Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1157: : 1 small step forward, 1 large step in civilization

In the words of Brother Space, the information content is too high. Even these engineers have not been able to fully digest it for a long time.

After all the information was digested, the engineers widened their eyes one by one and couldn't sit still.

Even the delicious food is not as good for them as there are many miracles!

Theoretically speaking, their earth-rock throwing machine is also an alternative subway, so among the lazy **** Yafei's engineers, there are many former railway engineers, subway engineers, and train fans.

What they dream of, the greatest flying object in their hearts is not the Silent, but the "Earth and Moon Train"!

The first and only train on the moon!

In this world, only trains are truly full of steam and dreams, and the romance of machinery and Weili is the favorite toy of men!

In order to build the world's "greatest subway", many people quit their jobs that had previously been heads of departments and paid millions of dollars a year, and ran into the lazy **** Yafei.

These people run to watch the train when they are unloved; to watch the train when they are happy; to watch the train when they are sick, and to watch the train when they want to die ...

They can memorize the timetables of trains in major cities around the world, they can count all the trains, they can travel through thousands of mountains in order to find a classic car in service, just to see the moment it leaves the station.

And the lazy **** system is the holy land in their minds. The earth and moon train is the holy grail in their hearts, because the lazy **** system proves that the train can not only conquer the ground and the underground, but also the universe!

But the lazy **** Yafei is a slightly peripheral company to the lazy gods. Most of them don't actually have the opportunity to actually take the earth and moon train. Now, finally, they have a chance!

Suddenly, someone left the kebab in his hand and turned to run.

Others are relatively calm and joking.

"Boss, your guest is gone!"

"Shocked, the Lazy God Yafei employees didn't even pay for the Overlord meal!"

The space brother smiled wildly and said, "Space brother is afraid of everything here, but he is not afraid of the overlord's meal, string, and start collecting money!"

"Okay." A smiley face flashed on the screen behind Space Brother, and the icon for receiving money flashed off: "Already started to collect money from five people including Lazy God Yafei employee Li Jipeng, Torre Robertson ... "

The space brother is already a lazy god, and naturally has his own assistant. The shopping mall inside the lazy **** can already be done. Take what you eat, take away, turn away, facial recognition and each other. The assistant can completely abandon such things as "drawing a wallet" or even "drawing a mobile phone".

At this point, the five people who had run away finally found the waiting platform, and saw a ground-moon train slowly entering the station.

The propulsion rocket attached to the outside of the vehicle is obliquely spraying forward and downward, decelerating and staying in air, and it is hovering smoothly outside the food court.

"The subway arrives at Yafei Station, please get off the passengers, get on first, and then get on board in an orderly manner ..." A soft reminder sounded, and a few passengers walked out from the inside while discussing, and there were still a few people Take a few steps, bypass the exit, and then line up to the entrance again, apparently not enough.

It seems that the ride on the Earth and Moon train this time was very good.

The moment he saw the car, five people almost knelt.

In front of the earth-moon train, several large characters "space barbecue" are displayed on the shell. There is also a moon sign on the front of the car, which says the time to land on the moon.

This turned out to be the "space barbecue" deity!

The Space Barbecue has also joined the operation of the Sky Metro?

Behind the moon landing time, there are still a few vacancies. It seems that Bear's ambitions for technology are far more than just landing on the moon.

What will be filled in later? Mars? Titan? Or other stars?

"Crouch, the prototype for the moon landing! I saw it here! It's my deity!" Several people knelt.

Probably because of the boarding order, the subway entrance and exit are separated. At this time, the entrance is still lit with red lights for passengers to get out of the car. They can't get in the car yet, and a few people can only stare at it.

At this moment, several people sounded a beep, it was Space Brother who initiated the collection.

Excited engineers said: "Agree to collect money, yes, give me more tips!"

"Give more? How much?"

