Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1130: : In my car

Vice President Gao thought that the entire container was an artificial intelligence response system. Who knew that the real artificial intelligence response system was only the size of a cabinet server.

This is a set of hardware encryption and data stream compression equipment. The real service is in the cloud.

After roughly understanding its role, the vice president of the high level vomited ruthlessly. This is not only the size of a cabinet server, but it is simply a cabinet server.

For this matter, he ransomed him for millions of dollars, and will still charge a service fee based on the amount of data?

"Who sells this thing? Is it reliable?" This is not a small sum of money, so the vice president is very cautious before the real decision is made.

And he felt a little regretful, so much money ...

"It was an internship project for a classmate of my second class."

This doesn't sound very reliable. Vice President Gao had planned to sign a check. Now that the time is tight and all the processes are simplified, Vice President Gao just reported to the headquarters that this technology is lazy and was immediately authorized. Buy one.

"What is the second lesson?" But at this time, the vice president had to be cautious and ask clearly. He covered the checkbook and asked.

"change the world."

"What?" Chief Gao felt that he had a hallucination.

"It's just changing the world." Ding Yihui said, "My classmate had worked as a customer service for a while before working and studying, just calling back and complaining all day long. I hated this kind of work and felt that I should free manpower from it. Come out ... so I built this system ... "

"Change the world, ha, really dare to say, is this system reliable?"

"Do you think Xinghui Aerospace is reliable?" Ding Yihui looked at him and asked seriously.

Vice President Gao couldn't laugh for a while.

Is Xinghui Aerospace reliable?

What kind of thing is now about to bring China Aerospace to the competition, isn't it reliable?

"So Xinghui Aerospace, has it changed the world?"

Without Xinghui Aerospace, there would be no microsatellite strategy of China Aerospace, no "Tianhe Lantern" plan, or even the change of national holidays ... Is this a change in the world?

Forget it of course!

How can it not be counted!

"That's my classmate," Ding Yihui said for granted.

Vice President Gao really didn't want to talk.

But this sentence is really convincing.

That's a lazy god!

In fact, such things as artificial intelligence customer service have long been popular in the lazy department, but they have too many technologies and too many places to make money. In many small aspects, they are too lazy to toss and commercialize.

Now they are used for students to practice their hands.

The lazy gods have so many technological breakthroughs. Any point can be used to dominate a certain field.

Vice President Gao even has an impulse. If he is twenty years younger, he must apply for a lazy seminary.

These people are the true pride of the sky, and they can use more resources than his vice president!

He simply signed the check and moved the equipment away, but Vice President Gao did not leave, and still relied there.

In addition to that system, there are a lot of things in the container. He wants to take a look and explore the truth.

Standing in front of the container and carefully watching it for a while, Vice President Gao finally remembered why this container was a bit familiar. This container was the kind of box that Chen Wei used to transport equipment when he hunted the green bandits in Africa.

This means that this is sent directly by Lazy God Technology.

Not bear kid technology, but lazy **** technology!

Moreover, it is dedicated to transporting equipment!

So, besides the artificial intelligence customer service system that can save them from water and fire, what else is there?

Ding Yihui stared with his eyes wide open, "Don't you leave?"

"I just take a look and see." Vice President Gao and these bear children are also familiar, at this time frowning and want to see more.

"I'll rush someone if I don't leave!" Ding Yihui ate a stack of stubborn wisdom, waving his hand to let the security guard come.

The security guard wearing the power exoskeleton was always watching beside him. At this time, when he saw Ding Yihui calling, he immediately ran over and drove the vice president like a duck.

Vice President Gao couldn't laugh or cry. Regarding his age, he was about the same as the parents of these bear children. On the level, it is also very high, and will be treated with such disrespect, it is estimated that it is only here.

But being driven away like this, he certainly can't stay here anymore, raising his hands and saying, "Okay, okay, I'll go ..."

He groaned into the car and asked the driver to drive slowly, passing slowly along.

Ding Yihui watched him go, and he couldn't wait to take out a box from the box, opened it, and now there was a stack of things like CD cases, but it was not transparent.

"What is this?" Ding Yihui took out a piece of curiosity and looked carefully.

The security guard took a look and said, "This is a micro-conductive energy storage device, President Ding. You can understand it as a physical energy battery that combines capacitors, batteries and power management. Our little robots use it. This is used to store energy for satellites, with higher specifications ... "

"Oh ..." Ding Yihui saw a buckle next to him and seemed to be able to open it. There was a small label on it that said: "Please install it in a non-magnetic material environment."

"What is the environment of non-magnetic materials ..." Ding Yihui said, his fingers were pasted towards the buckle.

"Can't ... danger!" The security guard was shocked when he saw it, and flew Ding Yihui to the ground immediately, and the "disc box" shaped energy storage device in his hand was already like a tired bird Returning to the forest, Xun Fei shot out.

At this moment, Mr. Gao's car was driving close to the container. The "CD" flew over and hit the car with a bang, shaking the body.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Chief Gao was shocked and rejoiced. He was shocked that he didn't know what had hit the car. I hope there is no danger. I am glad that there are excuses to stay.

