Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1066: : Nan Ma Nan Da (four /?)

Facts have proven that the opportunity of Nanma's fantasy pretense to beat his face did not appear at all.

Although some people did show off their recent situation, they just accepted it when they saw it. The kind of guy who jumped out to take the initiative to fight was not shown.

They are all middle-aged and have no eyesight. I am afraid they will not be invited to this party.

Even if it's a little strange and a little separated, everyone complains about her husband, discusses their children, and enjoys it.

Even if the old lady who is "very annoying" in Nan's mouth, it is said that the husband's aunt who is entitled to the family is actually a very educated, elegant and luxurious lady. When she saw Nanming's favorite, she frequently gave him food , And then took a young man around Nanming lesson: "Brother Nanming is a few years younger than you, so sensible, look at you ..."

Nan Ming only smiled bitterly at the young man, who was also a look I knew very well, apparently also a poor child who was often poisoned by his own mother.

Nanming took a chance and asked quietly, "Auntie, my mother said that when you were young, you were the opposite, for what ..."

"Well, at that time, the monitor in our class was handsome, just like the one from the stars. The girls in the class liked him. My mother and I are the best two ..."

Nan Ming immediately understood that she deeply despised her mother. It has been so many years, and she still misses her old lover!

But this really is the mother's character, a small belly chicken intestines, especially revenge.

After dinner, everyone was a home and business person, divided into several small circles and gathered again, and in the evening, they parted ways.

Nanma was very upset that she was not able to win against her old rival. She drove Nanming and drove quickly while driving.

At Dongbin, Nanma drove the car to Lazy God's Garden, and Nanming was about to get off the lane: "Mom, you can go back, you don't need to drive in."

"Why, you don't welcome Mom? I'm staying here tonight."

"Well? You won't go to work tomorrow?" Nan Ming wondered. Today is the weekend. Mom will continue to work tomorrow.

"What kind of work, huh!" Nanma shook her head, and now no one really cares if she can't go to work, let alone the subtle changes, it really makes everything different from before.

Before, she didn't want to change her life easily, but now her thoughts are completely different.

Perhaps forcibly staying in the original life is not good for yourself or your friends and neighbors.

However, Nan Ming felt that Nan ’s condition was a little wrong today, wondering, “Mom, have you quarreled with my dad?”

"Don't mention him!" Nanma snorted, apparently really angry with Nan Dad.

"What the **** is going on?" Nanming wondered, saying that men get worse when they have money. The problem is that his father is not this kind of person. He swims in the mountains and waters, cultivates self-cultivation, and indulge in calligraphy and calligraphy. Anyone who seeks thrills will not touch this red line easily.

Not to mention, it is the mother who keeps the account at home. If you want to be rich, it is also because the mother is richer.

You see, my mother has to change the car. I changed my car at both ends for three days, and I have already got the name "Wenji Goddess of the Car". Dad is still the same Volvo.

If you say that you like the new and hate the old, Nanming feels that it is the mother who is more like the new and hate the old.

"Your dad ... this old man, now what Chinese painting master calligraphy everyone has, all day long swimming around the mountains, attracting bees and butterflies, and recently received a female apprentice!" Sure enough, Nan Ming asked a few words Nannan began to vomit bitter water to Nanming. "Your dad is going to meet this female apprentice all day, running east and wandering west. He has been trembling all day, maybe there is something wrong! I see your dad that day, Teach her how to draw from the forehand ... how do you say that sentence, what red sleeves add fragrance to the night, I think your dad is obsessed with others! "

"No, my dad?" Nan Ming always felt that the style of painting was wrong.

My dad is a gentleman, how can he do that?

However, thinking that my mother could hate people for half of her life for a secret crush more than 20 years ago, I did n’t have a fight with my dad at this time, and I could run to find myself, which was a rare calm.

"Son, what do you think of Mom about you!" Nanma suddenly grabbed Nanming and asked.

"Um, of course you are very nice to me ..." Although there are various problems in Nanma's personality, Nanming will never forget. When he was possessed by the lazy god, he always did not like troublesome parents. I begged my grandfather to tell his grandmother, and tried all kinds of ways to ask someone to save his life.

