Layman System

Chapter 2184: meet

After coming back, Zhou Dong's complexion was very bad. These things were very difficult to handle. Zhou Dong has not yet thought of any good countermeasures.

At this moment, Zhou Dong's cell phone rang, and Zhou Dong took a look at it and found that Li Li was calling him.

Under normal circumstances, Li Li has no business, and will never call Zhou Dong's mobile phone number, so this time Li Li must have something to tell herself, Zhou Dong answered the phone.

As soon as I was connected, I heard Li Li say over there: "Song Juyu asked me out. Do you think I should go out with him?"

Zhou Dong felt a headache even more when he thought of Song Juyu. Song Juyu was really annoying. Zhou Dong had never felt that he would hate someone so much.

"It's okay, you promise him first and leave other things to me to deal with at that time, and I will accompany you when the time comes." Zhou Dong said.

Zhou Dong didn't know what Song Juyu was selling in the gourd this time, so naturally he didn't feel relieved and asked Li Li to see Song Juyu alone.

After receiving the call, Zhou Dong went back to the house, intending to talk to Song Xiaohu about the conversations he heard from black people. After all, Song Xiaohu was the last to buy this old area. Of course, he had to explain these things clearly to Song Xiaohu.

When he came to find Song Xiaohu in person, Zhou Dong said: "I have carefully investigated behind the scenes and found that the Song Group is going to grab it from you. This express delivery is because I want to sell it to you at a high price. I don’t know how you think about it. ."

In fact, Song Xiaohu knew something in his heart, but now that he heard Zhou Dong say that, he felt very angry.

"Why these people are like this? This is basically a villain's behavior. I don't bother to go with them!" Song Xiaohu said a little annoyed.

Although that was the case, Song Xiaohu still had to find a way to find this old area, so he couldn't keep it in their hands.

"I know what you are thinking, but we have to compromise on this matter, because the Song Group is really difficult to deal with. I have been ringing for a long time before, but I still haven't thought of a good way."

Zhou Dong's attitude towards this matter was somewhat helpless.

The Song Group is indeed very powerful. If they want to take back this old area, they will definitely not be able to solve it without spending money.

And the most important thing is that the Song Group is not a small company. To do this kind of business in business, you need to be extremely careful. If there is any break, you may be caught.

This is also the reason why Zhou Dong has not thought of a solution.

As long as the Song Group clings to this old area and doesn’t let go, no matter what they do, there’s definitely no way they can do it, but they have to take this thing back. The end result may be that even if the other party wants to raise the price, But they can do nothing.

"Let's just forget about him. The price they give will definitely not. If we buy this land back, wouldn't it be a loss?" Song Xiaohu said helplessly.

Now that their land can develop in the end, I don’t know if the Song Group will first take out a portion of the money from it. Isn’t this equivalent to the Overlord Clause?

This is also no way. Zhou Dong and the others have no choice. After all, this piece of land is in the hands of the Song Group, but if Zhou Dong is asked to raise the price to them, Zhou Dong will not be reconciled.

"Otherwise, the two of us have to be careful about this matter to find some other way. It must not always be like this." Zhou Dong said.

Since the other party wants to raise the price, the price paid is definitely not low. At that time, it can't be said that Zhou Dong will lose money even if they sell the land.

"That's right, anyway, I already know their conspiracy now. If it doesn't work, I will expose this matter and see how they explain it then." Song Xiaohu said angrily.

Of course, what Song Xiaohu said is just some angry words. Let’s not talk about whether the other side is afraid that they will expose these things. They have no evidence now. Even if this matter is stabbed on the Internet, it may be of no use to them. .

And most importantly, the people behind the Song Group are very powerful, and it is impossible to be afraid of them.

The more Zhou Dong thought about it, the more headache he felt, so he didn't deal with this matter at all. Anyway, it was still early. After this matter was still coming and dealt with, Zhou Dong would think about Song Juyu's affairs.

But I don't know why Song Juyu approached Li Li. Zhou Dong really didn't worry about leaving Li Li alone.

Later, Zhou Dong bid farewell to Song Xiaohu, and went to find Li Li and Li Li to meet Song Juyu.

But this time Song Juyu didn't seem surprised to see Zhou Dong coming over, as if he had guessed that Zhou Dong would come.

"You are here, I have already set a position, I happen to have some business matters I want to talk to you." Song Juyu said to Zhou Dong.

Zhou Dong also felt a little strange, why Song Juyu was polite to him this time, Song Juyu was definitely not such a person before, and the most important thing is that Zhou Dong didn't know what business Song Juyu wanted to discuss with him.

"I have something to discuss with you, are you going to play any tricks this time?"

Standing in front of Li Li, Zhou Dong said to Song Juyu very vigilantly.

Now Zhou Dong has no good feelings for Song Juyu at all, and even hopes that this person will not appear in front of him at all. If Song Juyu is not looking for Li Li this time, Zhou Dong would never see Song Juyu.

"Don't be so nervous, don't worry, I really have a voice to talk to you, let's not stand here, I have already set a position in the house, go in and talk." Song Juyu said.

Zhou Dong and Li Li both looked at each other vigilantly, but looking at Song Juyu's colored paper shouldn't play any tricks, and then Zhou Dong followed Li Li in.

The place Song Juyu chose was not bad. When they entered, the people at the restaurant started to serve food. The three of them had no other people in the same private room.

But even so, Zhou Dong still felt a little strange, this time Song Juyu asked him what business he wanted to discuss?

"I invited Li Li over before, and I didn't expect you to come. Maybe the dishes are not enough. If you have anything you want to eat, order some more." Song Juyu said to Zhou Dong.

Of course, Zhou Dong didn't come here specifically to eat, so he said he didn't order any more.

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