Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1136: : Coping with Stress

Because the lazy gods have stepped up recently, the focus of news around the world has recently focused on the aerospace industry.

Although the entire aerospace industry is leading the lazy gods, because of the "earth slinger", the entire aerospace industry is very optimistic about various capitals, the stock price has skyrocketed, and because of the relatively closed system of the lazy gods, countless rich people have money. Nowhere to spend it, instead, fueled aerospace companies and institutions in Europe and the United States that were not particularly strong.

Even Nasa, which has always been struggling with funds, has received multiple budgets this year.

In the face of the strength of lazy gods, many western companies tend to unite and share resources to jointly fight against lazy gods, and they want to form a loose alliance.

he1ight this company, even the pioneer of this loose alliance.

This wave was led by the lazy gods. The space fever that everyone was desperately chasing was called "next generation space fever" by the media. The media believed that the "next generation" arrived 5 years earlier because of the involvement of the lazy gods.

The emergence of the "Tianhe Lantern" and Xinghui Aerospace pushed the microsatellites to the wind and waves, and they were quickly fired as the "first wave of revolution" in the "next generation of space".

Because it's simple, friendly, short-lived, and easy for investors to understand, it quickly attracted countless hot money. Various startups have sprung up and are targeting this area.

He1ight is only an insignificant member of the industry, because many companies that did not do aerospace also have set foot in this field. Of course, he1ight is definitely the most dangerous opponent.

In order to cope with he1ight's surprise attack, the cooperation between "Xinghui Aerospace" and China Aerospace has evolved into "the first battle of the next generation of space" in the mouth of well-informed people.

In the next generation of aerospace, all the past glory will be erased and the old power advantage will no longer exist. Everyone will start from scratch and compete in completely different emerging markets.

Whoever wins wins the first piece of cake in the next generation of aerospace, and if they lose, it may take several or even ten times the effort to move back to a game.

At this time, the market is even more important than profit. Even if they really want to compete for money, these European and American giants who have obtained a large amount of venture capital are not afraid.

Therefore, how to compete for this first group of users is not only related to Xinghui Aerospace, but even the entire lazy system, and even the entire Chinese aerospace community.

Although Xinghui Aerospace and China Aerospace had a private grievance beforehand, the determination to cooperate with China Aerospace with the determination of "breaking the boat" is the most important and correct decision made by Xinghui Aerospace.

After two hours of preliminary discussion of the cooperation intentions, Vice President Gao personally drove away Ding Yihui, returned and looked at President Shen, sighing: "Not easy, really not easy!"

It is not easy for a child in his tenth year, even if there is a "Lazy Divinity School" behind him.

Even though there are still many immature, many take for granted, many laymen, but can abandon their negative emotions, and at the same time cope with external pressures like the tide, give up their personal position and make the most correct choice ...

More than simple? It's just too strong!

This really makes people sigh. Is there really a genius in this world who knows by life?

"Being a child is like Ding Yihui!" General Manager Shen sighed, and suddenly stared again: "Yes, Lao Gao, your girl is not about the same age as General Manager Ding? Make up for it, the fat and water do not flow outsiders' fields!

"Mr. Shen, what do you mean is fat water?"

"Uh ..." Mr. Shen laughed, took this section, and then discussed with Mr. Gao, and then started to report.

Although it was late in the middle of the night, when President Shen reported it, he was also very embarrassed, but what he did not expect was how much disturbance was caused along the way.

In the early morning of the next day, when President Shen was still asleep, he received a call. The big brothers paid much attention to this cooperation, even the last time the Star Bridge.

The Star Bridge is the trunk, and Xinghui Aerospace is the first branch and leaf on this trunk, and it will also bear the first fruit.

Before noon, the negotiating team from Beijing flew over.


Ding Yihui also received the call early in the morning.

"Early Xiaohui, have you got up?" The opposite was still yawning. As soon as Ding Yihui looked up, he saw the sun was scorching outside the window, and looking at the watch, it was 11 o'clock noon.

"It's 11 o'clock, Uncle Ming! Did you say it early?" Ding Yihui couldn't laugh or cry, even if I knew you were lazy, you were too lazy!

"Oh, is it? It must be a jet lag!" Nan Ming answered indifferently.

"Uncle Ming, have you gone abroad?"

"I'm in Dongbin."

Dongbin ... jet lag ...

What is the time difference between Dongbin and Changxi? Could I be on a fake earth? Moreover, even if it is jet lag, Dongbin dawn is earlier!

Busy in the middle of the night, Ding Yihui who got up at less than six o'clock this morning and continued to work, felt that if he had a gun in his hand ~ ~ he must make him suddenly.

This is too much!

But after all, the other party was Ding Yihui's teacher.

"Xiaohui, good job!" Take the jet lag thing in a lump, Nan Ming suddenly became emotional, and said seriously: "Congratulations Xiaohui, you two of us are the first to complete the fourth lesson ! "

"Lesson 4, wait, what about Lesson 3? Don't you want to be a better self? What is Lesson 4?" Ding Yihui was a little dazed.

"The fourth lesson is to deal with stress." Nanming Road.

What should a teenager do when faced with turbulent pressures that even adults may not be able to cope with, and even old-time veterans can't cope?

compromise? escape? cry? give up?

Or is it the only way out of this endless dilemma?

Human beings are a kind of creatures that are very unavoidable. In this kind of near-dead end, being able to make the right choice is the real talent.

No doubt Ding Yihui did it.

"Cooperation with China Aerospace is currently the best choice. Xiaohui, you have done a good job and give you a thumbs up!" Nanming Road.

At that moment, Ding Yihui suddenly felt that his throat was hot and his eyes were hot, and there was an urge to cry or even cry.

The four of them made the decision to cooperate with China Aerospace Corps. The four of them did not have no dispute or hesitation.

Compared with China Aerospace, Xinghui Aerospace is so small, as if the newly-grown seedlings are facing towering trees, and they have an official background that cannot be separated. What if they are oppressed in cooperation? What to do if you are taken away?

Not to mention, there are technical issues that remain unresolved.

But now, with Nan Ming's affirmation, Ding Yihui feels relaxed all over his body.

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