Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1067: : Is it natural? (Fives/?)

"Wake up, wake up, you're home." In a villa area east of Wenji City, Nan Da wakes up Nan Ming, who shrank in the vice seat.

Wenji is a small city, but there is also a benefit in this small city, which is low-key.

So in Wenji's Lazy God Club, there are many old guests who hate the confusion of staff in big cities and still prefer to spend money in the oldest Lazy God Club.

With the entry of several major companies, the opening of Lazy God Paradise, and the development of Lazy God Guild Hall, Wenji's rich people are increasing. Not to mention, many old customers of Lazy God Club have also bought real estate in Wenji. Whether it is investment or self-occupation, it is very wise to buy real estate in Wenji now.

The property developer under Lazy God Yafei also signed an agreement with the Wenji government to develop a set of high-end housing with high-end housing, health care and scenic areas.

One of the main characteristics of lazy gods is fast, very fast.

Although some plant landscaping have not been completed, the building has basically been completed.

Those legends on the Internet that build a building one day at a time are not a big deal to the lazy gods. Under the blessing of 3d printing technology, this community is one sample a day, and it has begun to take shape in one month. It's ready for sale.

The first phase is surrounded by mountains and rivers. In a township 20 kilometers from the county seat, there is no industry around and the scenery is unique.

Based on the principle of convenience for everyone, this community is almost all lazy gods executives. Nanming's parents also have a set. At first Nanma didn't want to move, but Nanba likes the spacious atmosphere here. His own studio, so he convinced Nanma to move over.

Another advantage of living here is that all of the employees of the Lazy God Department are just like living in the family courtyard. The security personnel at the door are also responsible for Lazy God Security. There is also a dedicated team responsible for daily life.

Except that there is no ocean view room, it can be said that it is a replica of Dongbin Lanshen Bieyuan.

No, Nan Dad came back in the middle of the night and just parked the car in front of his house. The two security guards had followed Segway and said, "Uncle Nan, do you need any help when you come back so late?"

"No." Nan Da laughed when he saw the two security guards, and said, "Little Wang, Xiao Zhao, it's hard to work the night shift. No, I'll pick up the child."

The tone was similar to that of any other dad who had taken his son back from vacation.

But the hearts of the two people suddenly moved.

Picking up the child?

"Nan ... Mr. Nan! Salute!" When they saw Nan Ming rubbing his eyes and yawning down from the vice seat, they were shocked and immediately stood up to salute.

"Don't be so nervous, this is at home." Nan Da held Nan Ming, who was so confused, and greeted them with a smile: "Come in and sit for a while?"

"No, you don't need Uncle Nan!" The two quickly refused, respectfully watched them enter the small courtyard, looked at each other, and then took out the intercom: "Report the captain, emergency! General Nan returns ..."

"Leave it to us here."

Before the report was over, a hand stretched out of the darkness, preventing their movement.

"Who ... Mr. Zhao!" Seeing Zhao Fengfeng appeared quietly, the two thought they had some enemies, and saw Zhao Fengfeng, so they were relieved.

The lazy **** bus descended silently from the air and landed at the door of Nanjia. Zhao Gaofeng looked around and said, "You go on patrol, and I will leave it to you, here to me."

Several more people got off the lazy **** bus and disappeared into the vicinity silently.

Zhao Feng himself stood at the door of Nan's house.

"Xiao Zhao, Lao Wei, come in." There was a voice from Nan Da, and they looked at each other, grinned, and walked into the courtyard.

Although it has just moved here, the small courtyard on this side has been looked like. The various plants are planted in the small garden. Although the garden is not large, it is scattered and very elegant.

On the side of the courtyard, there is a pond with koi in it. A piece of living water did not know where it came from. Perhaps it was a spring on the mountain. When the voice was heard, the koi in the pond jumped up and was very active.

There were some strange stones by the pool, and at night it was a bit haggard, it seemed like a ghost, and wanted to jump out.

"It's hard for you, follow along." Nan Da laughed, "Come in for tea."

Zhao Gaofeng glanced at the time, thinking that it was late at night, drinking Maocha!

To be honest, although he often contacts with Nan Ming's family, he always feels that Nan Dad is a person who cannot understand.

This man is gentle and smooth and never loses his temper easily, but his temper is a little strange to Zhao Fengfeng.

For example, tonight, if he flew back in a car like Nanma, it is estimated that it will be ten minutes. How can he use it for three hours on the highway?

These cultural people have really awkward ideas, they just don't understand how.

Fortunately, Mr. Nan did not burst like Nanma, nor was he so engrossed as Nan Dad. It seemed that he was not impatient at any time.

Nanba's reception room is also very his style, and it is more like a study, with a banner on the back that says four big words: "Relaxing and Relaxing", maybe this is Nanba's life pursuit.

Nan Da put out the posture of Kung Fu Tea, and after a tedious process, he held the hot tea in the hands of the two people: "Tell me, what is Xiaoming doing these days?"

Like all parents, Nan Da Nan also hopes to know more about his son, but they know that Nan Ming is a person who does big things, and also knows that Nan Ming is relatively independent in personality, and does not like to be tired of his parents, so he has always been Live your own life just like ordinary parents.

But every father wants to know more about his son.

Holding the tea, Zhao Gaofeng felt that the tea cup was a bit hot. What did Nanming do recently?

Well, I did a lot, but it was a bit cumbersome to say, and there was a lot to explain ...

"Mr. Nan has been very busy lately, and has done a lot of things. It's a bit cumbersome to talk about ..." Zhao Gaofeng considered the words, not knowing what to say.

