Lazy God Possession

Chapter 457: : 1 billion game coins

When Nanming was on the phone, there was a loud noise, and a group of people came out of the crowd.

When Nan Ming saw the liar Nan Ming, he was surrounded by people and frowned.

Why is this guy here? But also as a guest of honor?

Shouldn't he be in prison now?

Moreover, if the liar Nanming is here, he has been staring at the liar Nanming Xiaobai. When he comes to eat here, he should report to him.

"Xiaobai, what's going on?" Nan Ming frowned.

Nan Ming was on the phone. It didn't make anyone doubt that he was talking like that. Su Wenjie knew that something must have happened over there, waiting quietly.

"Hey Dad, I don't blame me, all lazy guys!" Xiao Baiyan couldn't conceal it, and quickly sold his lazy god. "Educate me to respect the old and love me, you, Dad, what's wrong with you? Go to lazy, don't look for me! "

"What did you do?" Nan Ming was speechless.

"Lao Bo said he didn't want to go to jail, so I hacked the phones of several of them ..." Xiao Baidao said, "But Lao Bo promised that he would never let that liar continue to cheat, and leave as soon as possible. "

Nan Ming shook her head gently, and people were more easily affected and difficult to see through the truth.

Perhaps the lazy **** really just wants to give the liar Nan Ming a little time so that he can get out and not be locked up, but no matter how savvy God is, when his destiny is linked to the liar Nan Ming, Did not give the liar Nan Ming should not give expectations.

Now, look at them with a smile, where do you want to leave?

Nanming could see that the lazy **** was floating around the liar Nanming, and found that Nanming was even here, and the lazy **** was obviously surprised. He floated over and wanted to say something. Nan Ming waved his hand and said, "I'll give you another day."

Nanming was going to let the liar Nanming be a horse. Whoever thought that this guy dared to provoke Nanming, he walked to the place where they were sitting and stopped.

The mayor of Chen County froze and saw that the small square table where Nanming was sitting happened to be standing on the road this team passed, and immediately knew what was going on.

This guy was suspected of being blocked.

Chen County Chief signaled. Several staff members had to bite their heads and whispered to Nanming, "I'm sorry, can some people move a little?"

"Why?" Wei Yi was immediately dissatisfied. People like you who are blind-eyed and surrounded by a liar are the true gods. At this moment, they are planning to make way for us?

The so-called arrogant bully is nothing more than that.

"Well, Xiao Song, you're here too. You were entertained ... I'm sorry, but please help." The leading staff was in their early fifties. Song Changlong called him the director. He had gray hair and whispered: "Let ’s do this. I will pay for this meal ..."

"Although I don't have much money, but this meal is still affordable." Nan Ming laughed. At this moment, he really has an impulse. Here, he and the liar Nan Ming will hardly make things fun. .

At this moment, a figure flashed in the corner of Nanming's eyes.

do not know when. Chen Wei actually walked in from outside the gate. Before coming in, I didn't expect to encounter such a large group of people, and hurried to let go aside.

What else Wei Wei wanted to say, Nan Ming waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's give somebody a place."

Without Nanming them, a few staff members helped move the table flat. He helped move the stool over again, and a few apologies again and again.

Seeing that the road was cleared, the liar Nan Ming and other talented people walked past, from beginning to end. Liar Nan Ming did not look like Nan Ming, always showing off how rich he was. Passing by Nan Ming, Nan Ming also heard him say, "There are too many cars in my garage. Once I went out, I wanted to drive a Mercedes-Benz. However, there were dozens of them. I couldn't find them, so I had to take Rolls Rice, speaking of Rolls-Royce, a silver angel rises as soon as you start ... "

Nan Ming is speechless. Are you under the age and drive a fart and get caught by the police uncle when you leave?

And I only have one car in total, right, now with Dabai, there are two. Where is a garage car? A prodigal son?

The hearts of several people nearby were also likely to collapse, but in order to hold the liar Nan Ming's stinky feet, they picked up good compliments.

"This general Nan, everything is fine, but it is too shallow." The man with gray hair muttered.

But two words of compliment can't drop a piece of meat. If a few words of compliment can be exchanged for an investment, he is willing to say three days and nights, and then Jinshan County might get rid of poverty and get rich.

When the liar Nan Ming and his party passed, he even apologized and left, and said to the old Zhu before leaving: "This meal, put my account on it."

"No need." Nan Ming frowned. It was really displeasing to see Nan Ming. The gray-haired man grinned and told Song Changlong: "Song, accompany several guests ..."

That's it.

Had it not been for the scene of Yiyao's investment in Wenji in the early summer, Nanming's patience would never have been so strong.

