Layman System

Chapter 2224: thank

Luo Yufei took the lead and left this group of relatives and there was nothing to say, they could only leave.

And they also saw the situation today. It was clearly that Luo Luo Yufei was wrong. It was Luo Yufei who was standing in someone's room. He didn't book the room at all, but just took them with them.

In fact, they didn't say that Luo Yufei had to develop to where he is now, but Luo Yufei was indeed a little wrong today. Taking them in a fake tiger pretense actually made them lose face, and they were a little angry thinking about it.

Although they wanted to make trouble in this room, they didn't dare to make trouble watching this big man.

They have also realized the gap between them, and believe that they will be punished a lot if they make trouble in this room.

They had no choice but to follow Luo Yufei away, and even if they lost face, they didn't lose the most. Luo Yufei lost the most. After they went out, they said that Luo Yufei was not the one.

When everyone is gone, the waiters also sent back their skills. This was their fault. One of their waiters did something wrong, so they have to make up for it with all staff. They can only do this. It's time to make up, they must make this man the best impression of them.

"Okay, since this room has been cleaned up, then we all sit down, don't stand anymore, stand and look at us as if nothing good is going to happen, and when we sit, we will be amiable, what's the matter? It’s good to be straightforward. Today is just a bit of daily routine. Learn about each one in the future."

Everyone sat down, but Wang Junqian's mother still did not react at this time.

She still didn't realize that when she should sit down instead of standing, Wang Junqian looked at his mother's current state and quickly pulled his mother to sit down.

But at this moment, Wang Junqian's mother burst into tears, and she couldn't tell a word.

Wang Junqian looked at him in a hurry and didn't know what to do. Zhou Dong looked confused. Did he just say something wrong, or did something wrong, how did the old man suddenly cry?

He carefully thought about what happened just now. He didn't feel that he did anything wrong, nor did he say anything wrong. Isn't it his own problem?

He took a look at the group of people around him, but the group of people around him also looked dumbfounded. They didn't know what they did wrong to make the old man cry so sad.

And they did not say a word just now. From the beginning to the end of this incident, they didn't say a word, why the old man cried.

There were many questions in their hearts. They all looked at Wang Junqian, but looking at the expression on Wang Junqian's face, it seemed that Wang Junqian didn't know why his mother was crying.

Now all the questions fell on Wang Junqian's mother. The questions in their hearts could only be answered by Wang Junqian's mother. After all, she was already crying and they could only think of a solution.

Wang Junqian's mother spoke for a while, then watched Zhou Dong speak.

"Thank you, really thank you, thank you for helping us out today, thank you for all the things you did today, I really thank you so much.

You don't need to feel embarrassed to accept the thank you from my old man. Today I am really happy and grateful. Otherwise, I won't do it. Don't feel guilty in your heart, or I will feel unhappy. "

When everyone heard what Wang Junqian's mother said, they all looked at Zhou Dong. They were all smart people. Of course, it was clear that the words were directed at Zhou Dong, and it was impossible to speak to any of them.

Because the person handling this matter today is Zhou Dong, and the whole matter is only what Zhou Dong said, so this sentence must have been said by Zhou Dong.

But Zhou Dong was a little confused when he heard these words. He never thought of asking this old man to thank him, and he didn't know why this old man would want to thank him.

Although they have been squeezed out a lot just now, these things are all small things and can be solved clearly. In the future, as long as Wang Junqian comes to his company, it can be solved.

But why the old man should thank him at this time, he is a little unclear and some can't understand.

Wang Junqian cried when he heard what his mother said. Of course he understood his mother when others didn't understand him.

He knew why his mother wanted to thank Zhou Dong, but he didn't expect that his mother would thank him at this time, so he never thought about why his mother was crying.

Now that his mother had already said the reason, he started crying, after all, this incident was indeed a thing that moved them, and it was a great thing for them.

I have not allowed my mother to raise her head in front of my relatives for so many years. Although I have worked in a large company for many years, I have never climbed up, and I have never been able to climb up.

So they kept their mother faceless, but today they broke the situation for so many years because of Zhou Dong's random actions.

They finally raised their faces in front of their relatives, believing that their relatives will be polite and praise them when they see them.

This was something his mother had never heard for so many years. Wang Junqian felt very happy and a little excited about what his mother would hear in the future.

They really thank Zhou Dong. If it weren't for Zhou Dong, he wouldn't know that this situation would be broken in a few years.

Although he knew very well that he would definitely be able to climb up when he arrived at Zhou Dong's company, and Zhou Dong would definitely give himself a chance, but it will take a long time, and he doesn't know whether his mother will wait until that time.

He just wanted his mother to raise his eyebrows earlier, and now he finally raised his eyebrows, he was really a little happy.

His mother was a little excited to make this situation happen. Zhou Dong looked at the performance of the two people and he probably understood why these two people became like this.

But this emotion is really sad. I invite them to dinner today because I want to make friends.

If the emotions are so sad, then how will the next thing go on? So he can only let this matter pass by haha, and he can't handle this kind of thing, he won't.

"Let’s just go over this matter. Auntie, please take the time to sit down. Don’t be so sad, Wang Junqian. Today we are here to make friends. It will be easier to do things after you know more friends.

Auntie, let us honor you today, and you can eat your meal safely. If you have any problems, come to me and I will solve your problems. "

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