Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1077: :dream home

Lazy God's House? what is that? Is the Lazy Gods out of the game again?

When I saw this app, Shang Fang was actually very puzzled.

As a true high-tech company, and with such powerful coding capabilities, Laziness seems to have nothing to do with general software and mobile apps.

At the beginning, everyone was still wondering, now that it is not in the east wind of the IT and mobile phone industries, isn't it in the past?

Now everyone understands that in fact, the lazy **** is creating the fourth technological revolution of his own. It is others who want to take advantage of them.

The general software currently released by the Lazy God Department, except for "lazy life" and high-priced, limited and scientific research-only "Xiaowan scientific research assistant", there is only one, or a game, that is "the bear must die "!

As a horrifying game, the "Earth and Moon Travel" article has recently been updated, and the various bizarre death methods of fur bears have been overwhelming.

Called 108 textbooks on the murder of space.

There is also this app in Shangfang's mobile phone, which can be called an artifact to relieve dissatisfaction and relieve stress.

However, the color of the "bears must die" is exaggerated and bold, and there is a "lazy one" corner mark in the corner, which means that this game is actually updated and maintained by the people in the first phase of lazy gods. It is their practice.

The "lazy god's house" style 1ogo is completely consistent with lazy life, simple and straightforward.

In the galloping lazy train, even if it is thousands of kilometers per hour, the iFi degree is as fast as possible, the progress bar just flashes, and Shangfang has already downloaded the app called "Lazy God's House".

After downloading, "Lazy God's House" automatically canceled the position of "Lazy God's Life" and opened the "Lazy God's House". Before you can do anything, a dialog box has popped up: "Please open the camera for facial recognition. .Do you want to open it now? "

Shang Fang was not in a hurry to click the dialog box, but looked up and down. The interface style of "Lazy God's House" is exactly the same as the lazy life, even the layout is the same.

"Well, it turns out to be a replacement for lazy life?" Shang Fang muttered, clicked the dialog box, and opened the camera.

Soon, with a sigh, Shang Fang's own "Lazy God's House" automatically boarded 6, and then a pop-up instruction for the "Lazy God's House" popped up.

As a young lecturer at Qingyang University, Shang Fang can be said to be a heavy user of "lazy life". From the food and beverage delivered by lazy life, to daily necessities, to the home visitor after appointment, housekeeping service, Shang Fang can enjoy Here.

This heavy user never wastes time looking at any instructions, and directly subconsciously said, "Xiaobao, is there anything different about this app?"

The next two lecturers from Qingyang University glanced at him, then smiled.

At the beginning of the popularization of "lazy life", such a sudden self-talking would make people wonder and joke, but now that everyone is used to communicating with their smart assistants, it is not surprising.

"In simple terms, it is a lot of internal functions of the lazy gods. It seems that you have joined the lazy gods. Congratulations, you are finally out, and I can finally raise my eyebrows in front of my companions."

Shang Fang a forehead black line.

Shang Fang's intelligent assistant is called Bao Jian, nicknamed Xiao Bao, and calls himself Brother Bao.

Since the last revolution of the small robot, this intelligent assistant has become more and more personalized. Although it is still very reliable in completing the task, this kind of ridiculous ridicule or occasionally playing a small temper and talking about something together People or something ...

Many times Shang Fang wondered if there was a peer of the same age who was hiding in conversation with him.

"What is that dream house?" Shang Fang asked again.

"You're really prosperous, Xiaofang! You can grab the first batch of places? I won't be able to call you Brother Bao, I will be called Baoye! Hurry up, call me Baoye!"

Shang Fang rolled his eyes and reached out to poke the screen, intending to see for himself. However, a cartoon image of a sword popped up on the screen, blocking his finger.

Poke again, block again, poke again, block again.

Shang Fang was so angry that he gave this guy a modeling sword as a virtual image!

After calling Lord Bao with a black face, Shang Fang threatened fiercely: "Take care again and I will replace you!"

"I'm already my husband and wife, are you willing?" Grandpa Bao laughed a little, and then an interface popped up.

Shang Fang heard the two lecturers next to him whispering, "Old man and wife?"

"With a smart assistant? No wonder this boy didn't find a girlfriend. He had this hobby ..."

Shang Fang wanted to curse, but thought that the other party was his own colleague, but he held it down, your sister, you have this hobby, and your whole family has this hobby!

At this moment, Shang Fang heard Bao Jian shouting, "Don't think I can't hear you, you have this hobby. Your whole family has this hobby. Didn't you see that I was a sword? Of course it is straight! Be careful Laozi attacked your dad and let your mother stay empty ... "

Shang Fang hurriedly squeezed the phone into his pocket, suppressed the speaker, and apologized awkwardly: "Sorry, sorry, my assistant is a bit bad ..."

"Heh ... heh ..." What can the two lecturers say? Arguing with a smart assistant? I can only smile awkwardly, just stopped at this time, immediately got up and got out of the car: "It's okay, smart assistant, not sensible ... Well, let's go first ~ ~ Goodbye ..."

Seeing the two of them get off, Shang Fang couldn't wait to hold the phone and kiss him. The sword over there didn't help: "Ah, hey, don't go, let you see if the welfare is a house, let you see if the lazy gods will Will house! "

Shang Fang also got up and got out of the car, and when he heard that a puppet almost lay on the ground, "What are you talking about? Really a house?"

"Of course it's a house. The house of dreams! The first batch is a rare drop! The friends I got here are already crazy and crazy, and I will have a big house in the future!"

"What house?" The two lecturers, who had already gone away, stepped back again, stretching their necks to watch the excitement.

"Um, nothing, a game to play ..." Shang Fang quickly plugged in a Bluetooth headset and fled, leaving Bao Jian's phrase "What house can you manage?" Blocked in Bluetooth.

While running, Shang Fang listened to the introduction of the sword in his ear. As soon as he ran out of the lotus, he hurriedly found a corner and looked at it with a mobile phone.

"Please choose three types of rooms: 1. Two-layered cube; 2. Single-layered arc; 3. Single-layered diamond."

On the phone, three models popped up and were slowly rotating.

"There are three room types?" Shang Fang stared. He carefully looked at the three room types. The two floors of the cube were the most common, the curved single floor was the most beautiful, and the rhombic single floor had both. The area and interior space were comparable. The curved surface The internal area is slightly larger, perhaps considering the poor practicality of the arc surface.

Shang Fang found the arc surface at a glance. On the demonstration model, the arc surface was designed as a small garden, beautiful.

He reached out to the point, and was blocked by the sword again with a click: "Wait, you are sure of the type, please don't ask the Father and the Queen? Would you like to go home tonight?"

Shang Fang's cold sweat brushed down and almost made a mistake tonight! (To be continued.)

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