Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1162: : Young self

[Title: lazy spirit possession Volume II: University of Qingyang first one hundred sixty-two chapter: the young of their own: Do not you see]

The latest chapter of "Lazy God Attachment" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The secret message of the return of the power of the fairyland, the secret message of the Korean entertainment, the small doctor of the yinyang supermarket, the yinyang supermarket, the bodyguard of the big name, the rebirth of the big winner, the rebirth: they take it for granted, but Xu Tao feels strange. .

The train flew into the station in mid-air, why is it ... Does anyone feel strange?

What is so long like a train is not a real train at all!

Why does everyone think it is a train?

Does he just want to take this thing to Indonesia?

Shouldn't it crash halfway.

Hearing their discussion, Xu Tao gathered courage, stared, and asked, "Is the subway slow?"

Didn't the bear tell me that it would be fast? If he delays my business, the efforts of the previous half year will probably be in vain.

"It's okay. It takes about 25 minutes to get to Yafei Station from here, and it's more than 7 kilometers per second."

"Is Yafei Station in Africa?"

"Yeah, Central Africa, Eastern Congo."

"It only takes 25 minutes to fly from Africa?"


"It's still very slow?" Xu Tao stopped.

"Brother, did you just join our lazy department?" Li Jipeng wondered.

"Uh ... it's not ..." Xu Tao explained his relationship in a humble way. A few people didn't find it strange. He smiled and said, "You're not a lazy person. It's nothing strange to you, come to you Say, this should be fast ... How long does it take to fly from here to Africa? "

"At least a dozen hours, I've sat on a business trip before." Someone nodded.

"That's it, it should be much faster by comparison."

Xu Tao compared the distance between the two sides and said, "Then ... is it just a few minutes to Indonesia?"

Oh my God!

Xu Tao felt that he would be scared to death. So fast, this car does n’t need any money.

"If you are going to Indonesia, it should take more than ten minutes. The distance is too close. It is estimated that the speed cannot be added." Li Jipeng smiled. "Be patient, don't worry, let's go."

These people also made an appointment with each other to go home first, and then make an appointment to take their children and their families out to take a car ride.

I have stayed in Africa for a long time and I ca n’t wait to go home. Even if there are other trains that are so attractive waiting, I have to go home first!

Anyway, Sky Metro is there and won't run away.

Seeing a few people leave, Xu Tao was a little stunned.

Just then, the subway to Indonesian station arrived, and Xu Tao quickly got on the train.

After 14 minutes, he got off the ground-moon train, took another five minutes to land on the ground, and passed the Indonesian immigration office located at the entrance of the elevator. It is easy for Chinese people to go to Indonesia without visas and a lot of trouble.

When he came out and found himself at the beach, he stood still for a while and called Xu Gong: "Brother, I'm here."

"Well, just go straight in when you come back, I have submitted your information here."

"so fast."

"Yeah, we will build one in the United States right away. When you go to the United States for business, you can go to work as usual."

Xu Gong was still busy and hung up.

Xu Tao stood there for a while.

I thought about Xu Gong's words again.

Like everyday work?

Get up in the morning, have some breakfast, go out, and after an hour, sit in the office, this is what he does at work everyday without going on a business trip.

If in the world of business travel, I am afraid that few people like to travel frequently, no matter how much you can make yourself comfortable, it is far less than at home.

But if you can go out this way ...

It took him 20 minutes to drive from Xu Gong to Qingyang University, and then took a commuter car for 5 minutes, a space elevator for 5 minutes, a 7-minute wait for the car, a 14-minute ride, and a 4-minute ride to the ground.

55 minutes in total ...

In addition to the time for immigration clearance, is it less than an hour?

In the old days, I'm afraid he hasn't arrived at the airport yet.

I'm at work on weekdays, I'm afraid it's also blocked on the road.

And now it has arrived?

This is the technology of lazy gods!

Today's just one hour has upended many things that Xu Tao has been insisting on and has always believed in.

He calmed down his mind, took out the phone, and called his subordinates here: "Hey, I'm here, come and pick me up."

"Boss, don't make a joke! When you fly over!"

"Roughly the same……"


Negotiations are not smooth. It is always the case in business. It is not always easy.

A few colleagues were a bit frustrated, but Xu Tao felt that he was very open.

"It doesn't matter, just develop other customers." Xu Tao comforted a few young people under his control. Suddenly, he felt that Indonesia was not so far away, and developing Indonesian customers was not so far away.

The one-hour trip made Xu Tao feel like he was going to explore markets in other cities.

That was more than ten years ago. Looking back, it can be said to be a beautiful memory.

Everything you're going through now, when you look back, it must be just a beautiful memory.

"Then we are now ..." Several colleagues looked at each other.

"It's National Day. Let's take a rest during the holiday." Xu Tao laughed.

During this time, he was busy day and night, and a few young people were a little bit weak. And compared with domestic life, Indonesia is really much worse.

"We don't want to take a holiday ..." A few people were crying, Indonesia had some fun to take a holiday, and ... "it's impossible to buy a ticket to go home ..."

Even if you can buy a flight ticket to go home ~ ~ the money for a round trip ticket is painful.

They are all young people who have just entered the industry. They say they are going abroad all day long. It sounds tall, and they only go to this third world country.

Coupled with the failure of this mission, I feel even more frustrated.

Looking at them, Xu Tao suddenly felt as if he had met his younger self.

So pure, so cute.

Seeing these young people so depressed, he wanted to do something for them.

"Let me show you something amazing." Xu Tao smiled.

"What? Boss, are you going to Grand Health?"

As soon as Xu Tao had a black line on his forehead, he almost gave up.

Finally, he took out his mobile phone, called Xu Gong, said the situation, and said, "I want to take a few children home for the holiday, can you help me?"

He paused: "Seeing them is like seeing us as young ..."

"You give me their information, I'll submit it for a look." Although difficult, Xu Gong agreed.

It's really pitiful to be alone on such a beautiful holiday season.

Five minutes later, he called back and said: "I applied for a bit and then redeemed a few qualifications with my points ... Brother, not as an example, I have very few points!"

Xu Gong's face was sore.

"Thank you, brother." Xu Tao smiled and said to a few young people: "Go and pack up, I will take you home!"

After more than an hour, several people appeared dull on the streets of Qingyang.

"It's awesome! It's awesome! Oh my gosh, there are so many things in this world!"

"It's just that the skewers are too expensive ... the boss is so dark, so dark!" Another young man clutched his wallet and burst into tears. (To be continued.) 166 novel reading network

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