Neither of the parents liked to ask for help. One was too indifferent and the other was too proud, but almost kneeled for him.

Aren't parents all the same in this world? You can bear any kind of grievance and you can eat any kind of suffering, but you will not let your children suffer any kind of grievance.

"Then I and your dad, who do you help?" Nanma asked again.


This most annoying question is even more embarrassing than who your wife and mother should save in the river!

All along, Nanming has been adhering to the principle that ... who asks him, who he helps!

So now, in accordance with this principle, he said, "Of course it is to help you, but you are my mother!"

"Yes, I'm your mother, your father ... he might not be your father!"

Nan Ming's sentence almost broke out, is there any mysterious life experience?

For a moment, ideas such as the prince's failure, the spies of neighboring countries, etc. all came out of his head.

"My son was born to me. I said who your father is, and who is your father ..." Nanma said again.

Nanming can only be speechless.

"Since you want to help mom, that's how it is." Nanma said, "I will live with you tonight. Go home and investigate for me, and see if there are ghosts in your dad and that schoolgirl. If there are ghosts, If you do, you must mix them up with me! I don't think this girl has any kind eyes and is a fox! You must have another purpose to approach your dad! "

Speaking, Nanma brought Nanming's mobile phone and dialed the number for him, saying, "Hurry up, call him and say that you want to go home tonight and let him pick you up!"

Nan Da answered the phone and the first sentence was: "Son, are you alive!"

"Live ..." Nan Ming glanced at his mother, knowing that if he didn't do what his mother said, I'm afraid he would die next second, and could only say: "Dad, my mother left me and my classmates Fool, I miss home. Come and pick me up. "

"Cheng, where are you? I'll drive to pick you up now ..."

Then Nan Ming waited, waited, waited, waited for nearly 5 hours, it was almost midnight, and the Volvo of Nan ’s father appeared slowly outside the gate of Lazy God's Garden.

Nanming had gone home and slept for two sleeps. At this moment, when he saw Nan Dad, he was speechless: "Dad, how did you come here, why is it so slow?"

"There are hundreds of kilometers from Wenji to Dongbin, and now it is night, and I drive slowly." Nan Da laughed.

But he could see that he enjoyed the process of driving to pick up his son, even though it was late at night.

"Then you fly over ..." Nan Ming pointed to the Volvo hood of Guide Dad. Under the hood, there is also a large watermelon inlaid in the center of the engine. Nanming has not pulled down the place where this car should be modified, and he will not be too thin.

"I haven't got my flight license yet, it's not good." Nan Da laughed with a smile.

Nan Ming finally found out that he still looked a bit more like Nan Dad.

"Then let's stay first and go back tomorrow. How tired is driving at night ..."

"It's okay. I like to drive you at night. Do you remember when you were a kid? I really like to take a car. I quietly drove out the unit's car at night and took you down the street ..." Nan Da smiled and remembered.

These two people are so extreme in character. I really don't know how they have lived through these years. Perhaps it is because they are so extreme that they complement each other and get along well.

In Nanming's memory, it was common for Nan's parents to quarrel, but few times they could stay overnight.

Of course, Nan Da conceded every time.

This is a generous man, nothing seems to make him care ~ ~ and nothing makes him shake.

He can tolerate almost everything of Nam, even if something goes wrong, he will give in first.

Like this time, it can be considered a top serious event.

Although Nan Ming felt that Nan Da could not really find a junior, he really had to investigate clearly.

And this is a family matter, it's best not to fake it with others.

But Nanming is still closer to his father psychologically, he whispered, "Dad, shouldn't you have argued with my mother?"

"Well, two quarrels. Why, your mother complained to you?" Nan Da asked Nan Ming to get in the car and waited for him to fasten his seat belt. Then he slowly turned the steering wheel and drove slowly to the distance.

"Sleep and sleep for a while." Nan Da drove his car and watched Nan Ming shrink in the seat, whispering.

The lights flashed across from the other side, Nan Da speeded up steadily, drove to a high speed, looked at Nan Ming who was gradually asleep, reached out and touched his head, revealing a warm smile. (To be continued.)

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