Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: : The wolf is coming, scared

Vice President Gao dropped his brand new bulletproof Audi at the door and stepped into Xinghui Aerospace step by step.

Although the current Xinghui Aerospace has changed its name and changed its name, the asset transfer has not been completely completed. Many former employees are still living in it. Hu Xiaojun can only embarrass Vice President Gao, but there is no way to prevent him from entering. .

Although Vice President Gao regretted that he could not drive in the car, he did not expect it. He walked to the office building with his hands on his back and stared at Ding Yihui with a big stare: "Xiaohui, are you embarrassed?"

Ding Yihui, who was mad on the steps, saw the vice president Gao suddenly flushed with a face, and stabbed into the office building.

"Ah? Wait ... you child ..." Vice President Gao called twice without seeing Ding Yihui, shook his head, and chased into the office building.

In the office building of Xinghui Aerospace, there is still an office called “Second Office of Aftercare”, which belongs to China Aerospace. I do n’t know if it was intentional or coincident. This office happened to be the meeting of Ding Yihui as their studio. Room next door.

There is still a deputy director here who is responsible for solving the problem of the handover between China Aerospace and the Lazy Faculty.

Senior Vice President Shi Shiran entered this office and asked: "I just saw Xiaohui's madness. What's wrong?"

The deputy director was reading the newspaper. When he saw the vice president coming in, he hurriedly stood up. He heard the vice president asked and shook his head. "That's the case since yesterday. There are technical difficulties that can't be overcome ..."

"Where's the card?" Vice President Gao asked quickly.

"Precise control."

"Precise control ..." Deputy Chief Gao and Deputy Director looked at each other with a grin.

When junior high school aerospace planned to intervene in microsatellites, it was the two major advantages of "low technical content and low barriers to entry".

But is this threshold really low?

In fact, since the "Land of Tianhe" was born, its competition threshold has broken through the sky.

This threshold is desperate "precision control"!

Is it difficult to make a beam of light reflect the sunlight in the distance and project it exactly to a point on the ground?

Some people may say, what's so difficult about this?

But in fact?

People who have seen rocket launches will probably hear the word "window".

In fact, satellites also have their own "windows", or each satellite's position in the sky.

Although space looks infinitely broad, in fact, satellites cannot be too close to each other. Not only may they interfere with each other, they may even collide with each other.

A radish and a pit satellite has a permissible drift range in the sky. The size of this range is plus or minus zero degrees latitude and longitude. When converted into distance, it is 11 kilometers in low-earth orbit and approximately in geosynchronous orbit It is 7o kilometers.

If the near-Earth satellite shot out is in this grid 11 kilometers above the ground, it will be a good satellite. (The technology that accommodates multiple satellites in such a grid is called multi-satellite co-location, which is also the direction of future exhibitions.)

Some people have to say that there is no air in outer space and no obstacles. According to physics, will they not always rotate in a fixed orbit?

Not to mention that there is also air and resistance in outer space, the earth itself is not perfectly round, and gravity is not even ...

Simply speaking, there is another kind of force in outer space, called perturbation.

The sun, moon, Mars, Mercury ... the gravity of countless stars in the universe affects the orbit of satellites all the time. If you zoom in on the satellite's trajectory, you may have been doing Brownian motion just like dust in the air.

And if a satellite is to stay in low-Earth orbit about 3oo kilometers from the ground, it needs to reach more than 25ooo kilometers per hour!

How difficult is it for a satellite moving at 25ooo kilometers per hour to reflect sunlight to a specific point on the ground in an orbit up to 11 kilometers?

This difficulty is about the same as when you sprint for 100 meters and use a long line to pass through the eye of a needle 1 meter away ...

The lazy gods that can do this, and the technology they show, can be desperate!

Therefore, there is no technical problem to be overcome at this moment, not only Xinghui Aerospace, they are in aerospace, and they do n’t even know how to overcome it!

Doesn't he all come here to "conquer"?

Originally I wanted to work together (steal) as a (teacher). It seems that this side is also stumped.

Listening to the loud quarrels from time to time from the next floor, Vice President Gao frowned, and simply sat down, took the tea from the Deputy Director, and picked up a newspaper.

Well, I'll spend it here today.

A small part of the entire newspaper is related to the Mid-Yuan Festival and Tianhe Lantern.

A sudden holiday has just passed, statistics on various holidays have just been released, how many people travel, how much they spend, and where the scenic spots are full again ...

It seems that all sectors of the society have responded well to this holiday, and afterwards caused a great discussion about traditional culture.

But in the blink of an eye, an article called "heaven \ 'sLight! Light from heaven? The report of Gao Tianhe Lantern Popular abroad suddenly attracted the attention of Vice President Gao.

"Look!" Seeing this sentence, the chief vice president shook his hands, and his crotch was half wet, which looked very awkward.

But he didn't care about drying, and he looked at it while holding the newspaper.

"People who often visit Taobao may be amazed by the powerful capabilities of Chinese people's cottages. Often, every creative product can be found on the great Taobao once it is popular. It has also been criticized by many people. But when this cottage ability appeared to foreigners, it made people cry and laugh ... "

"Yesterday, a product called heaven \ 'sLight appeared on foreign crowdfunding websites and unexpectedly became popular. This product was crowdfunded by a company named he1ight, regardless of its product positioning or price range. Both are very close to the Tianhe Light. According to the website, the earliest 10,000 people ~ ~ can pay a funerary satellite called the light of heaven to outer space in six months after paying $ 399 . And 100,000 people after that can also enjoy a discount of $ 549, and after six months, it will be restored to $ 599 ... "

"After investigation by reporters, this company named heLight has been sought after by venture capital. Behind these venture capitals, it also points to many large companies in the aerospace industry, such as spacex, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin. ... "

"According to foreign media reports, the founder of this company is four senior students of ivy. They believe that the space funeral industry will become the focus of future funeral industry exhibitions. This market is infinitely broad ..."

"Fuck, this is the competitor's coming!" Chief Gao was shocked, and then he frowned suddenly: "No ..."

This newly established company can be said to be concealed. It is the combination of several major foreign aerospace companies that want to seize the market and are afraid to offend the lazy gods, or they are afraid of being lazy. A facade came as a buffer. They dared to enter this market rashly because they felt that the market had low entry barriers and low technical content.

But this threshold is not low at all!

Could it be said that these companies have solved the problem of precise control?

At this moment, Vice President Gao really couldn't sit still. He suddenly stood up and slammed the newspaper door and slammed the door next door: "Xiaohui! Xiaohui! Come out soon!"

Ding Yihui stepped out impatiently, and Vice President Gao stretched out the newspaper.

Ding Yihui glanced and frowned.

"The visitor is not good, the wolf is coming, Xiaohui!" Vice President Gao nervously said, "What can I do?"

"The wolf is here, so ..." Ding Yihui looked down at Vice President Gao's lower body: "Are you scared to pee?"

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