Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1158: :Tower of Babel

[Title: lazy spirit possession Volume: University of Qingyang first fifteen eight chapters: Tower of Babel: Do not see]

The latest chapter of "Lazy God Attachment" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Tianzihao Bodyguard Divine Doctor Little Farmer Bao Tong Power Peak Secret Message Return of Korean Entertainment Secret Message of Yinyang Supermarket Rebirth Big Winner Two fighter planes that crashed into Congolese gold have made Americans appear in Congolese space elevator After seeing it, the lazy gods had already begun to move.

Facing this space elevator, the Pentagon is also very tangled.

At this moment when the United States completely blocked the lazy system, the lazy system actually built a space elevator?

How to deal with it?

"Blow it up!" Immediately, some hawks screamed in anger.

Those who offend America must be punished!

However, this resolution was opposed by many people. A consultant yelled fiercely: "You can't blow it up. This space elevator may be the greatest miracle that humans have accomplished so far! Before it was created, it may be the only hope for humans to enter space. If it is blown up, it may slow human footsteps for 50 years! This is a crime! It is a crime against all humanity! Anyone who wants to use force against it must A sinner for all humanity! "

The opposing hawkish general was a little stunned: "It is not necessarily whether it is a space elevator. Even if it is a space elevator, it is also an elevator belonging to the lazy gods, not the United States ..."

"That is short-sighted for some people, we must be against the lazy gods!"

"The interests of the United States must not be ignored. We are defending our country!"

Suddenly argued again.

Fortunately, at this time, the old thing came out to persuade: "Let's confirm first, is this a space elevator ..."

If it is not a space elevator, or if it just hangs down from the Silence, naturally it should not be praised as "human hope."

The space elevator is an artificial device constructed from a geosynchronous orbit, that is, 36ooo kilometers away from the ground, there must be a huge artificial celestial body, and its mass must be extremely large in order to "grab" below A lanyard with a length of 36ooo kilometers can even pull objects of a certain mass down into the universe.

36ooo kilometers, what is it? It is six times the diameter of the earth, and it can circle the earth twice when it falls down.

Therefore, it is very easy to verify whether it is a space elevator.

Just look at the top of the geosynchronous orbit, is there a huge artificial artifact!

It only took a few minutes for the Americans to find a huge man-made artifact approximately 4oooo kilometers above the Congolese ... or, it is a space fortress!

Looking at it from below, it looks like a huge silver ball, but it can be seen from its appearance and structure that it is spliced ​​from modules, with a diameter of over a thousand meters!

This is ... the largest artificial celestial body ever built by humans!

However, its true form must be observed in other ways. It will not be observed for a short while.

Then, the Americans continued to observe the dangle of the huge ball, and then they were shocked to see ...

This is definitely not just a space elevator, it should be called a space ... tower!

Although this tower is a bit abstract, it looks more like a string of loosely scattered beads.

In addition to the top-most spherical "space fortress", there are also eight other artificial celestial bodies of different shapes and sizes under the string. These celestial bodies are suspended by a one-meter wide and half-meter thick sling Under the huge sphere, distributed at a height of 36ooo kilometers to 2oo kilometers, under the combined action of gravity and centrifugal force, it has become the largest space creation, the tallest building, and the greatest miracle of mankind so far. !!

High towers that go straight to space!

"Ohmygod!" The moment I saw the tower, I didn't know how many people could not help but draw a cross on my chest: "This is the Tower of Babel! Tower of Heaven! Tower of God!"

Will the top silver ball be the city of God?

Is it the legendary heavenly sanctuary?

Will there be their loved ones who are singing hymns?

No one but God can create such a miracle!

"What kind of enemy is the United States against?"

No matter how great the plan of the earth's rockfall machine is, it is still on the ground and can be touched with both hands. Human beings have already built tens of thousands of kilometers of train lines on the ground. ...

But all of this is not like what humans can do.

Even on such occasions, there are still quite devout believers, and their common sense cannot even explain all of them, thinking that this is a miracle of God.

Some people couldn't help but kneel and mumbled and prayed, "God bless America ..."

Scientists who believe in science are a bit helpless to those who attribute everything to God. This is not the glory of God. This is the crystallization of human wisdom. This is not a Babel tower. This is a space elevator. It is a great cause created by human beings. The manifestation of human power is the horn of human conquest of the world and conquest of the universe ...

No matter how fierce the lazy gods are, they are human beings, and they have created all of them, anyway, it is not God and his elderly!

Next, they showed something more thrilling than all of this ...

Such a miracle is not even one place!

Soon, they found another "Tower of God" above Indonesia.

And this "God's Tower ~" shocked scientists and shook them.

"How could this be done by humans?"

From a height of 36ooo kilometers, this time, it was not a lanyard, but three!

One plummeted down to the surface of central Indonesia, and the other two plummeted to Dongbin City and one to the South Indian Ocean, just like a huge, unrivalled sharp triangle standing above the earth.

At the very top of this "Tower of God" is a larger ball. Is there two cities of God in this world?


And then ... they have a third ...

Can it still be moved?

Is it numb or shocked? Still inexplicable?

A school official was still waiting for instructions, and asked weakly, "A missile is ready. Do you want to fire?"

"Quiet!" Someone roared suddenly, how did this person mix in, did he have some eyesight!

Shoot or not shoot, I am afraid that without a few days of debate, it is impossible to come up with any results.

And ... can you really blow it up? Will it irritate lazy gods again?

Even in the United States, which is arrogant and accustomed to, this kind of miraculous technology shown by the lazy gods, and its knees have begun to soften in the vision of such far-sighted pictures.

Experts are thinking about another question ... how are these space elevators built? How does it work?

"Wait ... we have some pictures of our keyhole satellites! These space elevators, at altitudes above 2oo kilometers, have other mysteries!"

The picture came over and a photo was spread on the huge screen.

A huge landing wall, a row of four men, peeing proudly at them.

Oh, by the way, there is the back of a man who occupies the children ’s urinal ...

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