Layman System

Chapter 2247: factory

After the door was knocked open, Hong Long rushed in with an anxious look, Zhou Dong and Liu Shiqi followed closely behind.

The three of them saw the mess in the room, and the things in the room were randomly discarded. Everyone looked for it in the room, hoping to find Wang Chanchan's figure.

However, the room is only so big that it can almost be seen to the end at a glance. In a moment, everyone has turned this place upside down.

"How about? Have you found where Wang Chanchan is?" Zhou Dong asked the two anxiously.

"No!" The two replied in unison, Zhou Dong felt puzzled, because Wang Chanchan was undoubtedly in this room just now.

But when he waited for someone to find him, they found that apart from the mess in the room, even Wang Chanchan's figure was not seen.

"The wind is really cold." However, at this moment, a cold gust of wind blew the three people in the house, and Liu Shiqi said even after rubbing his hands.

At this time, Zhou Dong looked over and found that one of the windows in the room was open, and the curtains were flying everywhere by the wind.

"Not good!" Even though Zhou Dongdang went secretly, he ran quickly towards the window, and Honglong and Liu Shiqi followed.

As soon as Zhou Dong arrived outside the window, he saw Wang Chanchan's figure not far away. She was **** with ropes by several people and walked towards the van not far away. Wang Chanchan, who was **** by the ropes, was also struggling. With.

But no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of the rope tied to her body. Honglong, Liu Shiqi and others also rushed over to see this scene by the window.

"Don't let me know who they are, otherwise I will throw them into the sea to feed the fish!" Red Dragon saw this, and his anger rose in his heart.

An angry eye that seemed to breathe fire stared at the figures below, "What should we do? It shouldn't be too late even if we chase down from the elevator."

Liu Shiqi watched as those people were carrying Wang Chanchan toward a van parked not far away.

It was just that Wang Chanchan was constantly struggling all over his body, which caused those people to walk very slowly.

"You go down from the elevator to chase, I will chase down from here." Honglong and Liu Shiqi were puzzled when these words came out.

Chase from here? How should I chase? Could it be jumped from the window? Don't be kidding, it's the eighth floor, but they saw a figure in front of them, who jumped out of the window for life.

"Are you crazy? What are you doing?" When the red dragon saw this, even eagerly stretched his head out of the window.

At this time, I saw Zhou Dongan calmly landing on a balcony of the hotel. He looked up and said to the two people above: "Get down from the elevator, and we will meet outside in a moment."

After speaking, he used his hairy legs to take off this time, and a deep leap was to jump from the balcony on the seventh floor alone.

I saw him flip in the air, grabbing with one hand and grabbing the edge of the balcony on the sixth floor. After all, he jumped down from the eighth floor. No matter how powerful Zhou Dong was, it would be impossible. At this time, he used his scud to jump to the fifth floor for life.

Zhou Dong kept leaping down from the heights as he repeated his old tricks, and after a while he settled on the open space on the first floor.

However, at this time, those people had brought Wang Chanchan to the van and were about to stuff her into the car. I saw Wang Chanchan's hands were holding the door handles tightly, but they didn't let go. Zhou Dong quickly moved towards those people. Ran over.

Those people seemed to have spotted the figure Zhou Dong was chasing over. Even if they were anxious, they saw a person getting out of the car with a wooden stick and facing Wang Chanchan who was pulling the car door tightly. Stick up.

Immediately, Wang Chanchan fainted with black eyes, and those people dragged her into the car, kicking the accelerator to drive away.

At this time, Zhou Dong also rushed over and saw that the van wanted to escape, and when he chased it with a scud, he caught the back of the van with a lifelong leap.

Those people also saw Zhou Dong behind the car body. Even if they took out the gun and turned it towards the back, Zhou Dong naturally saw the gun they took out.

In desperation, I let go of my hands behind the van and jumped to the side to avoid it. "Boom!" I heard a loud voice. In this dark and quiet night, I remembered that everything happened in electric light. Between flints.

I saw Zhou Dong's location just now, and a hole suddenly appeared. Zhou Dong got up and patted the dust on his body. His eagle-like eyes revealed a gleam of brilliance, and he stared at the escaped. Van.

At this time, Hong Long and Liu Shiqi also hurried over, "How is it?" Hong Longdang asked even.

"It's late, let them run." Zhou Dong had no choice but to reply.

"Are you okay, boss?" Liu Shiqi cared when seeing dust all over Zhou Dong's body.

The red dragon on the side also realized Zhou Dong was in a panic, and his face was embarrassed, "I'm fine, it's not a small injury." Zhou Dong said freely.

"Sorry, if I were too reckless and quarreling with Chan Chan, this wouldn't happen." Hong Long looked at the two with apologetic expression.

"It's okay, we can get her back together." Zhou Dong patted his shoulder and said, "Yes, what a big deal, besides, you are also Wang Chanchan's father. Yes, I have to educate her if I find her this time."

Liu Shiqi on the side also comforted. Honglong saw that everyone was saying that, the guilt in his heart was deeper, but he was not discouraged. Instead, he turned to Zhou Dong and said, "Don’t you have a position? Where is Chan Chan now ? Let's get her back together."

Seeing that he had regained his fighting spirit, Zhou Dong quickly summoned the system to check the location of Wang Chanchan on the map.

"Go and drive, she is telling to move again now." Zhou Dongdang said even to the two of them. Hearing that Liu Shiqi ran out and drove towards the car parked in front of the hotel. .

After a while, I saw a car rushing toward the two of them and stopped in front of the two on the side of the road.

Everyone hurriedly got into the car, and even after rushing to follow Wang Chanchan's location on Zhoudong's map, only three of them were driving and parking outside a factory.

"You stay here, I will go in and check the situation." Zhou Dong said to the two of them, and walked in cautiously.

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