Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 1169: : System Streams Now Popular


(4k, no chapters ...)

"Well, why are you here again?" In the shift office, the two on-duty drivers heard the door ringing, looked up, and suddenly hesitated.

Liu wore a sweatshirt, covered with sweat, and rushed in with a rush of heat.

It is now National Day, Dongbin has entered the autumn, and some leaves have begun to turn yellow. It ’s very comfortable when you go out to wear a thin shirt.

But Liu was sweating all over now, just like it was summer.

"Nonsense, if you run all the way, you will be sweating too!" Liu said uncomfortably.

"Are you going for a run?" The two colleagues stunned, then laughed together: "Hahahaha, you are still insisting on the lazy challenge!"

"What's online now? What loves him ..." On the first day, the two colleagues were challenged by Liu Anli for being lazy, but they gave up even after completing the initial questionnaire.

"If you love someone, let him participate in the Lazy God Challenge, because it will make him successful; if you hate someone, let him participate in the Lazy God Challenge, because that will make him want to die ... … "My colleague laughed," I gave up anyway, so many great people on the Internet have not succeeded. Can we succeed like this? I still look at me. "

"I continue to play games ..."

The two held their mobile phones and kept playing. Liu shook his head, took off his sweaty clothes, hung it to the side, wearing only one underwear, and sat down at the table, feeling a pile of waste paper. With a pen, get busy.

Suddenly, the phone “didi” beeps. Liu looked down and found that his phone was dead. He took out a charging cable and plugged it in. Listening to the sound coming from the headphones, he suddenly noticed that the sound became stuck. Then a burst of current sound interrupted.

Liu bowed his head and found that the phone crashed.

"Hmm ..." Liu held down his phone and forcedly restarted it. He just learned half of the course just now. I don't know if the progress has been saved. I hope he won't retrain it again. If so, he will cry.

Because "Teacher Ahui" is completely dependent on the existence of the mobile phone. Recently, the mobile phone has been used too much, frequently runs out of power, and frequently crashes. In order to reduce the number of crashes, most of the time, Ahui Tutor will return to the cloud and not run on the phone. You ca n’t monitor his progress without running on a mobile phone. Instructor Ahui is particularly severe. After the crash, it takes a long time to approve the progress before he enters the next level.

"It's time to buy a new phone ..." Looking at the slow startup screen, Liu Yan grunted and sighed.

"Just buy a new mobile phone in order to take part in that challenge?" The colleague next heard and shook his head and said, "You want me, don't struggle, just give up. Until now, no one has heard of anyone who can complete the challenge. of……"

"Yes, I have time to see it ..." Another colleague told him Amway, "The book I am reading is good, there is a system in the protagonist's head that can add intelligence and strength like playing a game. You have to Don't watch? I'll send it to you. "

"Go and go, Liu came to play a game with me, open a black ..."

Liu said nothing, frowning at the phone in front of him.

I was short of money, but now I want to buy a new phone? Do you have any input before you have any output?

Otherwise ... just give up?

Just like what they have, so far, no one has heard of anyone completing this so-called big challenge ...

No no no no!

How could you just give up like this?

buy cell phone!

The two ideas kept fighting in their own hearts. When the phone finally turned on, Liu opened the financial software and looked at his bank account, and sighed again.

A bank account is cleaner than your own face. It ’s also a holiday early this month, and you have to pay your wages later. If you deduct the rent, you will only have the money for your meal.

Again ... what if I didn't complete the challenge after I bought the mobile phone?

Liu stood there, looking at his colleagues who were half-lying on the sofa, watching and playing games, and then looking at his sweaty clothes hanging next to him, feeling exhausted from the inside out, thinking in his heart ...

Why don't I just give up?

It ’s not that I want to give up. It ’s because objective conditions do n’t allow it.

Liu, who found himself a reason, took a deep breath, took off the earphones plugged in his ears, and slowly put down his mobile phone.

Just then, the cell phone rang suddenly and there was a strange phone on it.

"Hello, may I ask, Mr. Liu? We have a courier for you." A man's voice came over the phone. "We are outside the door of your unit. Would you please go out and pick up the package?"

Liu Yi a moment, he did not remember what he bought? It is so poor recently that almost all online shopping has been quit.

Liu quickly walked out of the door of the unit, and saw a bus with a huge lazy **** logo across the door.

He looked around several times, but couldn't find the express car, then the bus door opened, and a person waved to him on the top: "Mr. Liu? Come up!"

"Ha?" Liu wondered, wasn't it express delivery?

"Teacher Ahui asked us to come. Come on, we have only half-time." That humane.

Liu looked back at the door of the company. Several security guards were pointing there. He thought that in this broad daylight, no one should come to kidnap him, and was instructor Ahui asking them to come?

Isn't Tutor Ahui an artificial intelligence?

He hesitated to board the bus, and then he paused.

The bus was full of various instruments, and three people were standing, one in blue overalls and two in white coats.

"Congratulations, Mr. Liu, you have now entered the 1000-person candidate of the Lazy God Challenge." The man in the blue overalls was the one who had just greeted him. After he came in, he smiled and congratulated, "I They are the rear engineers of the "Lazy God Challenge". My surname is Gu. These two are my colleagues, Dr. Zhang and Dr. Zhao. "

Then he handed over a box: "Come, this is a reward for entering the 1,000 candidate."

"What is this? What is a 1000 candidate?" Opening the lid of the box, Liu saw three things in it.

A mobile phone is a very common iPhone, a watch, which also looks a very common applewatch, and a pair of glasses, which look like ordinary color-changing sunglasses.

"Come on, try it on," said the engineer. "Then you understand, wear glasses first."

Liu put on his glasses and heard a voice: "Now you know my hard work!"

