Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: : Buy for yourself

(4k word chapter, this chapter has been deleted, written, deleted, and changed many times before it is slightly satisfied, late ...)

Vice President Gao looked down and suddenly made a big red face.

Fortunately, Ding Yihui only uttered a word, then turned his attention and looked carefully with the newspaper.

Xiao'an and others around him also came around, Xiao'an glanced and wondered: "How is this price possible?"

The cost of a microsatellite has always been around 100,000 US dollars, and it can be reduced to the thousands of yuan announced by Xinghui Aerospace, all relying on one thing, the "Star Bridge".

The Star Bridge is built in China. The shareholders are lazy gods and China Aerospace. Only they may get the cost price.

In addition, there is no way to reduce the shooting cost to such a low level, or even a close connection is impossible.

"Can it be that they are going to burn money to grab market share first?" Another male student wondered.

"A user burns $ 10,000?" Ding Yihui rolled his eyes. Classmate, what are you thinking?

Compared with the price of 100,000 US dollars and 399 US dollars, it is too much difference. Although there are many low-selling products in the world and high-selling consumables to make money, this price ratio can be regarded as a luxury car for free Make money by selling oil.

How many petrol can burn hundreds of thousands?

How much oil does this have to sell to make enough money for a luxury car!

So far, no business has dared to do this, because everyone is not stupid.

Of course, these aerospace companies in the United States are not stupid.

They do so naturally.

"Because there is an earth throwing machine ..." Vice President Gao sighed.

This cottage company is currently only scheduled to shoot six months later.

At that time, the earth boulder is completely completed, and these aerospace companies have a small share of the earth boulder. With the throughput of the earth boulder, these microsatellites can be fired at any cost. Will be lower.

Book in advance, grab market share, cut out the cake in advance, how much can be cut, this is the purpose of he1ight.

"Ah?" Several people were shocked when they heard the words of Vice President Gao: "This is OK? This is too shameless!"

Speaking, don't forget to glance at Vice President Gao: "Shameless than you!"

Vice President Gao could only sneer.

China Aerospace just copied a concept, he1ight company is planning to copy the product together ...

Who said that China is a cottage country?

At this moment, a few teenagers, another ten thousand alpaca rushed by, but could not say a word. Shopping malls, such as battlefields, can only say that these children are still too young, which are just normal commercial means.

Looking at the disappointment and anger of a few teenagers, Vice President Gao moved in his heart and suddenly had an idea. He tentatively said: "For six months, it is estimated that they can also bridge the technical gap ..."

"It's impossible." Ding Yihui shook his head. "It's impossible for six months ..."

He really understands the difficulty of this technology.

Ding Yihui, they all passed the study of the Lazy God Library, and then Chen Haocong threw the required materials, most of the parts and codes to them. All they had to do was to integrate the existing technology. Even so, they It took a lot of effort and hasn't figured out what to do.

"Yeah, they don't have the technology! It will definitely not compete with us then!" Xiao An's eyes brightened.

"I said a girl!" Sergeant Gao sighed. "Don't you understand now? He1ight doesn't care about technology at all. There are 7.3 billion people in the world. Everyone will die. Everyone will be buried." This is an infinitely broad market. Can Xinghui Aerospace meet the needs of everyone? If I remember correctly, you are still limited to purchase now! "

"Now these years, it takes one or two thousand yuan to deposit in a funeral parlour for a year. How much does it cost to buy a cemetery? How much does it cost to buy a satellite and throw it into the sky? If this trend really brings up, do you think they can grab Go your market? Not everyone cares about technology. "

Ding Yihui took out his mobile phone and ran 6 websites of this company named "heLight". He took a closer look and found out that the facts were exactly as vice president Gao said.

This crowdfunding company did not promise on its official website that it would implement similar functions of the Tianhe Lamp. What they described in their brochures was just looking up, and it should be similar to the Tianhe Lamp during the Mid-Yuan Festival. effect.

Neither the beam of light from the sky nor the 3D projection was ever said.

But the number of reservations on this website is not even less than Xinghui Aerospace.

"He1ight wants only the low-end market, and they will not come to compete with Xinghui Aerospace in the high-end market. But you guess, are you buying more high-end or low-end?"

Several teenagers were speechless.

