Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1161: : Waiting

[Title: lazy spirit possession Volume II: University of Qingyang first one hundred sixty-one chapter: waiting Author: Do not you see]

The latest chapter of "Lazy God Attachment" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The secret message of the rebirth of Yinyang Supermarket ’s Hanyu ’s secret rebirth, the return of the fairyland, the power of the pinnacle, the small doctor ’s peasant ’s sky font, and the bodyguard space ’s rebirth: “Dongbin Station” on the sky subway of Shengchuang ’s medical doctor, Xu Tao is a little stingy Standing in the hall, although he was extremely curious, he did not dare to move or look at it, for fear that others might see that he was guilty. .

Because he is not an employee of the Lazy God Department, the reason why he can come here is because of the light of his younger brother. His brother, an engineer of the Lazy God Department, works in the super factory in Qingyang.

This National Day, his younger brother took the initiative to work overtime and pushed out his original travel plan, but he happened to be abroad and borrowed his younger brother's qualifications.

The goal of his business trip was Indonesia. As a business manager of a trading company, he ran all over the country from day to day. He recently ran down the Philippines market and then based on the Philippines. He began to expand to other parts of Southeast Asia. Recently, Negotiating a business in Indonesia.

Just a few hours ago, one of his subordinates suddenly notified him that there was a problem in a business in Indonesia and he had to go to deal with it urgently, but now it happens to be the peak of National Day travel. Many people go to Southeast Asia for tourism and various flights. When it is full, it is impossible to book a ticket.

When he was in a hurry, his brother, who was a bit dull and always stayed in the factory, suddenly told himself that he could help if he wanted to go to Indonesia.

To be honest, although his brother works in lazy gods, but in terms of life, there is a shortage of social relations, and his social relationship is far inferior to him. Can his brother help him get a ticket?

Then ... he never thought that he would take such a fantastic journey.

My brother received himself driving downstairs. He didn't go straight to the train station or drive to the airport, but came to Qingyang University.

Then he didn't even show his credentials all the way, and went straight to a strange subway station under Qingyang University.

He heard about the "commuter car" of Qingyang University, which is claimed to be the fastest subway in the world, but he just listened to it as an urban legend and never really regarded it as something around him.

Until he sat down with his brother and spent five minutes ...

To Dongbin.

When he came out of the ground and saw the sea in front of him, he was almost stunned.

"No, is this true?" He dragged his brother without letting go.

Xu Gong was dying with a smile. He still remembered that when he was young, his brother came out to college. He followed his father into the city to see his brother, and he followed his brother, feeling this magical and huge world, and he felt surprised everywhere. At that time, he felt that his brother was the most powerful and greatest person in the world, knowing everything and doing everything.

And now, this feeling is back, just completely reversed.

"Of course, every time I come to Dongbin, this is how I come." Xu Gong smiled. "Come to take a swim along the way off work, your nephew likes the beach."

"I thought you took a lot of photos at once, and sent a few photos in your circle of friends every day ..." Xu Tao stared.

Then Xu Gong laughed even harder.

"What about now?" Xu Tao looked around. Without seeing the plane or the ship, he saw something that looked like a platform in front of him.

"Well." Xu Gong pointed at the sky.

Then Xu Tao was here.

His face was aggressive.

Xu Gong sent him here, and explained that he would wait for the car to come later, and then he could sit in, and then hurried back: "I still have work to do. I've been so busy recently. You got me over there. A letter. "

"I'll be fine here ... Do I need to pay anything later?"

"No, this is employee benefits, commuting equipment, and free."

"But I am not an employee of your company."

"Hey, you don't know the system of our company, all welfare families share it."

"Family sharing ..." Usually such things are subtext, only immediate family members can.

"You are my brother. We always pay special attention to the feelings of brothers and sisters. You are also on the list of my family. Now, I'm leaving. Be careful on your own."

Then he left himself here.

Xu Tao went south and north, and I haven't been to any place, I haven't seen anything. I wanted to speak a dumb English at first, and broke into the United States, and pulled an order fiercely. For the first time today, I felt so cramped, and even with every move, I was worried that this thing would be broken.

This is ... at an altitude of 200 kilometers!

Think about it, it is only 300 kilometers from Qingyang to Dongbin!

It's too scary for such a high place!

Xu Tao regretted asking his helpless brother for help.

This bear child, in his thirties, is still a bear child. This is all about rectifying himself.

How do I get to Indonesia at an altitude of 200 kilometers?

Just then, a train came in.

200 kilometers high ... train?


From Sky Metro "Yafei Station" to "Dongbin Station", that is, from Congo in central Africa to the east coast of China ~ ~ with a total distance of 11,000 kilometers.

This is a huge arc with the curvature of the earth.

It only took 25 minutes to fly from Yafei Station to Dongbin Station.

This result shocked them and took them for granted.

"Well, the average speed is 7.3 kilometers per second, which is not particularly fast." Li Jipeng said so.

For people who can easily enter space, this speed is not fast, is it?

Not to mention that the Silence once created a speed of 43 kilometers per second, which is the human speed limit so far.

"In 25 minutes, in a big congested city, I can also take a lot of stops on the subway ..." The human side around him: "The speed can only be said."

"But if you want to ensure the comfort of the train, even for infants and young children, you must maintain a relatively low speed, which is also no way out."

"Uh-huh." A group of people just nodded like that.

There doesn't seem to be anything strange about this speed.

During the flight, in order to control the flying height, many times the ground-moon train even sprays obliquely upward to prevent the ground-moon train from entering the higher track. Fortunately, the ground-moon train constantly adjusts the flight attitude to ensure that the cabin is as comfortable as possible. .

For passengers, during the flight of the Earth-Moon train, the direction of gravity is always perpendicular to the floor, but during the entire flight, as the Earth-Moon train accelerates and decelerates, it will find that the position of the earth outside the window constantly changes, like Turning around in general.

For their engineers, the principle is clear at the first thought, and there is no need to explain it at all.

They know the technology of lazy gods very well, knowing that although this kind of thing is amazing, it is not surprising that lazy gods can do it.

After the novelty and surprise, all that's left is peace of mind. (To be continued.) 166 novel reading network

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