Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1128: : Dating with the deceased

Mr. Shen has not touched this Xiaoning, but from the paraphrasing, he knows that this is a very emotional girl.

On a weekday, he doesn't talk much and always stands behind Ding Yihui.

But at this moment, the girl showed her other side.

"Actually, my grandpa was in a bad state a long time ago. So I took a lot of videos and photos with my grandpa." Xiao Ning laughed. "Am I a selfish person?"

She took out her mobile phone and faced the camera: "This is my grandpa. Doesn't it look fierce? No? I think he looks fierce. Before he turned 5 he glared at me and I cried ..."

"This is my grandpa's longevity. This is how I have improved my exams. This is when I reported to Lazy Divinity School ... this is what I can find. Everything about my grandpa ... is this enough?"

Xiao Ning showed every bit of himself and his grandfather in front of the camera, followed by a round of sharp cuts. All the video and image data were exported and then analyzed in depth. Finally, a projection appeared in Xiao In front of Ning.

"This is an image synthesized from all the image data. The sound or image, and habitual movements have been processed ... Do you want to hear what your grandfather said?" There was a boy's voice next to him.

"No, I'm just ..." Xiao Ning looked at the video, tears in eyes, "No, I know it's fake, I know ..."

"Is it really unnecessary?" The male student asked.

The surrounding projections changed instantaneously. An earthy, old-fashioned room was superimposed on the space. Grandpa sat on the sand, looked down at the newspaper, occasionally looked up, looked at Xiao Ning, smiled and nodded, then lowered his head again. go with.

Lifelike, it seems that the deceased is still there, and the sound and smile are as usual.

"I ... I've always wanted to hear from my grandpa, Xiaoning, you're awesome! I'm proud of you!"

Seeing what the next male student was about to do, she lifted her head, almost sharply: "No! No! I don't want to hear it this way!"

Xiao Ning raised her hand and folded her hands toward the center. This seemed to be an operation gesture. The entire projection collapsed into her palm and turned into a bright spot of light.

Then she pushed aside, and the light spot was dropped by her to something that looked like a satellite. The loading screen of the satellite showed a loading progress bar, which flickered, and then the screen really appeared a little bit The fierce old man was staring forward, as if trying to curse.

"My grandfather ... he just has this expression ..." Xiao Ning smiled. "Come, test it."

A male student picked up a satellite larger than watermelon and walked to the side, and said, "Ready to shoot satellite ..."

Then, he shoved the satellite in through a catapult, and the satellite was ejected into the space outside the window. Then the male student said, "Experimental satellite shooting is complete!"

Outside the window, the satellite slowly opened up two huge solar panels.

Then several nozzles sprayed a few times, adjusted their attitude, and flew away.

"The solar panel has been unfolded, the attitude and flight trajectory have been adjusted, the test satellite has been successfully launched, and it is ready to begin the ground test."

When he saw here, Mr. Shen was unable to vomit.

Shooting a satellite, for them ... just throw it out the window?

Is this an experiment on the Silence?

The resources held by these lazy divinity bear children are really jealous!

Then, what is the ground test link?

The picture turned again, and this place, Shen always looked more familiar.

It was the former Second Attachment, a hotel near Xinghui Aerospace, and Mr. Shen passed this place many times.

The screen again turned to a balcony on the second floor. Xiao Ning lowered his phone and turned on an app, which showed a time: 2o: 23.

It is now 2o: 15.

"Hurry up, don't run out ... Ding Yihui, that's the offering!"

A young man who was carrying an apple jumped in shock and almost ate half of the apple in his hand. "Isn't it a lot, can you just eat it?"

"But you have eaten more than ten!" Xiao Ning showed another side of himself, "Hurry up! Work!"

A few young people jumped up quickly and arranged for the table.

Mr. Shen looked a little funny, and these ten-year-old bear children seemed a bit out of touch with incense and fruit offerings.

When it was fragrant, it even coughed.

Obviously it is an aerospace company, obviously a hi-tech industry. It seems strange to engage in these traditional things.

Several people hurriedly set up a simple supply table, a few apples, and a chicken.

An apple has been eaten halfway.

Time passed, and it was already 2o: 22 minutes. Several people looked up and looked up at the sky.

The summer night sky is extremely bright. A galaxy crosses the sky, which should have attracted everyone's attention.

