Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: : Monkey Show

Because of the Tianhe Lamp, people all over the world know that China has a festival called the "Zhongyuan Festival".

The "Tianhe Lantern" in the Mid-Yuan Festival was shot from Dongbin City, and then flew from west to east in low earth orbit at an hour and a half.

After shooting, the "Earth Moon Train" spacecraft will not return, and the "Tianhe Lantern" is not directly released, but is dragged by the Earth and Moon train, moving forward all the way, all the way derailed, will be about five in the next five In the time of day, we constantly change the flight trajectory and flight dimensions, and go around the entire earth, so that people everywhere in the world can see the artificial Tianhe in the sky-in other words, a light dragon is more appropriate After all, such a long and narrow satellite belt is dwarfed by the Milky Way in the sky.

But the resulting wave has swept the world.

Everywhere the "Land of the Tianhe" caused a boom in "light watching", the telescopes in major stores sold out of stock directly, and the stock price of astronomical manufacturers soared.

As the saying goes, standing on the wind, even pigs can fly.

Ding Yihui felt that at this moment he was the pig on the tuyere, and he was the highest flying pig.

But the higher you fly, the harder you fall ...

The three-pronged approach to the Chinese New Year holiday, the lights of the Tianhe River, and the publicity film, Xinghui Aerospace's "microsatellite" first caught fire in the funeral industry.

The hot subjects are not the Internet or young people this time, but traditional media and ... middle-aged people.

Of course, it is definitely not middle-aged women and middle-aged men born in 1988, but real middle-aged people. After 7o, 6o, or even 5o, for the bear children Ding Yihui, grandparents.

Compared with young people, middle-aged people are not bad money, but spending money is cautious. After a busy day of work, in their free time, they communicate with each other and ask each other and ask: "Buy?"

"I want to see it, I'm afraid it's bragging."

"But this is lazy **** technology."

"Xinghui Aerospace is not Lazy God Technology, nor is it equal to Lazy God Technology. Just like Lazy God Technology's Tianhe Light, it is not equal to Xinghui Space's Tianhe Light." Middle-aged people are calm and calm. Wide, strong self-control, in their respective fields, is the most authoritative time, the most backbone force.

But it is they who have begun to wither their grandparents, their parents are weak, and the circle of friends and relatives has begun to decrease.

Most of these people who are far away from their hometown and work hard need some people who can pin their griefs and miss them, and feel the indescribable comforting warmth.

Three or five middle-aged people, after meeting each other on the sports ground in the afternoon, in the toilet and smoking room at the end of the corridor, often come to this conclusion, and then come to this conclusion: "Let ’s try it first For thousands of dollars. "

"Okay, I'll buy it if it's good. If I don't, I'll help you share half of it, but I don't know if this time, Xinghui Aerospace will smash the lazy god's sign."

"Success, I'll go and place an order first. Let's wait and see. I hope these children from Xinghui Aerospace can do it."

Middle-aged and elderly people are in a different situation. These grandparents who have just learned to use WeChat are not bad at money, but they lack understanding of the aerospace industry and do not understand this new thing. They are confused, want to understand, but not understand. Only in their circle of friends, they can turn around various articles, in the vegetable market, under the big tree, in the corridor, they will quarrel fiercely. It is difficult to decide whether to buy or not.

Is it reliable? Is it reliable?

On Xinghui Aerospace's official website, there is an anime-shaped "rocket", and the rocket indicates the value currently purchased.

A "big head doll" rocket can carry 10,000 such miniature "memorial satellites".

Every time it is full, a rocket is fired.

For the sake of image, the website also uses colors and tick marks.

At noon on the day of the Chinese New Year, when the purchase channel was just opened, there were only a few people, and the entire rocket only had a little green scale on the bottom.

Seeing only this, Ding Yihui was a little disappointed, but he had a little relief.

No one buys ... maybe it's good?

Tianhe's lamp is so hot that what brought Ding Yihui is not only a sense of accomplishment, but also irremediable pressure.

On the night of the Chinese New Year, the four "Earth-moon trains" were loaded with a total of 40 thousand satellites and launched into space.

Five days later, the four "Earth-moon trains" will divide the "Tianhe Lantern" into four and divide into four orbits, which will run in the thousands of kilometers of the Mid-Earth orbit, allowing most locations in China to be used in See the "Land of Lights" at a fixed time at night.