"So, let's cooperate with us." Ms. Gao said, "Anyway, Xinghui Aerospace also has to go high-end. The low-end market is worse than cheaper than others. Then you can authorize us to order the technology you eliminated. We have the advantage to compete with Yankees. Xiaohui, after all, you are also the child we grew up with, AV uncles and uncles ... uh, when I didn't say! "

The vice president Gao, who used to play emotional cards, saw that a bear child had begun to pinch his fists, and quickly shut up.

He didn't want to take another punch.

These children have been pitted once before, and it is not kind to say so again.

After hearing this from Vice President Gao, Ding Yihui was rare and not angry.

His original goal of creating Xinghui Aerospace was to change the future of Aerospace Street, which is mostly a subsidiary of China Aerospace.

After so many days of training, Ding Yihui also gradually understood the business operation mode, and knew that in business, there is no human favor, only interests, which is the law of business operation.

In fact, as Vice President Gao said, there are 7.3 billion people in this world, and these 7.3 billion people will die. Then this is a huge market of trillions, and no one can occupy it alone.

Rather than cheap Yankees, support yourself.

After all, the blood of Chinese astronauts was flowing in Ding Yihui's body.

However, Ding Yihui could not nod his promise to cooperate.

Because he didn't know the future of Xinghui Aerospace.

If they are unable to overcome the technical difficulties in the end, maybe Xinghui Aerospace must also struggle at the low end and compete with China Aerospace and the US Space Industry Alliance for such behemoths to grab the food.

"I think about it ..." Ding Yihui said.

"Then you think about it, I'm next door." The vice-president Gao exited with a smile, and came to the door with a dog-leg.

"Ah!" Ding Yihui roared, letting out his depression, and waved: "Come again! I don't believe I can't understand these techniques!"

"Oh!" Several teenagers were digging into it again.

The time passed by every minute, and in the blink of an eye, the time came to night. Ding Jun delivered the meal and saw that the lunch on the table had cooled down, but nobody had moved, but shook his head with a bitter smile and shook his food. Go, put on the hot soup, and quietly bring it to the door.

Just after Ding Jun left, the door of the meeting room was knocked gently.

"Come in!" Ding Yihui yelled angrily. The satellite on the table was assembled when it was assembled, but it couldn't work together anyway. This is the 47th test.

A wave of anger in the chest, repeated failures and setbacks, made these children almost collapse.

Busy to this day, the satellites quietly lying on the table, still showing no signs of functioning, seem to laugh at them.

"Give up, give up, it's not up to you to understand this technology."

"Why study technology like this? Anyway, even if you grab the market with others, you can always make money ..."

"Business is not what you are good at, even if it fails, isn't there uncle Ming?"

"Give up, give up, why bother yourself so much ..."

At this time, there were still people knocking on the door, of course Ding Yihui was very upset.

The door opened a slit, and a pale old man came in softly, and whispered: "Xiaohui ..."

"Ah, Grandpa Su!" Seeing the old man, Ding Yihui hurriedly gathered up and stood up: "Why are you here?"

The surname of the old man in front of him is Ding Yihui's neighbor. When Ding Yihui was a kid, he did not eat at home.

"Xiaohui ... I'm here to see you ... come through the back door." The old man smiled embarrassedly. "That Tianhe lamp is so much sought after. I can't get it, can you book me ... ... this is money ... "

"Ah, Grandpa Su ... how can I ask for your money ..." Ding Yihui was at a loss.

"Hold it, as much as you want, remember to save one for me ..." Grandpa Su was a little embarrassed, and he didn't like to ask for personality.

"Grandpa Su, for whom did you buy this?" Ding Yihui asked.

"I bought it for myself ..." The old man smiled.

"Ah?" Ding Yihui never expected to hear this answer.

"Xiaohui, you know I'm not well, I'm afraid I can't survive this year ..." The old man smiled bitterly. "It's been said that people have died for a hundred years, but I can't bear it. Your uncle went to Dongbin. Your second uncle and third aunt have gone abroad, and it ’s even rarer to come back once. When I wait for me to leave, I will return even less. What if I think about them? If I have the Tianhe lamp, I can look at it every day. It ’s them ... and my wife, who is old, has bad eyes, ca n’t see when I go out at night, and wrestles? Then I can take pictures of my wife from the sky ... lest my wife be afraid ... wait for my wife I ’m getting old, so I took her to the sky. As a companion, I ’m not alone. I can look at whoever I want to be ... ”

The old man reached out and stroked Ding Yihui's head lightly: "Xiaohui, you have done a good deed ... I used to be afraid of me dying, my wife is alone, now I am much better ..."