"Teacher Ahui!" Liu Yizhang couldn't help screaming.

In front of him, a serious-looking, old-fashioned middle-aged man appeared similar to the teacher named Ren Hui in his memory. He looked at Liu with a smile and said, "The so-called 1,000 candidates, It's the top 1,000 of the "Lazy God Challenge" progress. If I don't force you, you won't be on the shortlist. "

"Ah?" Liu was taken aback. "Are you real?"

He reached out and touched, but felt empty, then took off his glasses, and found that Teacher Ahui had disappeared.

"Where, this is an ar glasses." Ahui said, "You should have memorized these two words, augmented reality, ar for short, this glasses will automatically detect the direction of your gaze and automatically project the picture to In your pupils, I only exist in your field of vision, others cannot see. "

Liu took off his glasses and looked closely, only to find that there were several small holes with large needle tips on each side of the spectacle frame. This is probably the so-called detection and pupil projection system.

"Put on the watch again." Put on the glasses again, and then you see Mr. Ahui pointing at the watch, and Liu picks it up.

"This watch is actually transformed. It has added a lot of sensors inside and replaced the battery in the watch with a superconducting energy storage device. Now it has a battery life of about three months, and your glasses have a slightly shorter battery life. It will take about a week to recharge, and I will remind you at that time. "

Putting the watch on his wrist, Liu's vision showed several data: "Heart rate: 92, blood pressure? /, Metabolic rate 1890, intelligence 104, endurance 101 ± 3, strength 105 ± 4, speed 112 ± 5 ... "

After a few seconds, the question mark for blood pressure also changed to 135/93.

"You're a little nervous now, relax, relax, don't get excited." Teacher Ahui patted Liu's shoulder with a smile, but unfortunately he can only see the image and can't feel his palm.

Then Liu picked up the cell phone again and said, "This cell phone will not be modified."

"Actually, this phone is only modified with a battery, which is mainly responsible for communication and connection. You should be a mobile computing center." Ahui instructor said.

Seeing Liu raise his eyebrows, Mr. Ahui laughed: "You want to send it to your girlfriend, but you have to buy a mobile phone that will at least not crash ..."

Liu scratched his head in embarrassment and laughed.

"If you don't mind, I can help you import the information from the phone to the new phone," said the engineer next to him.

Passing the phone to the engineer, Liu asked, "This is the reward for my entry into the top 1,000?"

"No, this is only incidental." Tutor Ahui said, "Did you see the data in the upper left field of vision? Your intelligence, stamina, strength, speed and other attributes are all filled out based on your performance during previous training The rough values ​​are very different from the intelligence. I want you to come here today, mainly to refine these values ​​... and then have some extra benefits. "

Teacher Ahui pointed sideways to the two doctors next to him, "Now ask the two doctors to help you test your physical fitness and make a reference ..."

According to the instructions of the two doctors, Liu did some tests. It took about ten minutes, and the values ​​in his field of vision became accurate.

Intelligence 104, Stamina 102, Strength 107, Speed ​​110 ...

"Is this good or bad?" Liu looked at the value in front of him, wondering.

"For ordinary people, it's not bad. But for 1,000 candidates, it's a bit bad ..." Ai Hui said, "Intellect is your IQ. If it is 104, it is 1 point lower than the average IQ. The ratio of the average, your physical fitness is better than the average person, but ... among the 1000 candidates, it is not at all superior. "

"Is there any benefit to this candidate?" Liu wondered.

Why does Ahui's mentor care about comparisons with other candidates?

"Don't ask this now, let's get the most important rewards first." Teacher Ahui laughed, "I want to give you‘ add some points ’.”

what? add a bit?

Fifteen minutes later, Liu got off the bus, closed the door, and quietly merged into the traffic.

He glanced up at the value at the top of his field of vision.

Intelligence 1041, Stamina 112, Strength 118, Speed ​​119!

Endurance, strength and speed have all increased by about 10 points!

And this is not an illusion, or just the number has changed. Liu really felt that his body was full of strength and he was walking fast!

He even felt that his strength and speed improvement was definitely not just 10 points!

Of course, he didn't know exactly how the ratio and score were calculated.

And he just ran on a bit strange treadmill and did some strength training!

Why is this happening?

Is it really like the technologies of the two doctors ~ ~ the lazy **** system can already stimulate human potential in some way?

Is this special? It's like what my colleague ... system flow?

Of course, Liu didn't know. In fact, after entering the 1,000 candidates, the biggest benefit he received was this so-called "plus point", which is all the fitness equipment of the "Lazy God Gym" strengthened by Nanming!

"What's that 1 in intelligence?" Strength, stamina, and speed are understandable, but he didn't do an intelligence test.

"The increase in physical strength, the increase in cardiopulmonary function, and the speed of metabolism can in turn strengthen the brain's energy supply and heat dissipation, so although you have not added a little to your intelligence, your intelligence has also increased a little, but this point is floating and must Make sure your body is in the best condition to show it. "

Liu took a hard breath, this is so special! No wonder Teacher Ahui, this is the most important benefit!

"One week later, there will be another evaluation. If you can enter the top 500, you can add another point, come on, Liu! The goal is the top 500!"

Liu Shi was so excited, he nodded fiercely, and secretly told himself that he must cheer!

I was so excited, I even forgot to ask what kind of person this "candidate" was going to select.

Back in the office, Liu took a deep breath, and the mood he just wanted to give up was completely missing, and his determination became very firm again.

At this moment, he heard his colleague shouting out loud: "Ah, ah, this plot is so cool, good face!"

"Ah, ah, I really want a portable system! If there is such a cheat in the real world without effort, how good it is!"

Liu smiled helplessly in his heart.

Who special does system flow need no effort? l3l4


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