And these four "ground-moon trains" carry projection equipment, which can project a preset image into the atmosphere when passing through a fixed place.

All this can be said to be completely different from the model Ding Yihui originally envisioned.

Compared with Ding Yihui's idea, this model is only a simplified and simplified version, because these are the help provided by Lazy Divinity School, and it is very simple to really want Ding Yihui to realize his own idea-do it yourself!

The gap between imagination and realization is much larger than the Marina Trench.

The problem is that, so far, Xinghui Aerospace does not actually have these technologies. The four "Earth-Moon Trains" and 40 thousand satellites are "sponsored" by Lazy Divinity School and Bear Kids Technology. This is the sponsorship and the ultimatum.

Ding Yihui can't come up with related technologies, so he can only continue to operate in this mode.

And even if it keeps running, only 40 thousand satellites will buffer them.

After these 40 million satellites are sold out, they will be unsustainable.

At that time, if Xinghui Aerospace could not produce and manufacture satellites by itself, it could not provide a better solution ...

"Then even if you failed this lesson." This is the original sentence of Nan Ming.

Fail ... What happens if you fail?

Will you be dropped out of school?

Thinking of this, Ding Yihui felt that he was scared.

Dropped out of lazy seminary?

Ding Yihui felt that he would rather die than be dropped out of school.

So, if these 40 thousand pieces are sold a little slower, their time will be more abundant, but better?

Ding Yihui feels that this kind of thought is a bit shameful, but at this time, what else can he think?

Ding Yihui was in a state of restlessness, with great pressure and couldn't even breathe.

He was so bored in the room that he couldn't even say a word, and simply went out to breathe in the fresh air.

But as soon as he went out, he heard Xiao Ning call him: "Xiaohui! Xiaohui! Come and see!"

Ding Yihui ran back and saw on the display that Xinghui Aerospace's homepage was red and the first rocket had reached 95%.

"What's going on?" Ding Yihui was startled.

"Ms. Nan just posted a message. He said ..."

"what did he say?"

"He said that Xinghui Aerospace is an internship project for students of Lazy Divinity School, and is currently working on some detailed technologies. These satellites will soon receive the first upgrade. provide technical support."

Nanming's words can be said to be one word.

Lazy Technology provides technical support?

The middle-aged people who are still watching wait and smile: "Buy."

Elderly people who are still tangled patted their thighs: "Buy."

Young people who are not in high demand scratch their heads: "Oh, I don't know what to do, but buy one."

After all, it is a lazy product, and it is a consumer product that has not been seen for a long time.

The last time I missed a lazy god's drone, it was already miserable. Should we miss it again?

However, the direct result of this pursuit is ~ ~ the instant booking volume.

"What to do?" Several people looked at Ding Yihui.

How to do? Ding Yihui wants to go crazy.

He watched as the pre-order volume on the page skyrocketed, instantly filling up.

Then the whole man was aggressive.

How to do? If we continue to do this, will we have to come up with the technical solution today?

"First ... first monkey."


“It ’s time to open the snap-up, every 2 hours ... No, 6 hours open 1oooo quotas, delay time!” Ding Yihui did not understand a few people around him, and said impatiently: “You have not been monkeyed by mobile phone manufacturers Draw a cake, let them grab, play with them, just do it! "

If 1oooo is 6 hours, then you can get 1o days.

enough? Not enough?

Ding Yihui rushed out of the conference room drowsily and managed to sigh on the steps outside the building, covering his head.

What he hated the most was manufacturers that played monkeys and treated users as fools.

And now he has become the most hated of himself.

Ding Yihui felt that he wanted to cry, laugh, and go crazy.

The senior vice president who changed an Audi car came to the gate of Xinghui Aerospace again. Before the car stopped, he saw Ding Yihui singing and jumping in front of the office building door.

"Become a lynx, be a lynx, monkey monkey, monkey monkey, ha ha ha ha ha ..."

"This kid ... isn't it crazy?" Vice President Gao got out of the car and asked the security guard.

Hu Xiaojun watched him alertly: "What are you doing again?"

"I'll take a look." Vice President Gao stroked the brand new Audi with a smile and said, "Hey, don't let in? Don't do this."

This time, I changed to a bulletproof model to see if I could get anything.

Hu Xiaojun glanced at him and rolled his eyes: "People can enter, cars cannot enter."

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