Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1072: : Hurt each other until midnight

The morning light was faint. When the first rays of sunlight appeared in the eastern sky, reflecting the sky's clouds into a silhouette, two figures appeared at the end of the road in the town.

In the small town in the early morning, most people are still asleep, but some businesses are already busy. The dim lights are seen through the half-opened rolling shutters, reflecting on the long street with a different kind of warmth.

Although it was August, after a rain yesterday, there was a sudden drop in temperature today. The impact of the typhoon had not passed yet. The gust of wind gave a cold illusion. It seemed that the cold autumn had arrived.

The voice of the two people echoing back and forth on the long street seemed even more lonely.

"Four dogs, you work here."

"Well, don't call me four dog brothers."

"What's that for you?"

"Call me Fei."

"Okay four dog brothers."

After a moment of silence, the boy's voice rang again: "Four dogs, why don't you work in a big city? There are so many high-rise buildings ..."



The teenager's ignorant voice was quiet again, and the two walked across the long street one after the other, and then stopped at the Wanke Design Studio.

"This is it?" The boy stared, staring at the studio in front of him: "This house is so beautiful!"

In front of a row of flat two-story small buildings, this small building designed by Wei Ke himself can really be said to stand tall.

"That's for sure." Chen Changfei stood in front of this small building, also a little honored.

He looked up, and then saw that the lights on the second floor were still on.

"Well ... General Wei is still there?" Chen Changfei froze. It was almost eight o'clock when he returned last night. Tang Wan said that he was here to keep Chen Changfei going back first, but did not expect to come today. in.

Just wondering, there was a man coming out of the gate, it was Tang Wan.

Wei Ke didn't leave, he naturally stayed here all night.

"Mr. Tang!" Chen Changfei greeted him, watching Tang Wan's confused eyes fall on the young man behind him, explaining: "This is my cousin I said yesterday, Chen Changda, just call him Xiaoda."

Yesterday, Chen Changfei asked for a long day off and said he was going to pick up someone at the station. Is this the boy?

"Oh, Dada, welcome!" Tang Wan glanced across the teenager. The teenager was somewhat restrained, with a strong rustic atmosphere, his clothes were brand new, his shoes were old, and his socks were even more Frayed edges.

"Xiao Da is the son of my uncle. I just took him out of school just after attending high school this year." Chen Changfei rubbed Xiao Da's head with pity, Xiao Da hid in dissatisfaction, glanced at Tang Wanyi timidly Eye, took two steps back.

"What did I say?" Chen Changfei stared.

"Hello Brother Tang." Xiao Dazhen asked his head with a good voice.

But the eyes couldn't help looking at the light-emitting hall. At the top of the entrance of the studio, a very interesting geometric facet was designed. Under the light, the light strangely separated from it like a dream.

The lobby also houses various entertainment facilities, game equipment, and an old arcade machine.

At this moment, the more than 100-inch TV in the hall was on. Someone seemed to be playing a game, and it was playing fiercely.

"Four dog brothers?" Xiao Da watched as the saliva almost ran down.

"Come on." Seeing that Xiao Da was agitated, Chen Changfei patted his shoulder with a smile.

Looking at Xiao Da's back, Chen Changfei smiled, "Xiao Da went to high school this year. It is too difficult for the middle school in the town to pass the test. I don't want Xiao Da to go through it again ..."

Chen Changfei, who came out of a remote mountain town, knows how powerless he feels that he just wants to enter a university, but the process is like creating a miracle.

There is no mover, no guidance, everything must be explored by oneself, even hard work alone is not enough.

As a former legend, Chen is still being used as a model for educating other people in the town's middle school.

But a college student who has just graduated is still a child himself, bringing a teenager of the rebellious age from the mountain to himself and letting him go to school in a big city. How difficult is this?

Hukou, student registration, expenses, residence ...

Thinking about it is a headache.

There is still more than half a month before the start of school, and the next days, Chen Changfei will definitely be busy.

Tang Wan patted Chen Changfei's shoulder. He is also a young man himself. He doesn't understand these things and can only support him silently as a good brother.

Then he asked, "What's going on with the four dogs?"

"Don't ask, or you'll be friends."


In the entrance hall, on the sand that looks very comfortable at first glance, Xiao Da is playing a game with people, holding the joystick and having a good time, yelling, "Hahaha, why are you dead again?" , You're so stupid! Look at mine ... well, it's safe, get up! "

The stupid man grabbed his head and was not angry. The game character he controlled crawled on the ground for a long time, finally reached a safe place, hid behind the bunker, and escaped the bullet that was stabbing on the opposite side.

"Who's playing the game?" Chen Changfei walked in, wondering who would come earlier than him in the studio. He took a look, and immediately hesitated, stuttering immediately: "Nan ... Nan!"

Lying on the sand in the middle, and having fun with Xiao Da, is Nan Ming.

Chen Changfei has seen Nanming a few times, but just had no chance to talk to Nanming.

He stared at Tang Wan. President Nan was here. Why didn't Tang Wan tell him!

Tang Wan shrugged. In fact, as a lazy period, Tang Wan had more opportunities to get along with Nan Ming than others.

Tang Wan knows Nanming, and he doesn't like to be shocked at first, whether it is Chen Changfei or Xiaoda ~ ~ There is no threat to Nanming, just like those bear children who wander around Nanming all day. Need to say more.

Seeing now, Xiao Da and Nan Ming have a good time.

"Hello!" Nan Ming greeted Chen Changfei casually and continued to immerse himself in the game world.

Chen Changfei stared blankly at Nan Ming and Xiao Da.

The two were about the same age, and Nan Ming was also a summer short-sleeved shorts. At this time immersed in the game, they both yelled, which made Chen Changfei feel particularly awkward.

He took a few steps back quietly, only to see that in the dark corner, there were still a few people sitting in his figure, his eyes were like a torch.

Chen Changfei took a few deep breaths and whispered to Tang Wan: "Why is President Nan here? At this time ..."

Shouldn't this man named lazy be sleeping?

"Mr. Nan came here last night, and Mr. Wei hurt each other in the middle of the night ..."

Chen Changfei's face suddenly became strange.

It hurts to think about each other in the middle of the night ...

The two people hurt each other ...

Chen Changfei shook his head quickly, throwing this idea out of his mind.

"Fortunately, a consensus has finally been reached. President Nan seems to be very satisfied with President Wei's new design. President Wei is now making final improvements."

Don Wandao.

In other words, this hell-like day is about to end?

Chen Changfei couldn't help but be a little excited.

What's the new design that will satisfy both Nan and Wei?

What Chen Changfei thinks, it is impossible to imagine what Wei Ke's style mixed with pastoral style looks like.

Just then, Wei Ke's crazy laugh sounded on the second floor: "Wow ha ha ha, I'm finally done!"

(The transition chapter is the most difficult to write. Many plots are in my mind, but I can't stop it ...) (To be continued.)

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