Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 917: : Dangerous

Zhao Zhuang's mother was a particularly kind Yi woman. Although she didn't understand Chinese and how Nanming brought their son back, she was still very grateful.

She showed Zhang Yilin her Yi costumes and embroidery with great enthusiasm, asked her to take pictures, and invited them to stay in this poor earthen house.

Zhao Zhuang was very solemn and answered the questions very seriously. After finishing the questions, he looked nervously at Nan Ming.

Nan Ming browsed Zhao Zhuang ’s answer in general, and smiled, and said, “Student Zhao Zhuang, if you can receive our notice in early August, please prepare in advance. Lazy Divinity College has a preparatory internship before the school starts. project."

There was a flash of light in Zhao Zhuang's eyes, and he nodded quickly: "I must pay attention to check!"

He didn't know if he could be accepted, but Nan Ming's words did give him a glimmer of hope.

Then, he bid farewell to Nanming and others by the cliff, and watched Nanming and others ride the magical flying car in the heavy rain and disappeared into the rain curtain.

Just sending Nan Ming away, before Zhao Zhuang turned back, he heard a rumbling sound from the rain curtain. A helicopter broke through the storm and appeared in front of Zhao Zhuang.

The raindrops were thrown off by the hurricane of the propeller, and Zhao Zhuang's face hurt with pain. He hurried away, afraid that he would be blown down by the wind to the bottom of the cliff.

The helicopter landed slowly, a young officer jumped down from it, bent over and ran to him, dragged Zhao Zhuang to ask a few words.

"Uh, they've been here, but they just left." Zhao Zhuang said, and the other asked, he pretended not to understand, and asked no more than three questions.

Hearing the message from the officer, Captain Guo was furious: "Leaves? Can they still fly after such a heavy rain?"

"Team leader ... what should we do ..." the assistant next to him asked carefully, and he flew all the way just now. He encountered dangerous situations several times and almost destroyed people.

"Chasing, keep chasing! I don't believe they can really fly!" Captain Guo growled.

He just received news that the AVIC boss has flown directly to Changxi and is ready to sign a contract with Xiongzi Technology.

At the national level, there is no difference whether it is AVIC or their giant spirit **** project team and Xiongzi science and technology cooperation, and the project team is under the umbrella of AVIC.

But for Captain Guo and the big guy behind him, the difference is too great.

At that time, how can the project team take care of them?

In any case, we must grab this cooperation opportunity back!

"Fly back, fly against the cliff, search carefully along the way, you must not let go!" Captain Guo growled.

However, they did not return to the same way as they did on the original road. Instead, they took a lazy **** RV and landed on the other side of the provincial road through the rain curtain. They returned to Jiefang Road from the east of Zhaoxian County.

As soon as the car stopped, Liu Tianyun pulled the door of the car and drew in with a vapor of cold air, annoyed, "You two bear children, it's terrible to me!"

Liu Tianyun is an aeronautical engineer, but he is not really a big boss. Chu Kun they are attracting investment and seeking thirst. The boss they have received has a thousand and a few hundred, but just talked to him and saw him through. Already.

Chu Kun estimates what kind of private poverty alleviation fund they are. There is no shortage of such people in Zhaoxian. To be honest, there are too many of them. Instead, there are businesses everywhere, and there are few real poverty alleviators.

After that, it was a little salty, and the excuse had left in advance. Liu Tianyun himself felt that it was tasteless and left.

After returning, all the cars were absent and had to hide under the eaves.

"You said, I can't be regarded as representing my in-laws. Call me over, don't even ask for a meal. When I see my in-laws, I have to talk about it ..." Liu Tianyun was annoyed. Zhang Feilin made a big red face.

Nan Ming rolled his eyes. People know who you are!

Zhang Feilin shifted the topic and said, "Where is my aunt?"

"Oh, before I left, the staff said that it was too rainy, there were several landslides, and some people were trapped on the road. The county magistrate personally took people to rescue them. In addition, there were local flash floods, and residents needed emergency evacuation."

