Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1073: : Under the halo

After the silent landing on the moon, the city of Dongbin gradually quieted down from the hustle and bustle.

People are proud that this unprecedented festival was held in Dongbin, giving Dongbin the city's unprecedented fame and status in the world, and also feeling the countless changes brought about by a moon landing, but also distressed and vomited in During the moon landing, countless foreigners flowed in, bringing inconvenience to transportation and life.

Even after the moon landing, tourists who had not been able to watch the scene in person before, still rushed into Dongbin, rushed to the East Coast with a pilgrimage, overlooking the sea, a shadow like a dragon, and the distant water from the distance Star Bridge.

Look at the beautiful “Tianfeng” floating dock that looks like a priest jellyfish floating on the sea.

But the influence of lazy gods on this city is far more than that.

More and more young people choose to come to Dongbin Exhibition, so that the city ’s migrant population is increasing day by day. Numerous large companies have begun to invest in Dongbin, allowing the land to rise and rise.

In early August, Dongbin City announced ten major plans of the year. In addition to Dongbin's original development area, several new development areas were delineated. One of these areas was called "Lazy God Development Area". "Include the entire coast where the lazy gods are located.

Dongbin City has vowed to build this new district into the world's most powerful science and technology center, space center, and economic center ...

The plan hasn't been announced yet, and housing prices, which have been soaring nearby, have led soaring prices, and they have turned several times overnight.

By the time the general public, who was not so well informed, knew everything, everything had settled down, and the house in someone's hands had appreciated several times, and suddenly they had entered the ranks of multimillionaires. Lost the last chance.

The fastest price increase is in Linbin Town. I do n’t know how many townspeople who have sold the land before are regretful, and some dilapidated houses can be sold for a short time. With countless conflicts, and more trouble.

This change is actually good for the faculty and staff of Qingyang University and Qingyang University, because they have enough confidence in the Lazy School of Psychology. Has settled his family business.

But there are also some young people who are pitted.

For example, Chen Changfei now has his eyes wide open and doesn't know what to say: "What are you talking about? It wasn't the price yesterday!"

"No way." The sales lady's expression of innocence and sympathy: "Now the price is changing every minute, 5.58 million. This price is already the lowest price, and it may be 7 million by the afternoon."

"But this is just an ordinary two-bedroom residence." Chen Changfei couldn't wait to pull his head. I knew this already. What was it like yesterday? Yesterday, when President Tang said he had to borrow his own money to pay, he should accept it!

Why even consider one night!

"No way," said the sales lady. "Look, now all the off-sale houses are being sold nearby, and the prices are almost the same as ours. There are only us who have existing houses. You saw it when you came, Many of the nearby plots are actually deserted. These plots have already been bought by foreign investment companies. These foreign companies do not like to open residential areas, and most of them open comprehensive commercial complexes. Such a piece, anywhere else you can't buy it ... "

The sales lady spread her hands: "In short, it's good luck to be able to buy it at this price ..."

Chen Changfei didn't know what to say.

In the face of this kind of capital operation and policy changes, as a person is really too weak, without any ability to fight risks.

The development of lazy gods may have brought countless good changes, but this world has never been isolated. Even if he is a member of the lazy gods, he will still be affected by the side effects and injuries caused by the lazy gods. The body is incomplete.

The sales lady looked at Chen Changfei and Tang Wan in front of her, and then looked at Chen Changda, who was blank at the back, and pouted and smiled: "The two are brave and the feelings are so good, so ... I will give you a discount , A fraction, 550,000 thousand ... "

"We are not in that kind of relationship ..." Even if she is worried about the country and the people and feels resentful, after hearing the words of the sales lady, Chen Changfei is speechless. What are young girls thinking now! Don't you know that the person next to me is actually my boss, as long as I am unhappy, will I be fired?

In fact, Tang Wan proposed to buy a house. He said, "Changfei, you used to share it. Now you bring Xiaoda, you can't share it all the time."

"Moreover, the easiest way to solve the problem of going to school for Xiao Da is to move Xiao Da's account directly. You buy a house and everything is solved."

"Hukou, if the house falls under my name, you can only move immediate family members ..." Chen Changfei is still tangled.

"What are you afraid of? You are a lazy god! He is convenient." Tang Wanyi waved his hand. "Rest assured, I'll do it for you."

Then Chen Changfei decided to buy a house.

When buying a house now, there are millions of dollars. It may be the income of many people in their lifetime.

So Chen Changfei still has to think about it and discuss it with his family.

It was just that he never thought about it, but hesitated a little, and more than one million became more than five million.

Chen Changfei really didn't want to show such helplessness in front of his cousin, but now he really feels particularly helpless.

"It's okay, I said I'll lend you, I'll lend you more than one million, five million, the same." Tang Wandao, and then asked the sales lady in front of him: "Where to pay?"

"Wow!" The sales lady didn't know where she wanted to go again ~ ~ She held her heart in her hands, her eyes glowed, and she looked at the handsome guys in front of her, "Warm man ..."

"No, too much." Chen Changfei shook his head.

"Why, don't you have confidence in your own future?" Tang Wan laughed. "In fact, you don't need to worry. The cost of the design of the Star Bridge will be reduced, and the studio will receive a bonus. How much have you heard of Bear Kids Technology? Bonus, we will not be less than that. "

Don Wan paused and said, "And you know, this money is not useful to me ..."

Tyrant shut up, hey!

Chen Changfei couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Who doesn't know that every one of Laan An is rich and oily!

"But it's still too much." Chen Changfei still shook his head. "It's not expensive to rent a house anyway now, let me rent a house ..."

For Chen Changfei, who was born in poverty, borrowing millions of others is really too much pressure.

"Yes, follow you." Tang Wan shook his head. He knew that Chen Changfei was a stubborn character, and to be honest, as he said before, he had confidence in Chen Changfei's future. In the next year or two, five million seven million For Chen Changfei, it is estimated that it is just a number, and it is not necessary to consider the issue of so-called income.

But ... Tang Wan turned his head and looked at the shy young people in the entire sales hall, lamenting in his heart that he is still lazy and has strong ability to resist risks, but what should these people do?

How can these employees who are dependent on the small business of the Lazy Gods, or the young Tu people who lived around before, stand up in such a wave?

Or just leave home and leave home?

Lazy gods are full of light, but under the halo, there must be shadows. (To be continued.)

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