"Give a lot! Give him all the tips ... haha ​​ha ha ha ..." Several people danced, trying to find something to vent their excitement.

They were affixed to the glass, staring wide, and greedily looking at the Space Barbecue in front of them. The silver-gray body is more spacious than a normal train. The body is sixteen sections long. It is connected to the station by two cars The seats above are very loose, more like the first class of an airplane.

When the green light at the entrance lights up and the automatic door opens, several people scramble to run inward, each occupying a window seat.

The reminder sounded again: "This subway will leave Yafei Station in two minutes and drive to Dongbin Station. Passengers are advised to fasten their seat belts. Infants under 2 years old please take the slow speed after half an hour with parents. Car, children over 2 years old, children under 12 years old please use safety seats ... "

Li Jipeng deliberately snatched a position close to the rocket engine, and watched the additional rocket ejector, which was not proportional to the car body, ejecting a hot flame straight down.

Wait until the door is closed, the station is locked, and the seatbelt indicator lights up, and everyone quickly fastens the seatbelt according to the voice prompts, sits, and waits excitedly for the departure. After a few seconds, the jet port turned slowly, and the ground-moon train accelerated smoothly upward and upward.

"It's accelerating, don't walk around." The voice came, and the next second, the surging force suddenly surged, pressing everyone on the back.

"Wow!" A few people yelled, speed and thrust, always make people shout excitedly.

After about five minutes, another prompt sounded: "The initial acceleration phase is completed and the subway has entered a stable flight phase. If you need to leave the seat, please pay attention to your safety. The elderly, pregnant women and children should stay in the seat. Demand, please press the call button and call the service staff ... "

Can I get up?

Several people unfastened their seat belts and stood up almost immediately.

At this moment, the earth-moon train is still accelerating, and you can feel the pressure on your feet, but the acceleration is not so great.

It can be seen from the angle between the nozzle and the train that the ground-moon train is not flying straight at this time, but is flying obliquely upward, so that the floor is perpendicular to the combined force of acceleration and gravity.

This feeling is similar to when I was riding the ladder just now, as long as I have a strong body, I can walk back and forth in the carriage.

For several people, this subway is simply a favorite paradise, representing endless novelty and temptation. They can see that each car has various facilities in front and rear of it, in addition to the middle seats, vending machines, and toilets. Wait, the desire to explore is bursting.

"I'm going to pee in space first." Li Jipeng grinned ~ ~ A few people beside him also smiled like wild children peeing and mud, "Let's go together!"

Sun Wukong came to Wuzhishan and had to pee and say he had been there. How can I count "I come, I see, I conquer" when I don't come for a while in space?

A passenger who had sat once and ran over for the second time heard it and reminded with a smile: "Remember to be closer to the urinal!"

"Ha?" Li Jipeng froze, then said, "I understand, a small step forward, a big step in civilization!"

"No, the acceleration is high, and the parabola is very steep! When you are far away, you can pee on your pants ..."

Li Jipeng's forehead black line: "..."

Li Jipeng went into the toilet and said immediately: "Digging, this design!"

Who designed it? Too much understanding of men's psychology.

There was a luxurious toilet in the compartment. Men and women were separated, and the men's toilet had a row of four urinals.

Behind the urinal is a huge floor-to-ceiling window, and outside is the vast boundary of the universe and the arc of the earth. The shocking view has kept everyone for a few minutes.

After waking up, five people rushed up and scrambled, and finally one person reluctantly ran to the place next to the children.

"There are only four, if there are five, the problem will not be solved!"

"Because, Xiongzi Technology has only four giants!"

Hmm ... The men nodded in understanding.

The universe is vast, the earth is at its feet, and the road to the stars and seas is unfolding in front of the eyes. This is the place that best shows the desire of men to conquer ...

The four legendary bear children are probably lined up here!

Li Jipeng nodded, and the four men lined up.

"Ah, yes, go forward ..." He took another small step forward.

Then conquer the universe!

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