves, but there is no one else who can help themselves.

Immediately Zhou Dong took out his mobile phone and quickly browsed. This is the three characters Song Xiaohu in the phone address book. Zhou Dong immediately patted his forehead. Why didn't he think of him, Song Xiaohu? He was originally Zhou Dong's right-hand man in business.

He also had a very strong personal ability in handling affairs. Then Zhou Dong called. "Beep" only heard the phone's ringtone. Song Xiaohu's voice was heard and said: "Boss called me so late. Is there anything? I will do it as soon as you say."

Listening to the familiar words and the attitude without hesitation, Zhou Dong suddenly felt a warm current in his heart, and then said: "There is indeed one thing, but don't worry."

Song Xiaohu immediately replied, "As long as it is something you ordered, I will definitely do it for you right away."

When Zhou Dong heard this answer, he was extremely moved and said to Song Xiaohu: "You have been working hard these days. Let's get together if we have time."

Song Xiaohu hurriedly replied, "It won't be hard to be able to do things by your side. When it's good, you can contact me directly when you have time."

Song Xiaohu knew that Zhou Dong had bestowed his status as he is today. If it weren't for him, he might still be struggling with fate.

Then Zhou Dong said to Song Xiaohu: "I have personal information here. I hope you can help me find out his details. The more you know, the better."

Song Xiaohu quickly responded: "Good boss, what's that person's name, I will check it now."

Zhou Dong said immediately: "This person is called Song Juyu."

Then Song Xiaohu said to Zhou Dong, "Boss, wait a moment, I will check it now."

"Okay," Zhou Dong hung up after speaking, planning to take a good rest, waiting for Song Xiaohu's news tomorrow.

Just as Zhou Dong was about to go for a wash, the phone rang and turned on. He picked up the phone to check and found that it was Song Xiaohu who was calling, so he quickly picked up the phone and asked suspiciously: "How come you are calling again? ?"

Song Xiaohu quickly replied: "Song Juyu's information has been found."

Zhou Dong was a little surprised. He knew that Song Xiaohu was capable of doing things, but he didn't expect to find out in less than ten minutes. Zhou Dongdang even said to Song Xiaohu: "Then you pass his information."

At this time, a document passed by Song Xiaohu was displayed on the mobile phone, which was the identity information of Song Juyu.

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