Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 10108: : Laziness destroys the world

Iron Egg immediately went to see more data. I wanted to see who was purchasing so many fireworks. To be honest, the celebration of lazy gods has long abandoned the backward things like fireworks and firecrackers. What kind of flower pattern do you want? Can't their 3d projections be made?

But after reading the data, Iron Egg was blind, and more than half of the users of Lazy God Tower had ordered fireworks, which made him unintelligible.

Is there any activity in the lazy **** system?

"General Manager, what should we do?" The head of the procurement department was blinded by such a face, and was blind.

Iron Egg is also at a loss. Although it is said that it is now Iron CEO, Iron Egg is actually a young man in his twenties or so, sitting in the classroom in another place.

At this time, we still have to work together. Iron Egg is almost the most diligent person in the entire lazy **** system. There are always more than two lazy **** security personnel around him who are in charge of security and at the same time he is his assistant. The exhibition was extremely fast. First, the lazy **** system was used to land on the moon, and the service scope of lazy life was spread on a large scale. Then the lazy **** tower began to operate. The whole lazy life was busy with the feet, and I wished that one person was two Make.

Fortunately, all the lazy employees are almost paranoid and hardworking. Don't be busy when you are busy.

Iron Egg himself soaked in the warehouse area almost all day, in fact he had no office at all.

At this time, they were actually squatting behind the lazy life warehouse area, like three migrant workers waiting for customers to come in, while holding food and discussing.

After hearing this from the purchasing supervisor, Tiedan thought for a moment: "We can't rule out what's useful in us now. You first check where you can buy so many fireworks."

The purchasing supervisor should get down and implement the matter first.

Because there are too many bear children in the lazy **** system, Nanming itself is a big bear child. It is not surprising that Tuqi wants to buy fireworks and the like.

As the saying goes, three tanners, one on top of each other, and a security guard on the left dries down a piece of jerky, saying: "Iron, the purchase of such a large amount of fireworks and firecrackers, at least let relevant departments know."

"Which department is it?" Even if Iron Egg is a lazy god-level giant, it can't figure out which department it is.

"The Security Supervision Bureau? The Public Security Bureau? Let me check."

Iron Egg also began to enter the group and asked, "Why so many people want to buy fireworks and firecrackers? Do we have any activities today?"

"No, everyone is confused. Who are we going to do if we are busy and dying? Isn't it the headquarters, they are more busy."

Iron Egg changed a group and asked again, a group of idlers jumped out:

"Do you have activities for your lazy life? Do you need support? I have time!"

"Really fake? All the celebrations on Lazy God Island have been snatched, and I'm still bored ... what?"

Iron Egg was silent for a while, and felt that this group of slackers could not provide any effective information, so they went to find out elsewhere.

Fortunately, the cause of this matter is lazy life, not long after the iron egg figured out the reason, suddenly could not laugh or cry.

"Give all employees a notice and let them pay attention to their little robots, so as not to cause them trouble. What does President Nan say?" President Nan said he would write a code to change the decision mechanism of the robot.

"Oh ..." Iron Egg was too lazy to hear that Nan Ming was going to do this. To be honest, the purely numerical language displayed by Lazy Gods Department now makes Iron Egg feel that his IQ has a little balance and writes well. Struggling.

Rare iron eggs sometimes have plans to be lazy.

Under the notification, Iron Egg went to play elsewhere. The employees of the Lazy Gods Department who received the notice paid attention to their little robots and suppressed the wave of plans to purchase fireworks and firecrackers.

Then Iron Egg went to do something else.


At this time, Nanming was participating in a cultural seminar.

A group of elderly women over half a year old, at least also middle-aged people over forty years old, Nan Ming was uncomfortable all over.

As we all know, Nanming rarely meets, and even in meetings, the battle is often resolved within minutes.

Nan Ming couldn't bear Nan Da's request and came to the meeting. After five minutes, he whispered to his dad: "How long will this be going to happen?"

"Three and a half days."

