Layman System

Chapter 2185: Cooperation

Similarly, Zhou Dong was still looking at Song Juyu with a puzzled look, thinking about the cooperation that Song Juyu had just said, he secretly said: "Song Juyu actually wants to cooperate with him in business, has the sun come out from the west?"

Because in his opinion, it’s good for Song Juyu not to target himself. He didn’t expect to cooperate with himself. It was impossible. But now that Song Juyu proposed it, Zhou Dong was not good at rejecting it, so he had to face Song Juyu. Said: "Oh? I wonder if you have any business to cooperate with me."

"Wait a minute!" I saw Song Juyu took out a contract from his briefcase and handed it to Zhou Dong. He also said to him: "I want to solve the problem in the company, but I have something recently. To deal with it, there is no free time to solve it. It just so happens that you are also a businessman. Why don't you help me solve these problems. Of course, I will have to thank you again after everything is done."

Zhou Dong glanced at him when he heard the words, then lowered his head to think.

Song Juyu watched Zhou Dong looking down and meditated and ignored him, and instead of being angry, he continued to speak, "Of course, if Brother Zhou is unwilling, I won't force it.

It’s just that the last time I rescued Miss Li from Yu Xie, I suffered a lot of injuries, so I didn’t have much energy to deal with these things. Otherwise, I would never speak to Brother Zhou. "

After hearing this, Zhou Dong glanced at Song Juyu disdainfully. He had already said so, and he had to help him solve it because of his feelings. Otherwise, with his own personality, it would be absolutely impossible to help Song Juyu.

So he took the document from Song Juyu's reluctantly. Song Juyu said: "These questions are all shown in the document. I have already contacted those people in my company. You can just go there. All right."

Zhou Dong didn't return him, but just nodded and looked through the document, only to see that the content on the document happened to be the demolition and relocation of the old district that Song Xiaohu and the others had had a headache recently.

Zhou Dong immediately became happy. He looked at Song Juyu like an idiot. He didn't expect that he would throw such a thing to himself. He probably didn't know that he was the boss behind Song Xiaohu's company. Come here without any effort.

Although he was happy, he still didn't show anything on his face. He closed the file and put it on the table. Song Juyu saw Zhou Dong's move and thought he didn't want to agree, so he said quickly, "Brother Zhou, you also know. If it weren’t for saving Miss Li some time ago, I had suffered some injuries, otherwise I would definitely not trouble you."

Li Li on the side suddenly became embarrassed when he heard Song Juyu's words. She didn't expect Song Juyu to threaten Zhou Dong to help him by saving himself again and again.

And seeing Zhou Dong’s actions seemed unwilling to help him, so he stood up and said to Song Juyu: "Song son, I am very grateful for you for saving me, but we are not obliged to help you deal with these problems in your company. ."

Song Juyu hurriedly replied: "Don't worry, Brother Zhou didn't let Brother Zhou help me free of charge. After these problems are handled, I will also pay him a lot of money."

Li Li immediately felt a headache after hearing this, and looked at Song Juyu next to him helplessly. Not only did he not hear it, they didn't really want to help him, but instead felt that they refused because they were not paid.

Dang Even said to Song Juyu Zaici euphemistically: "Master Song, this is not a problem with money, but a problem with your company. Zhou Dong doesn't understand or understand. If you ask him for help, he can only help. "

The implicit meaning of Li Li's words is to tell Song Juyu that Zhou Dong doesn't understand anything, and it's useless to ask him for help, so let's ask Gao Ming.

Unexpectedly, Song Juyu didn’t hear at all, turning his head and continuing to smile at Li Li and said, “Hahaha, don’t worry, Miss Li, these problems are all small problems. Isn’t Dong also a businessman? This is a rare opportunity to exercise."

Li Li immediately replied: "Although Zhou Dong is a businessman, he is only a small business businessman. We are satisfied with our current life and we don't need Zhou Dong to set foot in other fields."

Song Juyu Dang even laughed and said, "Miss Li, you are wrong about this. You are satisfied with your current life. It does not mean that Brother Zhou is also satisfied. If a man has no ambitions, you are hindering his development like this."

What Song Juyu said touched Li Li's heart a little, thinking in her heart if she was obstructing Zhou Dong's development. What if Zhou Dong was willing? Suddenly Li Li remembered the previous events, looked suspiciously at Song Juyu, and recalled that he was a shameless villain.

How could such a person think of Zhou Dong for good things, especially Zhou Dong's previous events that made him lose a lot of face.

I am afraid that this cooperation with Zhou Dong is definitely not simple, either to cheat him or take the opportunity to retaliate against him. Dang Even said to Song Juyu: "I and Zhou Dong are husband and wife, so naturally what I said was his thoughts. Zhou Dong and I are very satisfied with our current life. Thank you for your kindness."

Song Juyu saw Li Li's appearance at the moment, even if he continued to persuade him: "Even if Miss Li is a husband and wife, you can't hinder the future of Brother Zhou in this way. You must know that opportunities are not every day. I finally have a chance. , I thought of Brother Zhou at that time, but I didn't expect you to not appreciate it."

Li Li had no choice but to pretend to be apologetic and replied: "I'm sorry, Son, we understand your kindness. As for your life-saving grace, I will thank you when I have time."

Song Juyu saw such a stubborn Li Li and had to stop struggling with her. Even if he turned his head to Zhou Dong, now Li Li said more on her behalf. As long as Zhou Dong agreed to come down, it would be fine, so he asked Zhou Dong. Said: "How about Brother Zhou, have you considered it carefully? Opportunities really don't happen every day."

Li Li on the side kept winking at Zhou Dong, as if to tell him, don't promise Song Juyu just because he saved him. There must be nothing good in it.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dong looked at Song Juyu with a smile and said, "Hahaha, if it is, then I will take it."

Song Juyu suddenly felt strange looking at Zhou Dong, who had agreed so readily. He looked at Zhou Dong with a puzzled look. He wanted to see something from him, but he didn't know anything but he replied: "Zhou Brothers deserve to be people who do great things, just refreshing."

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