Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1129: : Slightly gain

Mr. Gao ’s black Audi stopped slowly outside the gate of the Second Attachment—now renamed Xinghui Aerospace—and the driver got a little uncomfortable to board the car. When he came back, the closing sound was a bit loud.

Before thinking, here are still subordinate units that can be entered at will. Now when entering the door, it is necessary to register first?

Originally, I was planning to make a fool of the tiger, but his security guard seemed to be bigger than him, and his face was cold and unmoved. It seemed that he did not care about the lameness of Vice President Gao, and it would make the whole space street shake character.

This makes the driver accustomed to various flattery very uncomfortable. Aren't you just a security guard?

However, after a few seconds, the driver sighed, and the power exoskeleton on his body could buy him dozens of cars. And he is just a driver.

He looked at the power exoskeleton on the other side with a little admiration, and just after he was about to restart the car, the vice president Gao had already got out of the car, trotting all the way forward, staring with wide eyes: "What are you?"

Ding Yihui, four people, was looking around a container in front of the office building. Vice President Gao felt that the box was a little familiar and couldn't help but pick it up.

"What are you doing again!" Seeing him, Ding Yihui stared at him suddenly, staring at him as if he was a viper monster.

"I ... just come to see you guys and see what you are doing." Vice President Gao laughed and said, "What are you doing?"

"Willn't you steal our stuff again?" The guy who gave the high vice president a punch last time was very rude.

It was the little girl named Xiao Ning who smiled slightly at him, which was kind.

Mr. Gao had some guilt in his heart. He really planned to "steal" something this time.

He just wanted to take a peek at the status of these children and what they wanted to do.

Yesterday, after the lazy gods released the promotional video, it has instantly swept the world.

Although this time is not a documentary of Lazy God Media, just a student work of Lazy God College, but after going out, it is still full of word of mouth.

The influence of lazy gods is no longer confined to the Internet. With the influence of lazy gods, to distribute something, the degree of diffusion is measured in seconds.

After the "Looking Up at the Galaxy", just a few minutes later, it has started to explode various hot topic lists on the Internet. The links in the circle of friends are flying around, and after an hour or two, various traditional mainstream media, such as Television, radio, etc. have begun scramble to broadcast and discuss.

For this reason, another topic has been raised. Is the "Land of Heavenly River" that Lazy God intends to release, just such a satellite?

If so, how many?

As a pioneer in Xinghui Aerospace, China Aerospace, which has deployed a "microsatellite" strategy, also mentioned a similar strategy at the previous conference. At this moment, many people are asking a question through various channels- Can China Aerospace achieve the same effect as in the promotional video?

It is also possible to publish announcements and reply uniformly on the Internet, but the hotline calls are a bit hot.

Because of the network congestion, many people simply ca n’t get in. What they can get in is nothing but go straight to the theme: “It ’s the kind of propaganda film that can connect the sky and the earth with a light, and can also project. Your microsatellite Can it be done? If it can be done, I will order one. "

China Aerospace was not aimed at ordinary users at all, and had no experience with private users at all. The temporary customer service team was almost completely unable to cope with it, and was instantly overwhelmed by various problems. Even if it was not overwhelmed, they did not. To answer this question, do you want to tell them that ... China Aerospace does not have this technology at all?

They can only answer in a very formal way: "We have not fully opened this technology to the outside world, but please wait for our new product conference ..."

But users are clearly dissatisfied with their answers.

Wait, what time is it?

New cloth? When will new products be available?

When can I give a satisfactory answer?

Faced with the support staff's instability, the grumpy person has scolded: "Are you guys without this technology? Without this technology, it is still wasting my time and wasting my phone bills! Grandma, I knew it directly Calling Xinghui Aerospace, futile! "

The customer service staff was helpless and wronged, and there was nowhere to say.

When Vice President Gao saw this situation, he already understood what the Lazy God System was doing.

China Aerospace grabbed Xinghui Aerospace's creativity and preemptively deployed a "microsatellite" strategy.

This was originally a competitive advantage.

However, this advertising film of Xinghui Aerospace suddenly raised the competition to a height that China Aerospace could not even touch.

Many people use commercials for advertising.

But the word-of-mouth of the lazy gods is really good. All the techniques of the previous cloth have never been bounced, and there is no discount.

The lazy gods commercials say it can be done ... then it can be done!

Therefore, although no one has seen the technology of lazy gods, they are convinced that what is shown in the advertisement is the fact.

This must also be true.

Well, just before the strategy was put out, and now even a real product has not come out of China Aerospace, all of a sudden sit on the wax.

This is what lazy gods are best at setting up competition barriers.

When others set up barriers, they are barriers.

The barriers of the lazy gods are nature!

What should China Aerospace do?

You have to find a way to lower or smooth this barrier!

So, isn't his senior vice president here?

Seeing Ding Yihui at this time, he couldn't help asking: "That ... Xiaohui ~ ~ Have you received a call?"

"What's the phone call?" Ding Yihui said a moment, then pointed next to him: "Oh, yes, we also set up a customer service team."

Vice President Gao looked in the direction pointed by Ding Yihui, and saw that on the first floor of the office building, in a small room, two or three staff members were sitting and chatting, occasionally taking a call, explaining the two with a smile. Sentence, and then hung up again.

"Why ... so little on your side?" Vice President Gao was shocked and rejoiced.

Does this mean that most people still call them China Aerospace? After all, it ’s the aerospace industry. People still trust the national prefix, um, it must be ...

"Less?" Ding Yihui glanced at Vice President Gao and said, "Well, we have an artificial intelligence automatic response system. Most of the services are answered by artificial intelligence. Only a few of them need our employees to answer. However, even if This is still unreachable, yes, how many calls have we received? "

"Well ..." The girl named Xiao Ning pursed her lips and glanced at her cell phone. "More than 320,000."

Mr. Gao stared with two eyes and didn't want to talk. The phone call they received was at most a fraction of this, but they couldn't handle it now!

It turned out that those who called China Aerospace could not make calls to Xinghui Aerospace!

This made the senior vice president who was always complacent, like a bucket of cold water splashed from head to toe, and his whole body was cold.

"Then what is this container?"

"Another artificial intelligence response system," Ding Yihui replied.

"Do you plan to get another one?"

"No, I intend to sell it to you." Ding Yihui said.

When the vice president made the system go away, his heart collapsed.

But he can only laugh at himself, which can be considered ... a little gain.

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