Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1154: : Elevator up

Above Lake Victoria, two fighter jets belonging to the US Fifth Fleet are patrolling.

The sky above Lake Victoria today is clear and clear.

After flying around the border between Uganda and DRC, the two pilots were very bored. After receiving the patrol mission, they had flown for several hours and were about to return.

But just return directly? It seems too dull.

The pilots of the two fighters glanced at each other across the distance between them, and made a gesture.

One of the pilots then contacted the base: "Lair Lair, here is Seahawk No. 1. No abnormalities have been found at this time, and they asked to investigate inside the DRC!"

There was a silence on the radio for a while, then a voice came: "I understand."

This is the default and pampering. For these American soldiers, occasional cross-border crossings, or even frequent cross-border crossings, are nothing. There is nothing to stop them over the African continent, or even to find them.

Congolese people will not even find that they have invaded the airspace of the other party.

The two looked at the remaining fuel. After a refueling in the air, the remaining fuel could go back and forth, or go hundreds of kilometers deep inside the DRC.

So they plan to fly over to the camp of Lazy God Yafei.

Flying all the way west, after a few seconds, they crossed the borders of Uganda and Congolese.

As a world policeman, Americans are undoubtedly more lenient than others and strict with others.

While interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, it is also a skill to be able to blame others on the moral high ground.

They believed that Silently entered the airspace of other countries to trample on the international order, but when they flew into the Congolese, there was no psychological pressure at all.

One of the pilots even felt a roll of marijuana, sniffed deeply, put it on his mouth, and hummed the small song.

If he hadn't been educated the last time, I'm afraid he really plans to swallow the clouds at high altitude.

For these American pilots, the use of auxiliary drugs is already the norm, and he has no psychological pressure.

Humming the small song, sniffing the smell of the nose, looking at the clear blue sky, and driving a fast fighter, nothing seems more comfortable in life.

Until ... Suddenly something broke into their field of vision.

Nothing was seen on the radar. It seemed that this thing was completely invisible, but a huge overhanging object that almost occupied the entire field of vision had already appeared in front of them.

"What the **** is ...?" The two people hurriedly pulled the joystick and let go of the sudden appearing behemoth.

One of the aircraft's wings swept across the edge of the giant and nearly crashed into the fuselage.

Bypassing this behemoth, turning a huge bend, and then coming back, I found that it had landed lower.

Viewed from above, it presents the shape of a oblate drop of water, about 50 meters in diameter and 30 to 40 meters high, or more like a smooth yurt.

And it seems to be falling rapidly under the action of gravity. Above it, there is an I-shaped sling that stretches straight into the endless high sky, without seeing the limit at a glance.

Although I don't know what this is, this must be a ghost of the lazy **** system!

Almost immediately, the two subconsciously pressed their fingers on the launch button, and at the same time began contacting the headquarters to request the use of weapons.

Below, the employees of Lazy God Yafei also saw this scene.

They were looking up at the UFO that fell from the sky. Suddenly, two planes broke into their field of vision. The two planes were aggressive and seemed to come straight towards the flying object. "

On the plane, the two people made the decision the first time, this is the enemy's facility! Ready to attack!

Just then, a voice came from their radio.

"It is detected that a flying object has illegally entered the security zone of the ladder, and the attack will be locked within ten seconds. The countdown to the attack will be ten ... nine ... eight ..."

The voice couldn't hear the emotional fluctuations, not even the men and women. It was just a cold countdown that made the hairs behind them grow up involuntarily.

"Lair, Lair ..." The two planes still wanted to continue to contact the headquarters, but did not answer in the slightest, until the countdown counted coldly.

As soon as the two gritted their teeth, they pressed the launch button of the airborne missile regardless, but at that moment, nothing was launched.

"Pop! Boom!" With a bang, the two pilots finally understood why their hairs were standing up. Just now, they had entered a powerful electric field. At this moment, the electric field was explosively growing. Before being able to respond, I discovered that a blue current was flowing from the instrument panel in front of me, and then the engine made a loud noise. Almost immediately, the plane lost control.

The crackling electric sparks were scrambling in the cockpit. If it was not the flight suits on their bodies that were insulated, they might have been stunned by the electric sparks.

The two attacked planes crumbled down, and the two pilots almost subconsciously tried to manually control the plane, but the damage to the plane was more powerful than they thought. Soon, the engines on both sides of the plane Smoke billowed out.

The powerful electromagnetic attack not only burned down the aircraft ’s instruments, but also burned down certain control devices of the engine. It was not known whether it was overloaded or damaged, or the high temperature generated by the strong electromagnetic force on the metal parts of the aircraft caused a fire in the oil circuit. The plane was scrapped, but the two did not find out exactly where the attack came from!

After attempting to control the aircraft, the two had to bounce out of the cabin, even if they were not far from the safe altitude. Two umbrella flowers bloomed in the air, blooming at high altitude above the dense forest.

Even though they were far from danger, even though the two planes had just been scrapped, at this time, the two of them were almost subconsciously looking at the slingline.

The I-shaped strop has a width of one meter in the horizontal direction and a thickness of about half a meter on both sides of the I-shaped cable. It is like the I-shaped steel often used in engineering, and the whole body shines with silver-gray light.

Looking up, straight into the sky.

Looking down, the huge overhanging warehouse descended directly to the ground, slowly decelerated, and finally landed on the ground safely.

On the ground, the members of Lazy God Yafei saw the scene just now. The two planes flew over aggressively, but somehow they caught fire. Although they did n’t know what happened, they did not prevent them from cheering. All broke out, and the cheering sounded loud.

In the cheers of the employees of Lazy God Yafei, the huge overhanging warehouse finally dropped to the ground, and the security staff of Lazy God quickly maintained order and let everyone back away. ~ On the land in front of them A deep well has been dug in advance. The walls of the deep well have been strengthened and penetrated hundreds of meters underground. Some special mechanical devices have also been installed.

After the huge overhang silo landed, the center point was exactly aligned with the deep well. The I-shaped cable at the center of the overhang silo was probed into the deep well and engaged with the machinery and equipment in the deep well, making a clicking noise, and the hanging rope dropped Hundreds of meters, finally a clenching sound.

In the next second, the outer shell of the overhanging warehouse opened, exposing the glass curtain wall and entrance. The outer shell was automatically rolled out and turned into a circular step. A soft reminder sounded: "During the operation of the ladder, please go down and up in order. Take. The elevator goes up. "

In space, two umbrella flowers are still falling slowly, and the cold wind blows the two of them trembling, their temperature drops rapidly, and it seems that they will pass out in the next second.

But the two did not dare to faint, because skydiving from this height would have been a lifetime, and the dense forest below increased the chance of death.

Just then, the two saw something and were approaching quickly.

It was a half-hung transparent silo-shaped hanging silo, which was half smaller than the previous hanging silo.

The I-shaped suspension cable is endless, hanging from the edge of the warehouse. Through the glass curtain wall, they can see a lot of people inside lying on a fixed seat, staring at the poor pilots outside the window, and someone waving He waved and grinned.

The speed of the hanging warehouse is super fast, just like a rat with a tail, and it rises along the long, endless I-shaped lanyard, and disappears into the sky in a blink of an eye.

They both opened their mouths and looked at the sky, unable to respond for a long time.

"Oh my ... this is a ... space elevator?"

A ... space elevator directly connected to the ground from outer space?

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