The old man smiled calmly, and there was a strange glow on the face of the age spots.

Death always comes, but the mood is different.

"Grandpa Su ..." Ding Yihui wanted to say, but couldn't say a word.

The old man held Ding Yihui's hand and patted, "Good boy."

He turned and left tremblingly.

For a long time, Ding Yihui was a little bit lost.

Grandpa Su's words were like a stone, pressing heavily on Ding Yihui's heart.

Next, the notebook shows the scheduled amount of Xinghui Aerospace and he1ight, both of which are flying. On the one hand, Xinghui Aerospace's ultimatum, and on the other hand, competitors are grabbing their market share, which makes Ding Yihui more irritable.

Making microsatellites is an idea and a business.

But is it more than business?

More than just market share, is it to make money?

It also carries too much.

But can he bear all this?

Those who change the world must also bear the responsibility and consequences of changing the world ...

Uncle Ming, when I was about to change the world, why didn't you tell me?

Can't fail ...

But the more he didn't want to fail, the more he made mistakes. When he made another mistake on the 48th pass, Ding Yihui finally collapsed.

Next door, Mr. Gao stretched a lazy waist: "Let's go here today, I guess these kids can't get out today."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a roar from next door: "Ah, I'm going crazy! I can't stand it!"

Then Dangdang Dangdang a few times, something was thrown out of the window, drew an arc, and flew outside the gate, Dangdang Dangdang rolled away.

"Bottom, satellite!" Vice-president Gao ran out, Xi Zizi picked it up, looked at no one left and right, and quickly put it in her arms.

Seeing the security guard Hu Xiaojun rushing over, pretending that nothing was born, took his body to block the satellite, and whistled into the next toilet.

Hu Xiaojun didn't have time to ignore him either, and rushed to the conference room on the second floor.

Vice President Gao took more than ten minutes in the toilet. When he came out of the toilet, he saw Ding Yihui sitting on the steps in front of the office building, holding his head with both hands and burying his head between his knees.

Vice President Gao looked at no one left and right, and planned to sneak away with a tiny satellite.

If this satellite from Xinghui Aerospace is brought back, it will be much more stubborn than the energy storage system that was brought back last time.

But he took a few steps, and suddenly Ding Yihui shook his shoulders, as if crying, and he could no longer move.


Ding Yihui's shoulders stopped shaking, and after a while he replied, "Huh?"

The nasal sound is very heavy ~ ~ It really is crying.

Mr. Gao sighed in his heart: "It really is a child ..."

"Don't cry, what's the problem? Tell me, just say it." Vice President Gao asked.

Ding Yihui was crying, incoherent, babbling.

Vice President Gao has only one daughter and doesn't know how to comfort the boy. He just sits down and listens quietly.

After a while, Ding Yihui seemed to finally calm down.

"Actually, 48 failures are nothing. Maybe 49 times have succeeded?" Deputy Chief Gao said, "Even if 49 times have not been successful, are there not 5o times? You have only been a few days, you know us Astronauts, facing a huge technological gap, how did they survive each year and finally catch up? "

"Because we failed 48 times, we will come again 48 times, man, don't force yourself, how do you know that you can't ..." Mr. Gao passed the satellite in his arms: "Well, your satellite, go back Try it again. "

At nine o'clock in the evening, President Shen received a call from the Vice President Gao, and hurried to the company. He saw the bulletproof Audi of the Senior Vice President parked in front of the building. Anymore? "

"But this time I sucked back a heavyweight ..." Vice President Gao walked to the rear door: "I brought Mr. Ding. He wants to sign a cooperation agreement with China Aerospace ..."

How can you know if you can't force yourself? So Ding Yihui decided not to give himself back.

"Really?" Mr. Shen almost jumped up directly, he1ight and the European and American space industry alliance behind it, made him sit up all day today.

After opening the door, Vice President Gao erred, "There is another problem now ..."

On the back seat, Ding Yihui held the satellite, nestled in the back seat, frowned, gritted his teeth, and fell asleep ...

Want to wake him up?

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