Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1076: :welfare

This day is just an ordinary work day. At this moment, most people are off work, but some teachers at Qingyang University are still busy.

The young lecturer Shang Fang is one of these busy people.

After two weeks of high-intensity competition, Shang Fang finally grabbed a valuable place and was seconded to Lazy Divinity School to assist in teaching.

Speaking of teaching assistants, Shang Fang feels that he is more like a graduate student in the Lazy God Department, because those professors in the Lazy God Department are all Daniels in Daniel, who can serve as assistants, assistants and students around them.

When Lazy Theological College wanted to second a part of the teaching staff from Qingyang University, many people actually dismissed it.

Because this time the lazy seminary recruits, the listed responsibilities are: "Help the lazy seminary students to integrate into college life quickly, help the lazy seminary students to learn and improve together."

This requires them to be like counselors, to be one with those students, to use their experience and cognition to influence and help them.

This is not a good job for a lot of academics who are not interested in academics.

Not to mention, this post is a "teacher", and many of them are already lecturers who are serious.

Teaching assistants, lecturers, associate professors, professors, this is the evolutionary path of university faculty.

Isn't that a step back from lecturer to teaching assistant?

In particular, some senior lecturers who are too old and have begun to impact associate professors are even more entangled.

There was also a fierce debate in Shangfang's group of lecturers. Most of Shang Fang's mentors also held opposition, let Shang Fang think again.

A mentor analyzed the advantages and disadvantages for him: "Xiao Shang, you are seconded to Lazy Divinity School. Your relationship and salary are also responsible for Qingyang University. It does not allow you to earn much money, and you are seconded. After passing, I am afraid that your promotion path will be blocked. Do n’t you want to become an associate professor? I will help you with your operation. You are still very hopeful ... "

Another mentor asked him to grasp his original heart: "Xiao Shang, the more such a time, the more you must grasp your original heart and waste your time on teaching and tutoring ordinary students. It is not good for your academic career. I am now In preparing a new laboratory, if you come, I can let you lead a project ... "

There were even a few mentors who called his parents and asked them to persuade Shangfang.

Shang Fang ’s parents do n’t understand academics, but they understand the national conditions: “After all, this country still has the level and qualifications. Do n’t look at the bargains. You ’re still at Qingyang University. Lazy Divinity School is more welfare. Where to go? With the title of professor, you are respected everywhere. When you want to go to lazy seminary, we will never stop you ... "

Seeing Shang Fang still a little unmoved, they said, "Look at you, you are not married at this age, you should buy a house and get married. If you are looking for a daughter-in-law, it would be better to be a lecturer. If you are a teaching assistant, Which female physiology do you see ... by the way, we looked at the house for you, and you go to see it on the weekend, if it is appropriate, settle down, there is no girl who is willing to marry you ... "

However, Shang still resisted with a lot of resistance. He even resolutely grasped this opportunity. His mentality was quite flat: "Just when I left school and went abroad for further studies, I paid for further studies. How good? You can't find it on weekdays, right? "

Therefore, he went all out to compete and finally got a precious place and became one of the 23 secondees.

Since they are teaching assistants, the students have been assigned to their mentors before they have arrived. Lazy seminary has just begun, and there is nothing to be done. Now they are all busy preparing their own classrooms, laboratories and offices.

Then, they felt the biggest difference between Lazy God and Qingyang University.

The lazy **** is really ... too special and rich!

When preparing the laboratory, they made a list and bought all kinds of experimental equipment with little stumbling. Even many times, the staff responsible for purchasing thought their list was too conservative.

"The instrument you bought is already behind the two models. I'll give you the latest one."

"But this is not used, we only use it occasionally, but in fact it can be shared with other laboratories ..."

"How much trouble borrowing everywhere, on this list ... um, there is this, although it is the latest model, but our lazy department is the first in this field. Other companies' products have been outdated for generations, and I will buy it for you A set of our internal instruments and internal accounting, even if your laboratory budget is not, the cost is low anyway ... "

"You bought these reagents, but I'm afraid they aren't enough ... you said that you are afraid of waste? Young people, there is no harm in doing more experiments. If you are afraid of waste, you can use more. Prepare a few more control tests, even on weekdays. If you ca n’t use it here, you can also design some peripheral experiments and verify the tests yourself! The results of our lazy gods are not all piled up in this way? Young people, do n’t get stuck! ”

"The laboratory area you applied for is too conservative, write in the big area ... What do you worry about is not enough for the house? That's a matter of the design department and the architecture department. Your small 5o flat laboratory is too conservative. No, it's 15o, plus two preparation rooms ... "

This kind of work is simply exciting and fulfilling. Although busy, it is particularly passionate.

Moreover, the new mentors also value them, and they have begun to prepare some topics that they have never had before.

Shang Fang's mentality is also very good. He doesn't want himself to be able to change the world between his hands like the big brothers of the lazy gods. He just hopes that he can show better and learn more.

After finishing a day's work ~ ~ Shang Fang caught a lazy **** shuttle before 8:30 pm.

They were accompanied by two veteran lecturers. When they saw Shang Fang, they all greeted with a smile and said, "Shang Fang, see you busy every day. It's hot."

One of them glanced at Shang Fang's badge and stared, "Shang Fang, why did you degrade into a teaching assistant?"

"No, lazy seminary only depends on the position, regardless of rank." Shang Fangdao.

"Teacher ... I said Shang Fang, I think your choice is not very wise. You can be an associate professor at our Qingyang University for another two years and at most another three years. Will you be in your early thirties? Associate professor in his early thirties, alas, the future is boundless, why do you destroy your future and go to lazy seminary? "

"Secondary! The key is secondment!" The person next to him said: "The meaning of secondment is that your salary, income, and promotion are still our responsibility at Qingyang University, without giving you more wages and more benefits. ,not worth it……"

"Yeah, it's not worth it. Do you pay attention to the recent housing prices in Dongbin? I have decided to give up buying a house in Dongbin. Anyway, the price near Qingyang campus is cheap, and there is a lazy shuttle bus, which is also convenient ... Shangfang, if you If you become an associate professor, you will be eligible to redeem the welfare room in our school.

Shang Fang smiled and said, "I didn't go for these benefits ..."

"The smaller one is called the benefit, the bigger one is the choice!" The two lecturers taught him, "That's a welfare room!"

At this moment, Shang Fang's cell phone rang, and he smiled and looked down at the cell phone.

"Shangfang children's shoes, congratulations on your passing the system review and getting the new benefits of Lazy God Department, please download the‘ Lazy God ’s House ’app and choose your future dream house.”

"Uh ..." Shang Fang paused. (To be continued.)

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