Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1160: : 1 sound of gunfire, 2 million gold

[Title: lazy spirit possession Volume II: University of Qingyang first one hundred sixty chapter: sound of guns, Huangjinwanliang Author: Do not you see]

The latest chapter of "Lazy God Attachment" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the secret message of the power of the sacred doctor, the peak of the sky, the bodyguard, the return of the fairyland, the secret message of the Korean entertainment, the big winner of the rebirth of the yin and yang supermarket, the rebirth of the sacred doctor, the medical doctor, and the keyhole satellite, which are basically synchronous movements. At this time, the speed of the impact was almost the firing speed of the cannon.

However, this satellite-launching cannon is actually a toy that is ejected using mechanical energy, and it is not fast to protect the components inside the satellite.

So after this first explosion, I didn't see any obvious scars on the keyhole satellite.

"You're stupid, hit the camera!"

Keyhole satellites in the United States look as large as a half-section subway car, and a row of large and small cameras at the tail is like a caterpillar full of round stripes.

At this time, the satellite camera was pointing in the direction of the ground-moon train.

"Look at me!" Li Jipeng fine-tuned the muzzle, so that the dashed line was aimed at one of the largest cameras.

The camera has a diameter of several meters and is a super telescope in space. Essentially, a keyhole satellite is like a Hubble telescope that points the camera at the ground.

The cost of such a satellite is horrible, and this kind of super-aperture optical lens is also one of the biggest costs.

Beyond the camera, there is a layer of protective lenses. With a squeak, a noticeable crack appeared on the protective lenses.

"Hahaha, cracked!" Li Jipeng took a deep breath and rubbed his fists. "Come again!"

At this moment, the Pentagon has been uproar.

Initially, when the first satellite hit the shell of the keyhole satellite, they only felt a slight shake of the lens.

"It seems like ... hit the trash in space?"

This is a common occurrence. The United States needs to launch a few astronauts regularly to repair important satellites.

The Hubble Telescope, for example, has been repaired many times.

Americans really want to learn German if they can, and hide a few maintenance engineers in the sewer.

Then they found something wrong: "Wait, our satellite has been attacked!"

The picture slowly zoomed in, and through the glass, they saw one of the peeing people just now, manipulating the muzzle and attacking them.

The people present were shocked.

This is a provocation to the great America!

This is war!

This is a terrible war provoked by the other side!

"Can't tolerate, absolutely can't tolerate! Use our anti-satellite weapons and give them a terrific look ... lie!" An impassioned general suddenly burst out with a letter starting with f.

In the picture, a silvery light directly hits the camera. It exploded in front of the camera, and then waited until the ball bounced off and turned into a pile of broken parts. A clear crack appeared on the camera.

Well, this ... this camera is cracked? Do you know how much it costs to launch a keyhole satellite?

Do you know how much it costs to repair a camera, how many times astronauts need to walk in space, and how long? You know we don't have a shuttle now, do we have to find a Russian puppet every time?


It hurts him so much!

"What about our satellite weapons?" The generals were furious.

"Er, sir, I thought you didn't want to ..." The school official just stood up, and was hit with a bunch of fists.

"Yes, I immediately arranged ... The Air Force has begun preparations, and it will take ... 3 days to prepare."

Three days ... ready?

"Human beings have never had a real space war before!" The school official was crying. Our department has made so many reports. You have always disagreed, saying that human space war is still in the foreseeable future and is stuck Budget, blame me now?

Hearing this sentence, everyone was a little dazed.

what? The kind of science fiction, science fiction movies have been bad space war, never even ... never happened?

Human beings have never even had a space war before?

Right now ... is this the first human space war?

How can you lose!

Must win!

But what do you want to win?

What can you do against the huge space equipment of lazy gods in space?

At this time, the Americans probably understood how the space elevator was built.

Recently, Dongbin ’s “Star Bridge” has been launched for nothing. Three days and two trials have been carried out. The Star Bridge has been running for several months. For the successful correction in construction, it is necessary to launch something to celebrate. It is necessary to launch a festival, but it also needs to be launched.

Unconsciously, so much material has been launched into outer space!

This is probably more than all the materials emitted by human beings before.

"If we also have an earth boulder, no, even if we take a step back, it's just the earth boulder at the level of the Star Bridge ..."

"If it weren't for some short-sighted people, now the earth boulder is about to be built. The earth boulder needs only a few launches to make up so much material!"

"Now say what are these ..."

During the argument, someone came up: "Gentlemen! Now that we are facing war, what we have to do is not to blame each other, but to find a way, how to fight back!"

Yeah, how do I fight back?

Just as they were arguing, the opponent fired a few more satellites.

Each shot happened to hit the protective lens, and finally, the outer protective lens burst into pieces.

The flying debris are shining in the universe, so beautiful.

But this means that the opponent has already captured the city!

"Okay, good job! Another shot will break the lenses inside!"

The outer protective lens is very tough, while the inner lens is unlikely to be so strong.

Li Jipeng aimed excitedly and pressed the launch button.

The red cross appears on the screen, and Li Jipeng wondered, "What's going on?"

"A prompt popped up on your face.

"Why the balance is not enough?" Li Jipeng asked his assistant: "Damu, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter? A shot of 999, you shot very happy!" His assistant answered angrily.

Wait, 999? I shot 6 rounds ...

It's almost six thousand dollars ...

"I remember there are more than seven thousand in my account ..." Li Jipeng shouted.

"Just let me give you a tip, I gave it ..."

"How can this be ..." Li Jipeng gritted his teeth. "Can't be like this!"

I just saw the dawn of victory. I just wanted to give the Yankee a good look. Why did it end like this?

"Otherwise, I'll help you apply for some money from Mrs. Xun and tell her that you launched six satellite bombing Yankees in order to shoot in space, just don't want to buy her a bag? Do you think Mrs. Xuan will give you money? How many?"

"Don't!" Li Jipeng screamed immediately. Some time ago, he set up a small vault as a fund to watch trains everywhere. ~ As a result, all private house money was confiscated, and monthly spending was strictly restricted The amount of money has to be reported for every move. If my wife knows it, it is just for the sake of refreshment, and you lose 6,000 yuan ...

What a **** mess ...

"Lao Yang, the rivers and lakes are in a hurry, lend me some money."

"I'm sorry, I just bought milk for my child ..."

"Old mention ..."

"Last week I met a beautiful woman in a nightclub, and ... you know ..."

"Brother, who of you ..."

Li Jipeng suddenly discovered that the group of middle-aged men around them turned out to be a group of poor eggs!

Everyone looked helpless and stood there helplessly.

The sound of cannon sounded like gold!

The poor have no right to war!

"Slum! It's unpleasant!" Li Jipeng suddenly pushed the joystick, and then stretched his hands forward, at the same time raised a **** that was common in the world.

"Fxxkyou Yankees!" Several poor middle-aged men yelled at the same time, raising their middle fingers boldly.

At this time, the ground-moon train has gradually slowed down and reduced in height.

The tracks that the two sides briefly crossed, separated again, and then one rose, the other fell, and gradually separated from each other, disappearing into each other's vision.

The first space war of mankind finally came to an end because one side was helpless and the other was shy.

This scene will eventually be recorded in the annals of history. Five men angering their middle fingers are unaware that they have made history and created a new era for mankind.

Starting today, aircraft and artillery missiles are all in the past.

Mankind has truly ushered in the space age and ushered in the dawn of a new era.

"Well, Dongbin Station has arrived. Please prepare to get off ..."

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