Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 10109: : World War of Little Robots

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After thinking about it for a long time, there are many people who can do this kind of thing in the whole lazy department, but I am afraid there are only a few small robots who can do this kind of thing.

Nan Ming finally got rid of those troubled cultural people, looked around and shouted, "Dabai! Dabai!"

No one answered, and called a few words: "Little white! Little white!"

Still no one should.

Nan Ming growled with anger: "Don't get out again, do you want to die!"

Finally, a white dumpling rolled out of the corner, rolled to the side of Nanming, raised the camera, and shouted timidly to Nanming: "V ~ v ~ V?"

"Sibai, why are you there?" Seeing Sibai, Nanming slowed down his tone. These four little robots have their own characteristics. Sibai is a cute girl, and often with Zhang Feilin, his personality is gentle. Like the "most favored little daughter" here, Nanming was embarrassed to lose his temper when he saw Sibai.

"V——vv ~" Sibai whispered, Nanming frowned, squatted and patted Sibai: "Don't you know? Sibai, I tell you, you can't learn bad with those bad kids, Dad I will be ... "

Nan Ming said aloud, and found that the "4" character on Sibai was a bit strange. In fact, all the small robots looked almost exactly the same, and were mostly distinguished by the numbers on their bodies.

At this time, Nan Ming squatted down and saw the "4" on Sibai's body. Only the vertical one in the middle was brighter, and the hook next to it looked strange.

Nan Ming reached out and touched the paint of the red marker pen. The number 4 on Sibai's body was suddenly reduced by half.

Where is this four white, this is obviously big!

At this time, "Sibai" was completely unaware that he had exposed the stuffing, raised the camera, crooked, and issued a cute voice: "vvv ~ vv ~"

Seeing Nanming unmoved, he turned on the flashing point next to the camera and flashed at Nanming.

"You still discharge me!" Nan Ming wanted to swear: "Big white you, a bear child, a pseudo-mother, even pretending to be four whites and want to win sympathy! Look at me not kill you! Look at me kill you!"

Dabai was scared by Nan Ming and he was embarrassed. Didn't the guy in Erbai say that he won't show the stuffing!

Nan Ming was so angry that he didn't know what to do. These little robots are almost seven or eight years old, and they hate the bear children!

"Okay, don't be violent!" Zhao Gaofeng stopped Nan Ming and said to Dabai: "Dabai, let them come back soon. This is a very serious matter, and you can't do it!"

Dabai crooked his head and issued a grieving voice: "vv ~"

It's not that I don't want to call them back, it's that they don't want to return ... Throw myself here to sell Meng, now it seems that I have been sold!

After listening to Dabai's answer, Nan Ming was out of breath, and said to Dabai: "You tell them, isn't it just fireworks? I buy them for you, and put as many as you like!"

"VVVVV?" Da Bai's camera started to flash again.

"Really, let's talk ... Come back soon, be careful, don't get caught."

Nan Ming sighed and said to Zhao Fengfeng, "Let the Iron Eggs buy some fireworks for them."

"VVV ????" shouted anxiously.

"Well, it's not buying, it's buying a lot, buying a lot of fireworks ..." Nan Ming paused: "But! It must be finished in a concentrated way, not all day, or I will put you in confinement!"

It ’s really not easy to buy fireworks and firecrackers.

After receiving Nan Ming's order, Iron Egg was blind.

Now various regulations are becoming more and more stringent. The fireworks and firecrackers market has begun to be cold. Many big cities have begun to strictly prohibit the discharge. Just before the front feet are released, the police are expected to come.

And the peak period of fireworks and firecrackers is only many years ago. Now in the summer, where can I find fireworks and firecrackers?

And, as people in the purchasing department said before, the news that they were buying a lot of fireworks and firecrackers came out, and someone from the law enforcement department came to the door.

He Shan, who called on the phone, said: "I heard you want fireworks? I have a lot of contraband collected here. It is dangerous to keep and I am worried about what to do."


