Layman System

Chapter 2186: Explain to her

Then Zhou Dong said to Song Juyu: "I actually don't want to help you solve those miscellaneous problems in your company, but I don't even want Li Li to be difficult to do because of this kind of trouble, otherwise I will definitely not help you. ."

Song Juyu was not angry when he heard what Zhou Dong said. Instead, he was relieved. Judging from the contact between himself and Zhou Dong during this period, Zhou Dong is definitely a person who does what he wants. He will never like things he doesn't like. made.

His previous events have left a bad impression in his heart, and now he came to him for help, and he was ready to be rejected, and he even brought up in front of him to save Li Li’s Everything, I feel that Zhou Dong will still be rejected,

Unexpectedly, he agreed because of Li Li. Since Zhou Dong would agree to himself because of Li Li, he should not play any tricks for the sake of seeing himself as Li Li's lifesaver.

Immediately, Song Juyu said to Zhou Dong and Li Li: "Then this matter is just your thanks to me for saving my life. As long as the matter is finished, I promise that I will never disturb you again in the future, and the matter will be done. Later, I was fortunate to give two generous rewards to thank them."

In fact, it’s not that Song Juyu didn’t want to disturb them. Looking at Li Li in front of him, Song Juyu felt agitated in his heart. He wanted to get her right away, but his heart wasn’t very emboldened. Last time he got rid of his college roommate to investigate Li Li’s details. , But the results that were checked immediately made Song Juyu look shocked.

Unexpectedly, Li Li and Zhou Dong had a long period of blankness. Song Juyu felt that Li Li and Zhou Dong were the same, and their identities were definitely not simple.

Otherwise, there must be some high-ranking people behind them, and these people are far from what Song Juyu can provoke.

Anyone with high authority, as long as they target Song Juyu, then their Song family group may be wiped out overnight.

From their information, even if ordinary people disappeared inexplicably, some clues could be investigated, but the disappearance of Li Li and Zhou Dong.

No matter what methods and methods Song Juyu used, he couldn't find a trace at all. During that period, it was as if these two people had never appeared before and disappeared from the world without a trace.

Song Juyu concluded on the spot that the identities of these two people were definitely not simple, at least not something he could provoke. Although he wanted to get Li Li in front of him, he rationally told him that this was not a woman he could touch.

If you can’t handle it well, you will not only fail to get Li Li, but you may also bring disaster to the Song Group. In this case, take advantage of this opportunity to let the two people in front of you help them deal with a problem that has been a headache for a long time. It can be regarded as a great favor to myself.

At the same time, you can also take the opportunity to get along with them, even if you don't bother them in the future, your impression in their hearts should become better.

At this moment, Zhou Dong didn't know what Song Juyu was thinking in his heart, and said to him: "Since we already know the matter, I will deal with it these days."

Song Juyu hurriedly stood up and said, "Then trouble brother Zhou, please work hard!"

Zhou Dong said to Song Juyu: "Then we will leave first."

Before Song Juyu could say something, he pulled Li Li towards the parking lot, and Zhou Dong drove Li Li home.

As soon as he got home, Li Li complained to Zhou Dong, "How can you be so impulsive, don't you know what Song Juyu is thinking about?"

When Zhou Dong looked at Li Li with an angry face, he immediately felt a headache and he had to cautiously replied: "I know, I didn't do such a thing when my head was hot, although I also knew he was not a good person. But I still have to agree to this matter."

Li Li said to Zhou Dong anxiously when he heard this, "Since you know, why do you still promise him? Didn't I tell you? Don't worry about anything just because he is my savior."

Zhou Dong saw an angry Li Li, and when he walked up, he helped her to sit down on the sofa, poured her a glass of water, and said: "Okay, okay, don't be angry for now, and drink your breath. Slobber, and then listen to my explanation.

Li Li hurriedly picked up a couple of sips of the water cup and drank the water in the cup, turned her head and looked at Zhou Dong and said, "I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise we will go back to Song Juyu about this Reject it, it's a big deal to thank him in another way!"

Li Li also knew in her heart that Song Juyu was not a good person. Now that there is something good to find Zhou Dong, there must be some bad things preparing to pit Zhou Dong. That's why Li Li kept rejecting Song Juyu.

But what Li Li never expected was that Zhou Dong actually agreed to it in one go, which surprised Li Li at the time.

Zhou Dong said to Li Li, “Actually, I don’t want to help Song Juyu. It’s just that in his document, there happened to be a problem that a friend of mine was having a headache. When this is a thank you to him, so that he won't bother us in the future, and at the same time, I can help my friend solve the difficulties he is currently facing."

Li Li looked at Zhou Dong suspiciously, and when he heard him say this, she had no choice but to stop saying more, just hoping that this time things would go smoothly.

At this time, Li Li thought of something and said to Zhou Dong: "What's the problem with Song Juyu's company? What is written on that document?"

Zhou Dong said: "It's all things like real estate demolition, nothing major."

Li Li suddenly became puzzled and asked, "There shouldn't be any place to be demolished in the urban area of ​​Hohhot, right? I don't know where to demolish?

Zhou Dong immediately felt a headache. It seems that Li Li must be about to ask about these things. Then he said to Li Li, "Then you come with me."

After speaking, he pulled Li Li and walked to the car. He squeezed Li Li into the car. Randomly started the car and drove out. The car was speeding on the road. Li Li watched the surrounding scene constantly flashing past her eyes. .

After about half an hour, Zhou Dong stopped the car and said to Li Li, "We have arrived, let's go down."

Li Li got off the car and looked at the strange environment around Zhou Dong and asked suspiciously, "Where is this?"

Zhou Dong said: "This is the place mentioned in the document to be demolished, the old district."

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