Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1155: : Arrived on the 2nd floor

The radar operator of the Fifth Fleet found that two fighters had disappeared from the radar.

At first they thought that the radar was interfered by the solar wind or clouds, or dived into the radar blind zone, but after waiting for a few minutes, the fighter plane still did not appear.

Attempting to call two fighters, there was silence across.

Just then a spy satellite flew nearby, and they immediately logged into the satellite and started a search.

Based on the time and speed of the two aircraft's disconnection, and the possible targets of the two aircraft, they quickly confirmed the approximate fall location and also successfully found the striking umbrella flowers hanging above the jungle and covering the canopy of the original jungle. , Thick smoke from a distant crash, and ...

"Oh my god, what the **** is that!" The searcher immediately reported to his superiors, and this image was transmitted back to the Pentagon as quickly as possible.

The silver-gray I-shaped rail erectly stands above the ground, but it is only one meter wide and half a meter thick, but its length is endless.

The track itself is actually as thin as a silkworm wing, just an I-shaped structure, giving it a thickness of half a meter.

In the field of vision of the optical spy satellite, it is a bright light band that looks like a reflective band!


What exactly is this?

Then, almost the entire Pentagon was caught in a three-stage shock.

omg! Is this a space elevator?

omg! This is really a space elevator!

omg! The lazy gods actually created a space elevator!

On this day, the generals and experts in the building almost became the most devout believers. The gods called in one day were more than the sum of their lives.

If we say that the nuclear physics community has a constant called "50 years from controlled nuclear fusion".

Then there is a constant in the aerospace industry, called "20 years from the space elevator."

In 1895, the father of the rocket, Ziolkovsky, proposed this concept. In the next hundred years, it has been 20 years away from human beings. Human beings have been advancing but never approached ...

Until now, he suddenly appeared before the crowd.

What is a space elevator?

If you ask an ordinary person on the street, I'm afraid I will be confused, and then guess: "Maybe ... some kind of elevator."

Congratulations, you're right, this is indeed an elevator.

Everyone has taken an elevator, a sightseeing elevator in a shopping mall, an ordinary elevator in a residential building, and an engineering hanging cage for engineering.

In essence, it is a lanyard plus a box that can hold people, and then it is pulled up and put down with various powers.

For every lazy person, the elevator is probably one of the most adorable inventions in the world. Think about the world without elevators. People have to climb several floors, dozens of floors or even hundreds of floors with their own feet. Lou ... Climbing to the point where my legs can't be lifted, I panted my head and looked up. It was an endless loop of stairs. This would be a desperate world.

It is estimated that many people give up directly and jump down from the floor that has already been climbed up.

In modern society, elevators have covered all aspects of human existence, but if someone tells you that there is an elevator that can drag things directly from the ground into outer space, you are like taking a sightseeing elevator and you can take the elevator to reach outer space. The space station, even ... reaching higher and farther, you will definitely feel that this is really bragging.

So far, the tallest building constructed by humans is the Lazy God Tower, which is more than 1,300 meters high. If you climb the Lazy God Tower with your feet once, it is probably equivalent to climbing Mount Tai.

Prior to this, the highest is the Burj Khalifa, which is the Burj Khalifa. It is 828 meters high. People who have seen Mission Impossible will surely sweat for Tang brother hanging from Burj Khalifa. Not on the ground! If you fall, you can make dumplings without chopping.

However, the principle of the space elevator requires that its center of gravity must be in a geosynchronous orbit, that is, its minimum height is ... 3600 kilometers!

This is roughly equivalent to 2770 lazy **** towers or 4340 dubai towers stacked!

how can that be! There is no ground on the ground that can withstand this pressure!

When everyone goes to school, they will be educated by the teacher, saying that the basic knowledge is the foundation. If the foundation is not good, how can we build a high-rise building?

However, the space elevator is a kind of construction that does not need a foundation at all, and its lower end can even be completely suspended.

Because it's actually made from top to bottom!

Just as strong as a wire, it is impossible to erect vertically at a height of 10 meters, and it will surely fall to the west and be bent by its own weight. But a 10-meter fishing line can be hung up, or even a large fish can be hoisted.

The same is true of the space elevator. Its principle is to use a centrifugal force to stabilize a huge weight in a geosynchronous orbit, and then hang a fishing line to lift an object on the ground.

The problem is that this fishing line can extend 3600 kilometers, even if it is not hanging, even if it bears its own gravity, it must be 200 times stronger than steel! This is an almost impossible task for the current level of human technology! Not to mention, as it hangs more things, it has to withstand several times the pulling force!

What's even worse is that the space elevator can be realized because it was built from top to bottom.

If you want to build a space elevator from top to bottom, you must launch a large amount of materials into space before you can build it.

This is like a chicken or egg problem.

How can a space elevator be built without massive amounts of material?

With that huge amount of matter, what space elevator is needed?

Isn't that foolish and sore?

But at this moment, the lazy Yafei employees sitting in the elevator didn't feel any pain at all.

They just feel comfortable.

Sitting on a seat more comfortable than a sofa, bearing about twice the acceleration of gravity, looking at the scenery, looking at the distant earth and the distant horizon, no one can say it. This is what requires professional training to be competent Space travelling.

In this world, it is estimated that there is only Silence, which can give people such a comfortable space travel experience.

The atmosphere inside the elevator is very relaxed. Obviously, the builder of the elevator is very confident in the safety of the elevator.

A few healthy colleagues didn't even sit in their seats, but walked around in the elevator. Two times the gravity is equivalent to carrying a person of the same weight as himself. The pressure is evenly loaded. Human legs and spine are much stronger than humans imagine. Going up the road ~ ~ It's just a bit heavy.

In the deceleration phase, the body ’s gravity gradually decreased, and it only took a few minutes until it returned to a feeling similar to the ground. A sound came out: “Well, the second floor has arrived. Passengers heading to the food court and subway, please Leaving the elevator. This elevator goes up. Passengers coming downstairs, please take the descending elevator opposite. "

Elevator going up? Many of the lazy Yafei employees who have already raised their feet and intend to go out have taken their steps back.

They looked up, and now the light on the second floor is on, and there is ... 3456789 ... above!

Is there a descending elevator opposite?

A group of enthusiastic lazy Yafei employees suddenly became happy and the desire to explore suddenly expanded.

"I didn't get enough elevators! I'll take another down, will I lose weight?" An engineer dragged his companion to the opposite elevator waiting for the door to open, and ran over. Take the space step and you will help me film! "

"This floor is a food court. I'm not hungry. I want to go up there and see what the other floors are. I'm really looking forward to it ..."

"Take the subway? Take the subway in space? This is kidding!"

There are many more people who are not in a hurry to get up or down. As soon as the elevator door is opened, they are attracted by the fragrance scattered in the air.

"Food court! My God, what does this smell like, the smell of barbecue? You can eat barbecue in space?"

In the elevator room, the ascending and descending elevators face each other, opening the door. Next to the elevator room is a huge billboard, grinning Space Brother with a face occupying half of the wall, and a huge and attractive picture of barbecue beside.

"When you come to space, eat the space brother barbecue! Yakushi go straight and turn left! Booth 201! Opening big rewards, buy ten get one free!"

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