But in a city full of light pollution and cloudy atmosphere, it is not so easy to see the night sky.

Several young men looked up blankly, but could not find a place.

Xiaoning picked up the mobile phone, pointed it at the sky, and used the various sensors of the mobile phone to "see through" the light pollution and the atmosphere, showing the bright starry sky and endless galaxy.

"Here!" Xiao Ning found the striking light spot in Tianhe.

Among the thousands of stars, there is the one that belongs to her.

"Where? Can't you see ..." A tall male student looked up at the sky.

"Nonsense, if you can see it with your naked eyes, that's weird! It's a satellite, not a star!"

"Come, come!" They cried together as soon as they finished speaking.

At this time, the picture was divided into two, on one side was a picture in space, a lonely satellite floating slowly in space, reflecting the faint starlight, dark and deep.

On one side were a few young people who looked up at the night sky with blank eyes.

Just then, a light suddenly communicated the two pictures.

A light from the side came over and hit the huge wings of the satellite.

At about the same time, a beam of light converged on the balcony, making the table look like daylight.

That's the trick again! Sun reflection!

Perhaps it was a "sunshade" satellite that reflected sunlight from outside the earth's shadow, and then reflected to the ground through the satellite's mirror-like wings.

In fact, this beam of light is not really as bright as the day, but in this dark night, it has become particularly eye-catching.

Viewed from the side, a beam of light from the starry sky directly hits the balcony on the second floor of the hotel, as if there really is a gate of heaven, connecting two worlds.

On one side is the empty outer space, the satellites floating quietly, and the old man a little bit viciously displayed on it.

On one side are tables, candles and offerings, and excited teenagers.

Xiao Ning bowed his head prayerfully and murmured.

Both images were slowly zooming in, and the somewhat vicious old man displayed on the satellite gradually smiled.

Mr. Shen was stunned.

The things these children do this time are really extreme.

For a long time, the lazy gods are all practical and technical parties.

And these children, this time, they completely abandoned the practical, but very ritualistic.

Think of the deceased above Heaven, and the sun shining down from the sky.

Is it useful?


That sun cannot be used to dry clothes.

However, how does the person who mourns the dead really see a beam of light falling from the sky?

Does it feel like there is such a person watching you in the distant sky?

Not to mention, every time, when you look up, there are people who loved you and guarded you silently on top of your head.

Really, right above your head.

Alone in a foreign land, fighting hard.

Tired, wronged, and wanted to cry.

Looking up, there it is.

All the time.

People in China do not believe in God and believe in religion, but at this moment, even Mr. Shen, who does not believe in anything, is a little tempted.

After a while, the sun converged, and Xiao Ning looked up, but she burst into tears.

"Grandpa, this is what I do, I don't know if you like it."

"Well, look." Next to him, Ding Yihui touched Xiaoning. Xiaoning looked up and saw a little starlight suddenly appearing in the sky. The starlight turned into a vicious looking old man in the air ~ www. ~ He looked down, smiled slightly, then slowly gave a thumb.

When he saw this, behind the general manager Shen, the secretary murmured softly: "This special effect is done ..."

"Where is this special effect!" Mr. Shen almost cried!

Didn't these guys hint before? You can make this composite image and make any action expression you want.

I thought it was just a small detail, but now it looks completely different.

These guys, I don't know what method was used to hit a 3d projection from space to the earth!

Outside the window, I don't know how many people in a hurry were seeing this scene, they looked up in surprise, looked at the vicious old man in the sky, and looked at him with a thumbs up.

Seeing this, President Shen swallowed again: "It seems that the entire city can see ..."

As long as you think about it, Shen always feels that this thing is really disruptive when it comes to the advertising industry.

How could these bear children use such precious resources for such things?

crazy! Really crazy!

Lazy gods, this is not even enough to live, eat, live and travel, are you going to enter the funeral industry?

Thinking of this, President Shen really couldn't help laughing or crying.

Especially at the end, the printed subtitles read: "The lamp of Tianhe, the founder of Starlight, Xinghui Aerospace will open 1oo free places to the society, and it will be released on the festival, please sign up to join."

The video is over here. The style of this video is weird. If you think about it, it is still cold. It really is not the usual style of lazy gods.

But the power contained in it is self-evident.

And these bear children, taking the opportunity of the Mid-Yuan Festival, and taking the theme of "memorial", this counterattack was really convinced by President Shen.

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