Nan Ming feels completely unlovable.

He also felt that he might not be biological.

At this time, a professor on the stage was impassionedly proclaiming "the hard work and bravery of the Chinese nation"

"Still hard-working, I will be killed by these hard-working parties if I continue to work hard! Why do Diaomin always want to be stabbed!" Nan Ming couldn't help but say, what is the bad racial talent of our Chinese nation, why not Want to work hard? How lazy!

He changed his posture boringly and lay on his stomach: "Can you come to something interesting ..."

Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and he was surprised when he saw the call from the old horse.

However, it is inconvenient to pick it up now. Nanming pressed his cell phone to let him know he was busy now.

Usually the old horse is very knowledgeable. In this case, he automatically evades, and then picks the right time to contact Nanming, or he comes directly to meet.

But the old horse called stubbornly.

Really helpless, Nanming can only answer the phone.

He lowered his voice and answered the phone and asked, "Well, why is there time for Mr. Candidate to call me today? I heard that your recent approval rating is not ideal. Would you like me to help you?"

"I don't need it for the time being, I will work hard to get it ..." Lao Ma's tone was a little serious. After saying this, he immediately asked: "General Nan, a person from the Ministry of National Defense came over to me just now. He warned that an unknown force was invading their nuclear arsenal, and he wondered if it had anything to do with our lazy department ... "

"Nuclear arsenal?" Nan Ming's small heart jumped suddenly, then seemed to understand something.

But he didn't waver at all, saying, "Why do they think so?"

"Because they have used various methods and they have not been able to prevent the invasion of the other party. There are not many in the world who can have this ability ..." Old Horse Road, he lowered his voice: "Mr. Nan, is it true? It's us. "

"Of course it's impossible. What are we doing when we invade a nuclear arsenal?" Nanming said firmly. "Our nuclear arsenal is much more advanced than theirs!"

The old horse was stunned for a while. Although he didn't care much about technology but was doing services, he also knew that the most powerful nuclear weapons now are fusion weapons, so-called hydrogen bombs and the like.

If you say nuclear fusion ... the lazy gods can throw the world for hundreds of years.

They can build nuclear weapons in any factory ... Why invade others?

"So isn't it us?" Sighed the old horse. "To be honest, this is the worst result I have heard ..."

If not lazy, who would be invading the US nuclear arsenal? Should there be another terrible organization like the green bandit ~ ~ Nan, we can block them for at least five minutes, five minutes later ... "Old Ma paused," Once The nuclear war may be the end of the world ... "

Lying down! Nan Ming's mind flashed through various movies and games, what wasteland, what subway, what zombie ...

Is this the end of the world?

"Master, the devil, steady!" The lazy **** who did not see the figure jumped out suddenly, very excited, "Sure enough, you are the master of the devil I am looking for!"

"Go to go!" Nan Ming didn't hesitate to make a joke. In this beautiful world, he also wanted to see more and stroll around.

What to do if you accidentally finish the book!

Nan Ming didn't care what meeting he was in now. Seeing that the impassioned expert in the front had finally finished his resignation, he also got up and walked out.

Zhao Fengfeng quickly leaned over.

Before walking out of the hall, Nanming was stopped. The expert who promoted "hard work and bravery" called Nanming with excitement and said, "General Nan, I finally have the opportunity to meet with you alone. There were too many leaders just now. , I really do n’t have time to talk to you more. What are you doing so busy? "

After speaking, he did n’t wait for Nan Ming to answer, and he held Nan Ming ’s hand, his eyes were filled with tears: "In the past few decades, because of the increasing convenience of various technologies, our Chinese have become more and more lazy. Fortunately, there is such an enterprise in the Lazy God Department. It is the hard work and bravery of the Lazy God Department. I have seen the dawn of the rejuvenation of our great nation. Thank you Mr. Nan, your hard work and genius, like a beacon for us to guide ... "

Is BB over? Don't get in the way when BB is over, I'm rushing to save the world!

South meditation kills. 8

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