Layman System

Chapter 2225: Expelled

On the second day, Wang Junqian got up early in the morning and started to wash his plan to go to the company earlier to see if he could detect some useful information. After all, Zhou Dong helped himself to be such a big person yesterday to make himself and his mother exasperate in front of those relatives and friends. Up.

And he also promised to help Zhou Dong well, so he went to the Song Group after washing and went to his desk in the company.

Just at the next table, Xiao Zhang, who is also a clerk like himself, said to Wang Junqian, "Did you offend anyone recently?"

Hearing this, Wang Junqian's face suddenly appeared puzzled, and he looked at Xiao Zhang and asked, "No, why did you suddenly ask me like this?"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Zhang said to Wang Junqian: "That shouldn't be, you didn't offend anyone, the supervisor was looking for you aggressively this morning."

Wang Junqian was also stunned when he heard this. What did the supervisor look for to do with himself? With a fierce look, Wang Junqian asked Xiang Xiaozhang and said, "Do you know what the supervisor came to do with me?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said, "I don't know, the supervisor came to see if you were not there and left."

However, at this moment, Wang Junqian saw Xiao Zhang, who had just been chatting with him, and immediately became serious and sat up, looking at the documents on the desktop with serious expression.

Wang Junqian watched his behavior suspiciously, but when he looked back, he suddenly found the supervisor standing behind him.

It turned out that Xiao Zhang had just seen the supervisor walking here, so he was very serious at work. Wang Junqian was also ready to go to work when he saw it. However, the supervisor said to Wang Junqian, "You and me Come to the office!"

When Wang Junqian saw this, he was puzzled and asked me what to do, but there was no way, so he had to go with the supervisor and came to the office supervisor to sit down. Wang Junqian sat aside, and the supervisor said to him: "You How is your performance recently?"

Hearing this, the embarrassed expression even climbed onto Wang Junqian's face, but the supervisor seemed to see his embarrassment, and then said: "Is it still the bottom?"

Wang Junqian nodded when he saw it. He would have no other reaction. At first, he would feel embarrassed or even guilty, but he has become accustomed to it for so long.

At this time, the supervisor said to Wang Junqian: "Do you think you are satisfied with your own performance?"

Wang Junqian shook his head and replied, "Not satisfied."

At this time, the supervisor Dang even said sharply: "Yes, not only you are not satisfied, our Song Group is also very dissatisfied."

Upon seeing this, Wang Junqian hurriedly said to the supervisor: "I'm sorry, supervisor, I will work harder in the future, please give me another chance."

I saw the supervisor shook his head and said, "There are countless people who want to join our Song Group every year, but you don't cherish this opportunity."

Wang Junqian hurriedly said: "It is the supervisor. I must cherish it. Don't worry, as long as the work is handed over to me, I will continue to do it well."

The supervisor looked at him with revealing eyes and said, "It's too late to cherish now. Later, you can go to the finance department to calculate your salary, and then pack your things and leave the Song Group."

Hearing this, Wang Junqian was stunned on the spot. He didn't expect that the Song Group would actually fire him, but he only agreed to help Zhou Dong just yesterday.

Apart from having a role for him in the Song family group, what else can help him once he is expelled? Dang Even said to the supervisor: "Supervisor, the end of the month is not over, and the performance at the end of the month has not been evaluated. You can't just fire me like this."

Upon seeing this, the supervisor said: "Wang Junqian, your current performance is at the bottom, and the end of the month is not far from now. You will still be expelled from the performance assessment at the end of the month. Instead of embarrassing your colleagues, it is better to do it now. Is it good to go?"

I saw Wang Junqian looking at the supervisor firmly and said: "Supervisor, no one knows what the outcome of the matter will be until the end of the month, right?" Both of them knew that this matter could not be changed no matter how hard they struggled.

Director Dang Even said to Wang Junqian: "What is the difference between you and the end of the month? What's more, if you leave now, our Song Group will also pay you a full month's salary for your hard work to the company."

Unexpectedly, Wang Junqian heard this and did not have any emotional fluctuations. Instead, he said to the supervisor: "I don't need a full month's salary. I just love this company and this job. Please give me a chance. Wait till the end of the month. My performance is still at the bottom, so can I be fired at that time? Director."

Seeing his persistence, the supervisor had to give up, and said to Wang Junqian: "Well, if you have good performance at the end of the month, the company will consider it carefully, but on the contrary, you must understand that the company does not support idlers. If the performance is still the bottom, you just Pack your things and get out."

Upon seeing this, Wang Junqian knew that at least he could stay in the company until the end of the month, and immediately said to the supervisor: "Thank you, supervisor, I will work hard."

The supervisor waved his hand to him and signaled that he could go. Wang Junqian left immediately and walked slowly towards the toilet in the company. As soon as he reached the toilet, he walked in and locked the door. He took out his mobile phone and sent a note to Zhou Dong. The message went over and said, "Our supervisor just talked to me and wanted to fire me."

Zhou Dong on the other side heard the phone rang and checked it, and found that it was Wang Junqian's message.

Zhou Dongdang replied: "What's the matter?"

Seeing a message appeared on the screen again, Wang Junqian replied: "I don't know why. As soon as I went to the company this morning, the supervisor asked me to talk and insinuately asked me to resign."

When Zhou Dong saw this, he asked quickly: "Then what are you going to do?"

I saw Wang Junqian swiftly replied with a message: "I have delayed this matter to the end of the month, but at the end of the month, I'm afraid they will fire me no matter what."

Zhou Dong didn't expect the Song Group to start so quickly. Dang Even said to Wang Junqian: "It's okay. You will stay with the Song Group for a while. Pay attention to their demolition."

When Wang Junqian saw this, he had no choice but to reply: "Okay, but I'm sorry Dong Brother, I promised to help you if I was good, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

When Zhou Dong saw this, he said, "Small things, you can rest assured that the Song Group is staying now, and I will take care of them."

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