"Ah?" Zhang Feiling was suddenly worried, no matter the relationship was good or bad, after all, Chu Kun was her sister-in-law and her mother's brother. Zhang Feilin was disgusted with his sister-in-law, and more disliked that he looked down on his father, but in all fairness, every time he came to the sister-in-law, the sister-in-law always treated him deliciously and deliciously, and never gave her any wink.

Noisy and awkward, but can't Zhang Feilin be worried about such a thing?

Zhaoxian at this time should be noon in terms of time, but the sky was extremely dark, like midnight.

The pouring rain didn't show any sign of stopping, but it seemed like the sky had been trapped in a hole.

Tian Zhaofeng contacted the local troops, and his face became very poor: "There are landslides on four sections of the mountain, and my comrades are trapped on the mountain. Now there is a possibility of flash floods at any time, and their situation is very dangerous. Local The troops have already set off, General Nan, I ... "

His duty is to protect Nanming, but at this moment he is more worried about his companions who are in danger on the mountain road.

"Together." Nanming said.

These people are in danger because of him. How can Nanming never die?

At this moment, Zhang Feilin's phone rang. Zhang Feilin took it and looked at it, tongue out: "My dad called, I am about to be scolded!"

As soon as the call was connected, it turned out to be a piece of information from Zhang Quanzhen: "A few of you, when do you want to see your uncle? Your uncle is going crazy!"


On the mountain road outside Zhao County, several rescue vehicles were moving hard. The driver drove the car cautiously, and the county chief Chu Kun looked extremely gloomy.

The storm came too quickly, and even the weather forecast never reminded.

Originally on the mountain roads, specifically looking for geologically stable places, several emergency refuges were opened, but these refuges were about to fall out at this time.

Although they knew they were going up the mountain to save people, maybe they would take themselves in, but they also had to go.

Moreover, Chu Kun must go in person. When it is so dangerous, should he hide behind and instruct others to go?

Chu Kun couldn't do such a thing.

But Chu Kun was not worried at this time.

His son Chu Liangcai went to the airport to pick up niece Zhang Feilin, but he hasn't returned yet.

Even the phone didn't work.

Although he was worried about Chu Liangcai, he knew what the boy was urine. Since Chu Kun became the magistrate, he has been acting as a gangster all day long, but he doesn't know where to fooling around, maybe he has caused something.

To be honest, although the director is very important, if he doesn't ask for him ~ ~ he doesn't want to be aggressive, he can't do anything to himself.

But nephew daughter Zhang Feilin made him very worried.

A little girl in her tenth year of age, who has gone to such an unfamiliar place by herself, is already very worrying.

When he got to the ground, he had to be responsible for his niece.

Who would have thought that the niece had disappeared on his own land, and when the old father at home was looking forward to his "Fifi little obedient" all day, if something happened to Zhang Feilin, how could he tell him Explain yourself? Explain to your old father?

How can he feel relieved in the second half of his life?

An hour ago, Chu Kun gathered courage and called his sister.

It was brother-in-law Zhang Quanzhen who answered the phone.

Rarely, Chu Kun didn't raise his nose and eyes to his brother-in-law, instead he felt guilty.

He told the story again. He thought he would welcome the brother-in-law ’s thunderous thunder. Whoever thought of her brother-in-law was indifferent and light-hearted, said: "It doesn't matter, Film is used to this girl, I guess it is where she went to play, wait for her If you get tired of it, you will go back. I will call her later. "

Zhang Quanzhen promised to contact Zhang Feilin, and immediately called him, but after entering the mountain, perhaps the signal tower was also affected by the heavy rain and remained in a state of no signal. Chu Kun was anxious.

They came to the rescue, but after entering the mountain, they seemed to be in distress. This kind of isolation, like the rootless duckweed, was constantly brewing in the rescue vehicle that could be washed down the mountain at any time.

"The magistrate, the road ahead is broken!" At this moment, the driver broke his thoughts, "It seems that a car is blocked in the opposite direction!"

"Get out of the car and clear the road!" Chu Kun put on his raincoat and got out of the car.

Being able to save one is one. (To be continued.)

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