On this day, many fireworks and firecrackers in the contraband warehouse were moved out.

On this day, Liuyang, the fireworks capital of China, came with several huge airships and several huge warehouses were evacuated.

This day, somewhere in the west, a weapons testing ground on the edge of the desert, received the first "rental order" from a private company.

On this day, every family with small robots received a "battle" tailored for small robots.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Liang Xu couldn't wait to turn on the TV after eating. The newlyweds sat in front of the TV and waited nervously.

After a short while, the screen flashed slightly and the screen appeared.

In the picture, a small robot wearing a battle suit fired. The suit on it was like a small football uniform, which wrapped the whole body, only two small claws were exposed outside. There is something similar to an electronic cigarette lighter on the chest. Below the cigarette lighter is an LED display with the number "100." on it.

And on the battle jacket, several multi-angle cameras were set up, plus a small robot gun battle camera, this is what Liang Xu saw.

At this moment, every lazy worker resting at home is sitting in front of the TV, watching his little robot fighting.

The current artillery battle is following other small robots, coming down from the airship, and outside the airship is a barren Gobi.

After the little robot rushed into the Gobi Desert, they suddenly dispersed and scatter.

When all the little robots got out of the car, tens of thousands of little robots messed up on the Gobi Desert.

In the sky, the iron egg stood on the airship and looked down. Even if there was no dense phobia, there was some scalp tingling.

Unconsciously, there are so many little robots in the lazy **** system. Almost every family has its own little guy.

And this evening's event is really touching the hearts of millions.

At eight o'clock, Iron Egg ordered loudly: "Start airdrop!"

The hatch opened, countless small boxes were spilled, and a small white umbrella opened in the air, covering the ground for a while.

The little robots wow, rushing to the place where the small boxes landed.

The first small box fell to the ground and opened with a snap, dozens of boxes of bulk artillery battles bounced out, a few small claws stretched out, and a stroke on the chest ignited and threw out the hand.

With a "snap", the bombed little robot lost one point on its chest and became 99 points.

The little robot that blew up to others turned into 101 points.

If the points are cleared, you must quit the war!

With the most points, you can get the qualification to fire the largest super fireworks bomb!

This is the rule of this firework battle, life or death! It's so cruel.

Fortunately, small robots do not need to fight alone, and they have a strong backing.

At this moment, Qingyang, Dongbin, Wenji, or the United States, Africa, the Philippines ...

I don't know how many lazy gods employees ~ ~ are all trying to cheer for their own small robots, and some still can't hold back, and go to the battlefield by themselves, seeing the six roads, listening in all directions, and being their own small robots. Support.

Liang Xu was also a good player when he was a kid. At this moment, he excitedly danced: "Painting, be careful on the left side, someone wants to sneak up on you! Blast him! Hahaha, yes, blast him! Another way! Good son! OK! I have your father and me! "

"There are several on the right, run, run!"

"It's okay, it's just over ten points, grab it back, don't worry, dodge the back ... hide well!"

Liang Xu's wife looked at her husband as excited as a child, pouting with a smile, and seemed to remember that when he was a child, Liang Xu blew up a school toilet with a cannonball.

She held the tablet and carefully monitored it. On the screen, there were a few red dots among countless white dots, and she quickly said, "Hurry up, the second wave of ammunition has begun to airdrop, and there are large fireworks bombs inside. "

"Which one? Send the position to the gunfire ... on the left! Hurry! Don't take that, take the big box!"

"Unfortunately, you ca n’t bomb like this. You cannot fight alone. You must form alliances, artillery, and quickly find your other friends. Form a camp and bomb together!"

"Sure, the little robots of the old Li's family don't have much to divide. Fire up some of you to protect it and make it more valuable!"

"Good job, formation formation! Push forward!"

"An ammunition is here again! Grab it! Okay, grab it, what about those bastards? Push them flat! Push! Push! Push! Push forward!"

"Papapa! Papapa! Papapa!"

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