Layman System

Chapter 2246: turn up

However, Hong Long and Zhong Shiqi naturally could see the nervous look on Zhou Dong's face. Hong Longdang even asked, "What's the matter? Did something happen to Chanchan?"

Zhong Shiqi on the side also stared at Zhou Dong closely, waiting for his answer.

When Zhou Dong saw this, he opened his mouth and explained to the two of them: "Wang Chanchan's position was still in a stationary state just now, and now he has begun to move."

After that, he stepped on the accelerator again, and the horsepower was immediately raised. On this road, I saw the shadow of a car speeding at extreme speed. When Zhong Shiqi saw this, he said to Zhou Dong: "Then we drive fast. Go, Wang Chanchan walks, we should be able to catch up with her after a while in the car."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Dong shook his head and said: "I took a look, and compared with the speed of Wang Chanchan's movement, her speed is not much different from ours."

Hearing this, even if Zhong Shiqi felt confused, after all, he knew that Wang Chanchan was out of the car and didn't drive.

But the speed of driving the car now is a little bit unable to catch up with her. I just thought that she should have hid and didn't want to see the red dragon, or because she was arguing with the red dragon and was in a coma, so she didn't move. It seems she should now.

There may be eight levels of people taken away, because we are driving the car, and it is impossible for her to open the gap between each other only with her legs.

The red dragon on the side also heard what Zhou Dong had just said. Even if he was anxious, he looked at Zhou Dong nervously and said, "How about? Did we catch up?"

Zhou Dong was silent for a while and said, "I don't know, this doesn't guarantee that our current speed is similar to them."

Hong Long suddenly became nervous when he heard this. After all, Wang Chanchan was his own daughter. This happened because of him. If something happened, he would blame himself for a lifetime. The phone plans to use his contacts in Hohhot to investigate the matter.

And Zhou Dong seemed to see that even if he stopped him, he didn't wait for Zhou Dong to say anything. The anxious red dragon said first, "What are you stopping me for?"

Zhou Dong said helplessly: "Don't be impulsive, things have not been figured out yet. Don't rush to find a group of people, or it will only get more and more troublesome.

Hong Longdang even said, "How can I not be impulsive, but that is my daughter."

Zhou Dong said, "I also know that Wang Chanchan is your daughter, but you have to understand that she is also my friend, and my anxiety will not be less than you."

Honglong said: "Then let me use my contacts, even if I turn this Hohhot over, I will find her."

Zhou Dongdang even stopped him and said, "Do you still need me to teach you the truth of not panicking three points? As the boss of the Tiangong organization, are you so uncomfortable when encountering things?"

Honglong also knew that only a calm search for a solution would be the only way to deal with a problem, but now it was his daughter who was in the trouble, so he couldn't calm down for a while.

But he also looked at Zhou Dong, his face was as nervous as his own, so he reluctantly leaned on the back of his chair, looking anxiously at the rapidly retreating scenery outside the window, hoping to relax his inner heart. Anxiety.

Zhou Dongdang stepped on the accelerator pedal even with one kick, and the huge body, even after pulling out phantoms, galloped along the road, but at this moment Zhou Dong found that Wang Chanchan's position on the system map stopped. After coming down, Dang Yi said to the red dragon: "Wang Chanchan's position has stopped!"

Upon seeing this, the red dragon asked directly: "Where?"

Zhou Dong glanced at it and said, "In a hotel."

Immediately, Hong Long felt uncomfortable and urged Zhou Dong to say, "Hurry over."

When the accelerator stepped on to the bottom and sprinted towards the hotel, the three of them appeared in front of a hotel after a while, only to see a few dazzling characters on the hotel, happy hotel every day.

The decoration is unique. At first glance, people who regularly date will be here. Red Dragon can’t wait to rush in.

Zhou Dong also walked in with Zhong Shiqi when he saw this. Only when he came in he found that Honglong was staying at the elevator door with an anxious face, so he walked over and asked, "What's wrong, the elevator hasn't come down yet?"

At this time, only Honglong said helplessly: "The elevator needs the hotel room card to enter it."

Even if Zhou Dongdang became helpless, he had to say to the red dragon: "Then we can open a room." After that, he walked towards the bar.

I saw a young lady standing up at the front desk, looking at Zhou Dong with a smile on her face and said, "Hello, sir, do you need to open a room?"

Zhou Dong nodded when he saw this, and then the young lady said again: "Then what kind of toys and room do you and your girlfriend or wife need?"

"Huh?" Zhou Dongdang was puzzled as soon as he said, what toys? What room? Could this be a love hotel?

As expected by Zhou Dong, the young lady also saw the doubt on Zhou Dong’s face and said: "Mr. We are a love hotel. I suggest you open a large bed room with a vibrating bed. Feel the joy without much effort."

Even though Zhou Dongdang had a black line on his face, the red dragon who had been waiting anxiously walked over and asked, "Why does it take so long to open a room?"

The young lady thought it was Zhou Dong who came to play with his girlfriend, but she didn't expect that she was with a man. Her eyes became abnormal when she looked at him, and she was slightly disgusted.

Zhou Dong also saw the look in her eyes, even if he was helpless, he had to say to the little sister: "Whatever, just open a room."

The young lady opened the room for him at a very fast speed and then said to Zhou Dong: "Hello, Mr., your room is on the eighth floor, you can take the elevator there!"

When Zhou Dong was about to leave, he saw the young lady looking at him curiously and asked: "Sir, will two men really be happy together?"

"..." Even though Zhou Dongdang felt helpless, he pulled the Red Dragon and left here quickly.

The elevator stopped slowly on the eighth floor. Zhou Dong followed the guidance of the system and led the three of them to feel the door of room 808, and said to Honglong: "Wang Chanchan is here. You can wait a while and I will find a way. Open the door."

Just as Zhou Dong was still looking for props in the system store and planned to pry open the door.

"Bang!" Hearing a loud voice from his ears, the red dragon, who had already been unable to wait for a long time, kicked the door violently.

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