He is not very good at getting along with Nan Dad. He always feels that talking to these cultural people must pay attention to this. He may be wrong.

"Remove the tedious and difficult to explain, long story short?" Nan Da also knows that this middle of the night is not suitable for long talk.

"Well, be lazy, sleep and be in a daze ..." After removing those tedious and difficult to explain, Zhao Fengfeng concluded.

Nan Da: "..."


In the early morning of the next day, when Nan Ming woke up from his sleep, it was already three shots.

Out of the room, came to the small courtyard, Nan Ming took a deep breath and looked around.

The four walls of this courtyard are covered by green bamboo, which looks extraordinarily distant and not compelling. It seems that the space spreads out all at once.

Nan Ming faintly could hear Nan Da's voice, but he could not see the figure, and he screamed a few times, "Dad? What about people?"

"Wake up? Left." Nan's voice came from the left.

On the left side of the courtyard, under the cover of several plants that Nanming didn't recognize, a corner of the pavilion was exposed. Nanming bypassed the plants and saw that Nanba was sitting in the pavilion with two middle-aged people. Pointing to say something.

Seeing Nan Ming, the two hurriedly stood up and said hello.

Nan Ming looked at the uniforms on them, and knew that they were engineers of the lazy **** Yafei.

"Consultant Nan, please be busy first. We will come to ask for advice later." The two did not dare to disturb Nan Ming and hurriedly left.

"No, what are you talking about?" Nan Ming was curious.

"General Nan, consultant Nan is our landscaping consultant. For an overview of the landscaping of the entire scenic area, we have a few places that we don't know much, so come and consult with consultant Nan." The two hurriedly said.

"Oh." Nan Ming's eyes widened. "Dad, do you know how to make scenery?"

"I've always understood, okay!" Nan Da was speechless. Does anyone care so much about his dad?

"Really? Dad, you see these things that I designed, and a few experts came to my staff and staff." What Nanming thought of, ran back to the house, and printed out a lot of design drawings before long.

"Dad, you see, this is the landscape I designed for Sanping Island. I plan to plant a few baobabs here. Have you ever seen a baobab tree? It grows so strange. I plan to transplant a giant cedar here. The tree is domineering. Then here ... Dad, what do you think of my design? I've been designing for half a month! "

After listening to Nan Ming's design, Nan Da was speechless and said, "Xiao Ming, are you really my biological one?"

"Uh ..." Nan Ming stared, "Isn't I born?"

"Say it's not biological, you look a bit like me. Say it's biological, why haven't you inherited my aesthetic at all?" Nan Da hated shaking his head with iron and steel, and he suddenly understood, this is The so-called "cumbersome and difficult to explain" in Zhao Feng's mouth last night.

It turned out that Nanming has been working on this recently?

"Isn't my design ugly?" Nan Ming stared, "They all said it was pretty good."

"Your aesthetic ..." Nan Da couldn't bear to vomit.

Nanming looked at the two engineers again, and his face turned red.

"Not to mention how you planted tropical and cold trees on the island together, maybe you really have a way ..." Nan Da sighed, "but this mix and match, do you really look good?"

"Uh, aesthetics, it varies from person to person."

"Art is not high or low, but it is noble and low. Aesthetics is not good or bad, but it is beautiful and ugly."

"So I'm cheap and ugly?" Nan Ming felt himself hurt by tons.

"No, you are expensive and ugly." Nan Da said.

To put it bluntly, I'm an upstart!

"Xiaoming, if you're okay, just stay with me for a few more days at home, and I will communicate with you and see if I can help you cultivate your aesthetic ability ..." Nan Dadao said, "Look, you This aesthetic has made your mother take it crooked ... "

"No need ..." Nan Ming was weak and weak, "You have tried it many times since you were a kid, and it has no effect ..."

If he is the one who is most afraid of Nanma, it must be that Nanma does not listen to others and bury you in your own pit.

And what he is most afraid of Nan Dad ... is that he will tell you about annoying death, but also has to cultivate your aesthetics, sentiment!

After having breakfast, Nanming received a call from Nan's mother: "Son, how are you doing your investigation?"

"I haven't started the investigation yet ... but my dad let me stay at home for a few more days!"

"Good son, good job! Stay with him for a few days, look it up, check him up!" Nanma said.

Nan Ming is crying, mom, you asked me to check my dad, and you are not afraid that I have lost my life in these days?

"Mom, I don't want you. Come and pick me up ..."

"Good son, grievance for mom ..."

Before I finished talking ~ ~ I saw Nan Da came over and hung up the phone.

Nan Da took the ink pen and paper, and said, "Well, if you want to cultivate some aesthetics, start with calligraphy and painting ..."

died! Again!

Nan meditation died.

Then, Nan Ming saw Nan Dad throw away the pen and ink in his hand, clapped his hands, and said, "Xiao Mo, play the Chinese painting teaching film I made."

"Okay." A soft voice sounded, and then a light curtain was projected in the room. Nan Da explained: "The Lazy God Guild Hall has many people who are interested in the collection of calligraphy and painting. I have watched many ancient authentic traces, and even copied After a part, I have a deeper understanding of this national culture of our country ... and made a teaching film of my understanding of Chinese painting, which I plan to show to my students, oh, what do you look at? Keep up with the times? "

After half an hour, Nan Da sighed and looked up at the sky: "I know that you shouldn't expect anything from you ... bring your design, let's talk about giant fir and baobab. "(To be continued.)

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