Layman System

Chapter 2180: In trouble

Zhou Dong thought it would take at least a while to get the information, but he didn't expect that he would get it in less than a day, which was beyond his expectations.

Song Xiaohu deserves to have been in this city for so many years. He knows the topography here, and even the most basic people have to bow their heads when they see him.

"The file I gave you contains all the information you want, as well as some detailed procedures. If you are still unclear, I can ask someone to help you make a good investigation."

He glanced at the file Song on the table casually, fell into deep thought, did not say much, frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

Zhou Dong wanted to resolve that person as soon as possible, so he had to learn more about his identity, but only to realize that the matter was not as simple as he imagined, and he needed to be cautious.

It was probably a long time before he realized that Song Xiaohu was still standing in front of him, and he still refused to leave.

He observed it carefully, only to find that the look on his face was a bit wrong, and the whole person was lost, as if he had not rested for a few days.

"Is there anything you need me to help?" Zhou Dong asked casually, but at the same time he felt that something was not quite right. After all, the person in front of me was able to get all the information in a few days. Once you get it, what else can stump him?

Song Xiaohu's face was full of words. He didn't expect that his small actions would be seen through by the people in front of him. He scratched his head and said with a bit of embarrassment. Recently, because of the demolition, he has never had a clue.

Originally, he and Song Dalong were both managing the real estate at the same time, and even all the manpower had been found. The residents who were about to be demolished were left behind, but they did not expect that within a few days, the villagers would Unwilling to demolish the house.

It seemed like it was a good idea. There was no way for them. They even went behind closed doors when they encountered those difficult ones. They also joined the villagers and drove all of them out, not just the equipment.

Song Xiaohu was so busy with this matter that he had never found a complete solution. He wanted to discuss with a few villagers, but he didn't expect to get the same words, and advised them not to indulge in the properties here.

He has never found the source of the matter, but found that the villagers are increasingly destroying them, and even destroying their valuable equipment, he had no choice but to temporarily let all the decoration teams withdraw.

Song Xiaohu hesitated and didn't know how to tell the people in front of him. After all, the real estate matters should have been handled three days ago. Now that it has been delayed, I don't know how many projects have been missed.

"You can tell me directly that it doesn't matter much, isn't it for those real estate matters?"

As soon as Zhou Dong finished speaking, he clearly noticed the person in front of him. He instinctively took a step back. The expression on his face was a little unnatural. It seemed that he was right. Those villagers were not that easy to talk.

"You can tell me about what happened recently, and I want to find a way to help you solve it."

Song Xiaohu told him the whole story clearly. He frowned when he heard it. He also felt that there was a clue to the matter, but he is slowly solving it now.

Originally wanted to appease the other party, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him reacted so strongly that he directly refused his request.

"But if the delay continues, then all the projects will progress very slowly. If that happens to the back, you may be compensated for a large part of the liquidated damages."

Zhou Dong carefully recalled the treaty on the contract, only to remember that there was such a thing, but he would not put it in his mind, only remember other things.

This project was not difficult at first, but within a short period of time there were so many residents who opposed it, and they could only stabilize. At present, there is no way, so all the decoration team have to withdraw, in order to try their best. Reduce losses.

Even if Song Xiaohu has so many network resources, he can't solve these residents in a short period of time to obtain information. They are like dead pigs. No matter how they persuade them, they are of no use, even the ones that were previously opened Those prices were also rejected one by one.

Even the residents who had already agreed to receive the money returned the money to the bank account intact and moved back to their respective homes, causing the residents in that area to still live as usual.

"There will be such a thing?"

Zhou Dong didn't expect it to be so serious. He originally thought that all the residents were reluctant to leave because they were reluctant to bear this place. He thought that only a little more price would solve the problem. Now it seems that there must be someone behind it. Make some ghosts.

But he has to deal with one person's affairs here, and only after he has dealt with this person can he go to work on some other things.

Song Juyu was not as simple as he thought. It took such a great effort to get his identity information. It can be seen that the identity behind him is not only this.

"You can get all of these in such a short time. Is there any secret?"

Zhou Dong couldn't help but forget the difficult things that the relocated households had said before. Instead, he only asked these things. This made the people in front of them wonder how to describe them, so they had to tell themselves. Feel everything through.

Song Xiaohu chatted with him a little bit, and then he thought about what he was here, and he had no choice but to say a few words at random.

"Then what should the demolition households do? We can't always be empty like this. If the residents are making trouble, I can't bear it."

Zhou Dong put down the documents in his hand, thinking in his heart what kind of method could be used to solve it, so he had to wait a few days, and go there to see the villagers' thoughts by himself, I hope no one Make some ghosts behind the scenes.

After Song Xiaohu waited for a long time, he didn't wait. In the end, he was a little distressed. He didn't know what to say. When he wanted to leave, he didn't expect to be called down suddenly.

"Where do you want to go now?"

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