When he got out of the car, he saw a "disc box" that looked like a dog skin plaster. It was tightly attached to the car's butt, where it was hit, and even recessed a piece. It was very ugly. It can be seen that the thing just hit it. Great power.

Ding Yihui stood up a bit at a loss, looked at the "dog skin plaster", and stared, "What's going on?"

"General Manager Ding, the energy density of our lazy gods is very high, so ... we must be very careful!" The security guard smiled wryly. Fortunately, I just opened the energy storage device. If the metal-hydrogen packaging block is opened ... it can basically be seen as detonating a high-explosive bomb at a close range. At this moment, everyone estimates that there is nothing left. His whole body is hand, at most. Can only save one.

Looking at Ding Yihui who was still at a loss, security guard shook his head helplessly. Although these new students have the technology of lazy gods to achieve their ideals, they are still far away from truly understanding and integrating into this great institution, knowing its technology. For a while, he was busy.

"What the hell!" The vice president's driver looked at a large car recessed, and almost cried.

He went up and grabbed the thing, and tried to pull it down, but he could n’t pull it with the strength of feeding. Not only that, it seemed to be trying to get into the car, and there were some parts in the car. The invisible force yanked and creaked, and the trunk was slowly twisted.

Looking at a few bear children, they were at a loss, and the security guard reluctantly explained: "General Manager Ding, the energy storage device has a very strong magnetic force, usually above 1oT. This batch is specially produced to store energy for microsatellites. The estimated magnetic force Stronger. They shield the magnetic force through the outer conductor, but the protective layer must not be opened in the presence of magnetic induction materials, otherwise this will happen ... "

Then he said to the vice-president Gao: "Mr. Vice-President, your car is estimated to be unavailable. I'll pay you one. I will pay you a cheque or will you pay after purchasing?"

Having said that, the security guard pulled out the checkbook from his pocket, and the leader was more comfortable than Vice President Gao just when he purchased the "artificial intelligence response system". It seems that he has been used to checking.

Is this a security? Look at the security of the gate?

Wait, this is the security guard who is lazy! Sweeper-level security!

Vice President Gao gave a subconscious grin and glanced at the security brand.

Hu Xiaojun.

I'm afraid it will be necessary to deal with this guy in the future, it seems he is more difficult to deal with than those children.

Vice President Gao turned to look at his car, and now the bus has begun to reform. This car does not know how long he can stay with him, but he has been with him for so long. He still has feelings for this car. Losing this look, my heart is still very angry. Even if you are lazy, even if we were not kind enough before, we ca n’t take my car out of air. What is the skill of smashing the car?

He just wanted to do it, but when he saw the "disc box" that was sucking on the car body, he suddenly felt a joy, and quickly shook his head: "No, no, I ’ll go back and fix it, just fix it, not just one A pit? "

Speaking completely disregarding the twisted trunk, he waved: "Let's go, let's go!"

"Wait, wait ..." Ding Yihui was about to leave when he saw him. He wanted to stop him. Hu Xiaojun shook his head and stopped Ding Yihui. "General manager Ding, let's handle it like this. Let's continue to count these equipment. General manager Nan wants you Several people do the technical integration by themselves, and the time is urgent ... "

"Ah?" Ding Yihui was very reconciled, and said, "That energy storage device ... is more expensive than his car!"

"In a way, that's right." Hu Xiaojun shook his head, "but your time is more precious."

Then he began to introduce: "These are solar panels. Although the efficiency of solar energy is very low, there is no cheaper in outer space. It is better than nothing. The conversion efficiency of these solar panels is very high ~ ~ From the former Xingda Optoelectronics, the current lazy energy ... "

Listening to his introduction, several boys and girls soon forgot that he was just a security guard, and stared, "Wow, Brother Hu, you are so good. Why do you understand everything?"

"I'm not just here to protect your safety ..." Hu Xiaojun grinned, without saying a word.

I'm still your instructor ...

The children of Lazy Divinity School are the pride of heaven. Our lazy **** security is also the Huangpu Military Academy of Lazy Divine Department!

He glanced at a few boys and girls and smiled slightly.

Unpredictable height.


Mr. Gao was sent to inquire about the situation, and Mr. Shen was also very concerned about it. He had been waiting for the news to sit up and rest in his office.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Vice President Gao returned cheerfully. President Shen quickly got up and asked, "Anything out?"

"These children are very wary, but I don't humiliate the mission either, and I have learned a lot!" Ms. Gao said, "I brought back the energy storage device they used on the satellite!"

"Really? Where is it?" Mr. Shen was overjoyed, and the energy storage device sounded very high!

Moreover, from their energy storage devices, experienced engineers can infer many details.

"In my car."

"Great, let me show you!"

"Uh ..." Senior Vice President suddenly felt a little embarrassed. "This, there are still some technical difficulties ..."

In the afternoon of the same day, Hangtian Street organized a unique tug-of-war tug competition. On the one hand, there were roaring cars and dozens of strong men with large waists. They lined up from a courtyard at the end of Hangtian Street to the outside of the courtyard, ripping A thick rope made a lot of effort to suckle milk, and he shouted the horn, so spectacular.

Many people are curious. How did it end up? Who wins?

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