Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1075: : The stage is set up (Happy New Year!)

(Later, writing a chapter.)

After a busy day, even the busy sales hall of the vegetable market has become deserted.

After a long day of queuing for numbers, looting houses, and making difficult choices, people who bought or didn't buy the house were either satisfied or left frustrated.

In the open space near the sales hall, the muddy that was trampled on was gradually unable to pedestrians.

Teenage couple walking hand in hand on the roadside, watching the ecology in front of them, listening to them talking on the phone.

"Dad, I shake the number and pay the deposit! Just wait to pay!"

"Mom, I didn't buy a house ... I was out of luck, I didn't grab a number ..."

"Dad, I don't buy a house anymore, I really can't afford a house in this place ..."

"Woohoo ... Mom, I want to go home, I don't want to stay in a big city, what's the point of staying in such a place ..."

"Dad, my house costs more than half a million. How can I afford it ... what? Sell the house at home? No, what do you live with your mother? I'll figure it out ..."

And not far from these pictures, the direction of Qingyang University is lit with lights and bright banners hanging.

"Warmly celebrate the World New Building Conference in Dongbin!"

"New building, new world, new future!"

Police cars and even armored vehicles were parked on the roadside to perform security work. Various dignitaries and key corporate members of the world's construction industry, masters of the construction industry, and even politicians of many countries, at this time held a meeting in the East Coast Campus of Qingyang University, not far from here.

This conference was not hosted by the Lazy Gods Department, and Lazy God Yafei was just one of the participating units. It is a conference prepared from scratch by Dongbin City, or Jidong Province, under the auspices of 6 Zhenuo, Chu Chunhui and others.

In fact, this conference started to organize the "Star Bridge" which is still under construction before the Aerospace Conference. Although it is an aerospace facility, it is also an architectural miracle. With the "Star Bridge" as a gimmick, A lot of giants in the construction industry came to participate.

And many new construction technologies used in the construction of the Star Bridge made them want to stop. The chief engineers of many large companies have even lived here for a long time.

Therefore, although this conference is not large in scale and not many participants, each of them is an elite and heavyweight, and may even affect the world construction industry exhibition in the next few decades.

But all this has not affected the fiery real estate industry, nor has it affected those who are forced to cope with the soaring housing prices and overdraw their income for decades to buy a shelter.

Nan Ming and Zhang Feilin held hands, slowly came from the end of the road, stood by the road, looked at the sheets of excited or depressed faces, watched them gradually light up or gradually extinguished the eyes of hope, The muddy trail that is harder to walk, or stepped numbly in the mud, or stepped on the blade of grass carefully.

"Sometimes, I feel very weak." Nan Ming was talking to Zhang Feilin, and he was talking to himself.

This world has undergone such a big change. With "permissions", with Lazy Technology, with "Earth Rock Crawler" and "Star Bridge", there have been so many changes.

But the vast majority of people in this world still live such a mediocre life.

Never changed or thought about changing.

People always move forward in this way inertia, wrapped in modern economy, unable to extricate themselves desperately.

There seems to be no option at all.

And now, the world is going to move forward again, across the road, at the architecture conference, discussing the future of mankind, the future of the construction industry, new architectural ideas and new ways of living.

On the other side of the road, people are still like ants. In order to accommodate one inch, Fly Camp Gou.

Nanming is not sad, or anything.

"But changing the world is really too difficult." Nan Ming just stated a simple fact.

At one time, Nanming was also worried that the change he brought was too fast or too drastic, making the world unable to adapt.

But now, he has discovered that Lazy God Technology has not yet become the fire of the stars in that Ebara. It needs more and more power.

Even if he has that powerful authority, even if he owns the most powerful company in the world, even if he has changed so many processes.

But the world is too big, there are too many people, and it is not an overnight thing to change people's minds.

"Food, clothing, housing and transportation" are the four aspects of the world that are most ingrained and in demand.

Followed by Nan Ming and Zhang Feilin, there were also Wei Ke and others who escaped halfway from the construction industry conference, because today they are going to do another major event that will shock the world.

"Fortunately, I'm not alone." Nan Ming turned his head with a smile, looking at Wei Ke and Chen Changfei behind Wei Ke.

He is just a common member of the lazy department, and it is no different from other dozens, tens, thousands, and thousands of lazy department employees.

Before joining the Lazy Gods Department, he was just an ordinary fresh graduate. He was a young man who was troubled by the house, the ticket, and his wife.

Now, he is about to become the most important part of the process of changing the world.

"Let's get started." Nan Ming looked up, the dark clouds on the sky had dispersed, and the dew drooped on the blades of grass.

With Nan Ming's order, engineering vehicles drove over from afar.

Under the earth, there was also an extremely deep shock, like a dragon, galloping under the earth.

Many people stopped and asked them, "What are you going to do here? Is this a house? Is it for sale? At what price?"

The engineering vehicle stopped, dressed in clean and tidy work clothes, and even the white coat employees just smiled and shook their heads, looking at the opposite ground.

The ground was shaking slightly, and a few seconds later, there was a loud noise below the ground, and then a huge black shadow rose from the ground.

"Boom!" It's like a whale jumping out of the water, like a giant snake out of a cave, a giant steel monster poking its head out of the ground, bending into a huge arc in the air, falling again, only in A huge pothole ten meters thick was left on the ground.

The inner wall of the pit is smooth, supported and reinforced by the lining board, leaving an extremely smooth, seemingly straight to the center of the cave.

"Wow!" A few customers looking at the house next to them stared. "What is this? This is ... a shield machine?"

This is a shield machine, but not a shield machine.

This is the shield machine that Nanming captured from the beginning, but under the technological transformation of Nanming's power and lazy **** technology, it has already surpassed the shield machine.

That is, it dug the long tunnel under the ground from Qingyang to Dongbin, and built the former lazy bus, which is now the main part of the "Star Bridge".

Now, it has dug a huge pothole that is 100 meters deep, and these potholes will become the most solid foundation, which is nearly 100 meters deep below the ground and extremely stable.

It dug eight huge potholes of the same thickness on the ground ~ ~ in less than an hour.

At the time of its burrowing, several construction machinery had already sent cylindrical engineering 3D printing equipment into the pit. The huge conveying pipes were already prepared from large trucks. All kinds of building materials were fed into this giant 3d printer for engineering, and printed and poured inside this huge pit to build a solid support structure.

For more than an hour, heavy trucks came one by one from a distance, and the line longer than the train stretched for several miles.

Then, eight projects worked simultaneously with 3d printing equipment, and gradually filled all the foundations, and on the ground, eight high pillars towering into the sky were printed.

More construction machinery has been added. In the middle of these eight pillars, various connection structures are printed, and the reinforcements and support structures are printed ...

The sun gradually set in the mountains and the night came, but on this site, the lights were bright, and the huge 3d printing equipment was as bright and dazzling as the fireworks.

On the opposite side, at the venue of the East Coast Campus of Qingyang University, another day of meetings ended. Many construction giants, engineers, and designers who planned to go to the dinner saw the light across the road, and they were all staring, uncontrollably The ground came over.

"You guys ... Is this going to make an iron tower?" Someone couldn't help asking, looking at the connection and support structure that was getting denser.

This steel support structure seems to be very dizzy just by looking at it, and the solid foundation that seems to penetrate into the enemy's heart is even more amazing.

With such a huge and stable foundation, what is the purpose of lazy gods?

A new Burj Khalifa?

"This is a stage!" An engineer looked up and murmured at the supporting structure that was gradually forming in front of his eyes. (To be continued.)

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