From the perspective of urban construction, Jinshan County is at least ten years slower than Wenji. Wenji ten years ago, if such an investment could come, it is estimated that everyone in Wenji will kneel along the way.

Don't worry about it, let's talk about it first.

Now that he can tolerate the actions of these people, it is probably because of the attitude of these investment managers.

Of course, there is another reason, because of Chen Wei, these people are always standing here. How can Chen Wei investigate?

After these people left, Chen Wei quickly walked to the back of the private room.

A few of Lao Zhu didn't care, and thought it was the staff who found that they had forgotten something and went back to get it.

Then he heard a pop inside, and Lao Zhu frowned, and Chen Wei broke a cup.

"Sorry, I went to the wrong place and broke your glass. I'll pay you ..."

"No need, a cup, it doesn't matter." Lao Zhu didn't care and waved his hands.

"Then I clean up the cup." Chen Wei took a few paper towels, picked up the fragments of the cup on the ground, and took them out.

Chen Wei went out, pretending to lose the cup, but he had collected the pieces of the cup and turned away.

With Chen Wei's temperament, even if it is to obtain evidence, it cannot be taken away secretly, although it is not very valuable.

Now that you have this cup, you can make a preliminary test to see if the DNA on the quilt matches the DNA on the evidence left at the scene. If the results match, you can arrest.

However, there were a total of five people working together at the time. Even if it can prove that Xiong Ankang was a bank robber of the year, where are the other four people? If they can't be arrested in one fell swoop, maybe they will escape.

Moreover, how to send the evidence back is also a problem.

Between tangles, Xiao Bai slowly descended from the sky, and said, "Uncle Chen Wei, Ming Dad asked me to help."

"Just right!" Chen Wei was so surprised that at Xiaobai's speed, it didn't take an hour or two to make a round trip.

He quickly took out the physical evidence and handed it to Xiaobai: "Go and give this to He Shan and let him hand it over to the technical center."

If the technical center said that it could not be used as evidence, he had to fly back to Qingyang to scold his mother. Is it easy for him to run this far to investigate the case?

"What the **** is this guy doing?" Lao Zhu came out and saw that Chen Wei's back was gone. Somehow, it seemed that Chen Wei was not like the staff just now.

Shouldn't it be a thief? But who thief steals a cup? Besides, there is nothing precious in the booth.

Can't figure it out, Lao Zhu doesn't want it anymore, so many people come and go every day, there are more weird people going.

So many things happened here for a while, Su Wenjie was waiting quietly, and when he calmed down, Su Wenjie asked: "Hey? Hello? President Nan, are you still there?"

Nan Ming almost forgot that there was Su Wenjie waiting here, picked up the phone and said, "Say, what's the matter with Red. Qingyang?"

Su Wenjie hurriedly reiterated what he had just said.

"How much is it?" Nanming asked.

"I asked Lazy God Investment to evaluate it. At the time, Red. Qingyang took land and construction and spent a total of 1.02 billion. With various decoration, the total investment was about 1.2 billion." After all, Nanshan District is relatively poor and land prices Low, mainly scenery and tourism. The place where Red. Qingyang is located is not a prime location in Qingyang City, but rather a relatively remote place. Limited by the building structure and geographical location, it is not suitable for transformation into other uses, coupled with the current red. Qingyang eager to let go, the price is severe. And part of the decoration is not suitable, but it needs to be dismantled.

In the end, Su Wenjie reported a number: "In addition to the recent downturn in real estate and the recent dilemma of Hong Qingyang, according to our calculations, it can be taken down about 800 million. President Xia and I agreed, Although Red. Qingyang is in Nanshan District, there is a road leading to the Lazy God Club. When the road is not congested, it can be reached in less than half an hour ~ ~ so it is intentionally converted into a hotel to make up for the current The deficiencies of the Lazy Gods Club. But Mr. Xia also said that investment in real estate has a low return rate and a long return period, so let me ask you. "

For others, real estate investment is actually a good investment. Despite the current downturn in real estate, in the long run, it is still promising.

But this is obviously not the case for Lazy Technology.

Nanming didn't have too strong an attempt to red. Qingyang, but it's okay to try, anyway, now Nanming has money in his hands.

"There didn't seem to be any place to spend money years ago. It's fine to keep the money. It's fine to spend it. Isn't Lazy Investment a new recruit? Let them practice their hands." Nan Ming hung up the phone.

Next to me, Song Changlong listened intermittently, and he forgot to close his mouth. Is this talking about RMB?

Wait, a boy of this age is one billion and eight billion when he speaks. Why does Song Changlong suddenly feel a little familiar?

Then suddenly thought of his son who played games all day at home, Song Changlong understood that this kid must be talking about game currency! (To be continued.)

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